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maandag 28 november 2022

#WORLD #WORLDWIDE #ITALY #SICILIA #ANARCHISM #LIBRARY #News #Journal #Update - (en) #Sicilia Libertaria November 22: No Muos (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 On Sunday, October 16, the NO MUOS Committee of Ragusa organized a propaganda

morning in Buccheri (SR) with the exhibition of the 50th anniversary of themovement. The participation of the public in this small town never reached byactivists was good. The local comrades also roasted chestnuts in the square, thusmaking a small sum to be allocated to the legal expenses of the movement. ---- Onthe morning of October 17, a delegation from the No Muos Movement participated inthe sit-in protest against the military exercises in Punta Bianca (Ag). Here isthe press release issued today: ---- "In the Drasy polygon the exercises havebeen taking place for more than 60 years, polluting the places with the spread ofheavy metals on land and at sea. Last March, after protests and complaints,military exercises in the Punta Bianca area, which in the meantime had become anature reserve with the provision of establishment of the Sicilian Region lastJune 23, were suspended. Then the announcement of the resumption starting from 17October.In addition, in all this period the necessary reclamations have not even beencarried out, nor the restoration of the damaged roads promised to the Mayor ofAgrigento as compensation for the military occupation.Local associations such as Mareamico Delegazione Di Agrigento, Marevivo Sicily,Legambiente Sicily together with the No Muos Movement and individual citizens ofthe area then chose to demonstrate today at the entrance to the Punta Bianca Reserve.The military did not show up and, it seems, that for the moment the resumption ofexercises is suspended. We will continue to keep our attention high so that thearea is never again occupied by the Italian and US armies for its war exercisesand to demand the reclamation and restoration of the roads damaged by them ".Another delegation of the Movement was present on 23 October in Reggio Emilia, atthe Cucine del Popolo in Massenzatico, at the national meeting of theAntimilitarist Assembly, where it reported on the current situation of thestruggle in Sicily. One of the central issues addressed was that of solidaritywith Ukrainian and Russian deserters, who find it difficult to leave theircountries as their borders have been closed. Initiatives are being set up invarious European countries with the aim of pushing for those who refuse to fightfor an army to be respected as an objector or left free to travel abroad. Anothertheme was that of November 4, the day in which in many places theanti-militarists will give rise to protests of the commemorative ceremonies ofthe wars and the armed forces.In Sicily, the Assembly of the Movement on October 15 launched a campaign tochallenge the militarist propaganda and patriotic rhetoric which will be thesubject of the students on the occasion of the anniversary of Italy's "victory"in the first world carnage. The appeal circulated in schools states:"The exaltation of the victory of the First World War, the first true generalizedimperialist conflict, responds to a nationalist and chauvinist rhetoric, whichwants to read Italy's intervention in the conflict as the completion of theRisorgimento process. In reality, the Great War was the culmination of theinter-imperialist tensions that had crossed all of Europe for decades; theinvolvement of our country, masked by the desire to free territories with anItalian majority, responded to the desire of Italian capitalism to participate inthe division of the imperialist booty, acquiring new territories, trade routes,communication routes, outlets to the sea. Millions of workers were sent toslaughter in the trenches to fight a war from which they had nothing to gain.The economic interests that animated that conflict were the same that favored theoutbreak of the Second World War, and making a pindaric flight to the presentday, are the same ones that trigger proxy wars in this phase. Capitalism has nowreached its phase of maximum development, states are competing for the divisionof the globe into spheres of influence, even at the cost of resorting to armedconflicts. The ideological artifices used in the past to legitimize war are stillre-proposed today with the most varied pretexts: from the fight againstterrorism, to the distinction between the aggressor and the attacked country, to"denazification". All elements designed specifically to camouflage the realcauses that push the capitalist states to make war with each other and appeal to"National Unity" against the external enemy. ""Every day in the places of knowledge we are bombarded by ideological operationsaimed at creating consensus around the involvement of our country in war. Thestudent movement has historically married anti-militarist and anti-imperialistbattles. Students of every generation have been protagonists of the massmobilizations against the war. It is our historical task to intervene even now,in a phase in which the risk of a generalization of the conflict is very real. Wemust guard the places of knowledge so that they are not infected by warpropaganda, or even involved in preparing for war, as is the case for manyuniversities in our country. There are dozens of universities that annually enterinto agreements with the military industry and with the military apparatuses ofthe states. There are hundreds of projects involving students from schools andmilitary corps, as in the case of the convention signed last year by the SicilianUSR with the Italian army to have PCTOs carried out in three large Sicilianbarracks. "The Sicilian from Paternò Ignazio Maria Benito La Russa was elected president ofthe Senate. La Russa is an old acquaintance of the NO MUOS Movement. In fact,during the 4th Berlusconi government, from 8 May 2008 to 16 November 2011, heheld the position of defense minister, and as such ended up in the spotlight ofthe Pentagon which, considering him a sincere and reliable friend, worked tobring ahead of the interests of the United States within the Italian government,also modifying some stances unwelcome by the White House.Some background has also ended up in the Wikileaks cables, the ones that arecosting Assange extradition. From these it is clear how La Russa acted againstthe national interest to favor Muos, the expansion of the Dal Molin base andprovided support to all the wars unleashed by the USA. In Sicily, in particular,La Russa was asked to intercede with the Lombard governor to change his opinionon the installation of the MUOS; our mission had a favorable outcome, andLombardo immediately changed his position by opening the door to the MUOStro.Then the revelations caused a lot of uproar, someone even asked for theresignation of La Russa but without results. Many have forgotten thisbiographical passage from our recent career. We do not.https://www.sicilialibertaria.it/_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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