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dinsdag 29 november 2022

#WORLD #WORLDWIDE #INFORMATION #ANARCHISM #LIBRARY #News #Journal #Update - (en) #anarkismo.net: The Debate over Kropotkin on World War I - Its Lessons for Anarchists Today by Wayne Price (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 There is a debate over the views of Kropotkin, the great anarchist, on the First

World War and on Imperialism in General. This shines a light on anarchists'opinions of imperialism, national self-determination, and the currentUkrainian-Russian War. ---- In 1914, World War I (then called "The Great War")began, centered in the big countries of Europe. It was greeted with enthusiasm bymost of the populations of the warring countries. It was endorsed by most oftheir socialist and labor parties and by their unions. Most of the leadingMarxist theoreticians took pro-war positions or were at best wishy-washy, notwanting to break with the militaristic majority. Only a small section ofrevolutionary Marxists opposed the war totally (including Lenin, Luxemburg,Trotsky, and Debs).Unlike the Marxists, most anarchists opposed both sides of the war, with thesignificant exception of a small minority. This minority supported the Entente(the Allies) against the Central Powers. It included the most well-known andrespected anarchist, Peter Kropotkin. Kropotkin (1842-1921) was widely regardedas one of the "founders" of anarchism. Most of the anarchist movement at the timewas surprised and disappointed about Kropotkin's pro-war stance. Today,anarchists still read his works and respect his contributions to our theory andhistory. Yet, most who comment on Kropotkin believe that he was gravely mistakenin his views on the war and agree with his anarchist critics from that time.However, a few writers on anarchism have concluded that his views should bere-examined and reconsidered. In the light of World War II and more current wars,perhaps he was not so wrong after all, they suggest. (Kinna 2017; Ryley 2017)This question may appear to be abstractly historical. But, as I write this, aterrible war is raging between the Russian state and the Ukrainian people, withthe latter getting aid from the imperialist states of the U.S. and NATO. Wars arealso being fought in other countries around the globe. Imperialism, nationalism,the exploitation of weaker countries by the rulers of stronger ones, and theexistence of a world capitalist market-all continue from Kropotkin's time toours. What attitude should revolutionary anarchists take toward these variouswars and conflicts? These issues were debated back then and are stillilluminating in our current conditions.Referring to arguments over U.S. intervention in the Middle East and CentralAsia, Peter Ryley writes, "The issues that Kropotkin raised have not goneaway....The schism among anarchists in 1914 is not an historical curiosity; it isa live debate." (2017; p. 50) I believe that Kropotkin was deeply wrong aboutWorld War I. I agree with his critics then and now. But I think it can bevaluable to review the discussion.The WarThe war was an inter-imperialist conflict. This was not particularly subtle. Onone side was the British Empire, the Russian Empire, and the French Empire,eventually joined by the Italian Empire and the Japanese Empire, and finally bythe United States of America. On the other side was the German Empire, theAustrian-Hungarian Empire, and the Turkish Empire. The only one not officiallycalling itself an empire was the United States. With its domination of LatinAmerica and the Caribbean and parts of the Pacific, it was hard to see it asanything else.To justify supporting one of the sides, it was necessary to find qualitativedifferences among the empires. The German social-democrats pointed to a threatfrom the cossacks and hordes of Czarist Russia which would destroy German Kultur.Actually, Czarist Russia was a very authoritarian state, but it was weak by thenand on the verge of collapse-as it did under the pressures of the war. On theother side, supporters of the Entente pointed to the ruling German junker class,and the threat of Prussian militarism.It is worth pointing out that the German monarchy, while quite authoritarian, wasnot the same as the later Nazi regime. There was an elected parliament (theBundestag), even if generally powerless. Its largest party was theSocial-Democratic Party. True, the German rulers were more aggressive than theBritish and French rulers, if only because the British and French already heldmost of the world as colonies. They were the "have" imperialists. It was saidthat the sun never set on the British Empire nor the blood ever dried. If therising capitalists of Germany, and the German state (the "have-not"imperialists), were to expand now, they had to challenge the British and French,they "had" to be the aggressors. This did not make the Allies more "peaceful",just more satiated.Kropotkin's arguments for supporting the Allies were rooted in fear of Germanmilitarism. If the Germans were to win the war, he thought, it would set backprogress toward an anarchist transformation. He saw the horrors of the Germanstate, its military rulers, and its repressive bureaucracy, but he did notdistinguish between the state and the whole German nation, including its workingclass. He had repeatedly denounced Marxism and statist socialism(social-democracy) as reflecting German culture. Kinna writes of "Kropotkin'santipathy for German social democracy and this conflation of all things Germanwith statism." (2017; p. 187) He saw the victory of libertarian communism asrequiring the victory of the "Latin" peoples over the "Germanic" peoples, andtherefore the victory of the Entente over Germany. He had a romantic view ofFrance. The French state had imprisoned him and then expelled him. Yet he sawFrance as the mother of revolutions, the center of revolutions in Europe, and theinspirer of revolution for Russia. It must not be conquered by the Prussian army!Like Bakunin and other anarchists, Kropotkin had long supported the idea ofnational self-determination. "True internationalism will never be attained exceptby the independence of each nationality....If we say no government of man overman, how can[we]permit the government of conquered nationalities by theconquering nationalities?" (in Miller 1976; p. 231) He supported all nationalmovements against foreign oppressors, such as the Indians and Irish againstBritain, the Balkan peoples against Turkey, or the Poles against Russia.Solidarity with the oppressed people did not mean anarchists should give anypolitical support to their leaders and rulers, their capitalists and landlords.Kropotkin thought it was important to combine "economic" demands, such as land tothe peasants, with national demands.In World War I, he applied national self-determination to the French, who hadbeen attacked, invaded, and partially occupied by German forces. He ignored thedifference in this case, that France was not an exploited and oppressed nationbut an imperialist power. It had its own colonies (the French state ruled about15 % of the world). He ignored that France would do the same to the Germans if itwon the war.During the Franco-Prussian War of 1870 (which culminated in the Paris Commune of1871), Bakunin had urged the French to resist the invading Germans. But headvocated this be done by forming revolutionary armies of workers and peasants,unconnected to the French state and in revolutionary opposition to it. In theyears before the world war, Kropotkin had also advocated such a popular andrevolutionary armed defense of France against a German attack. Yet when the waractually began, Kropotkin declared that it would not be possible to create suchforces in time. The only realistic way to resist the Germans, he declared, was tosupport the Allied governments and their regular armies.When the idea was floated of an end to the war through a negotiated compromise,Kropotkin protested. (Riley 2017) A negotiated peace would only allow the Germansto re-arm, he argued. Nothing would do but the complete and unconditional defeatof the Germans.In 1917, the first phase of the Russian Revolution broke out (the "FebruaryRevolution"). Czarism was overthrown, and a more-or-less liberal "ProvisionalGovernment" took power, balancing itself against the popular democratic councils(soviets). Kropotkin returned to Russia. He continued to demand Russia'sparticipation in the war, even though the war was ruinous to the Russian peoples.He advocated not anarchism but a constitutional republic, modeled on thefederalist U.S.A. That is, he called for a capitalist state. He did not onlyoppose a Leninist type of authoritarian revolution, but any kind of furthersocialist revolution. This was tied to his desire to continue the war.In his history of the revolution, Trotsky was to sneer, "The superannuatedanarchist, Kropotkin...made use of the war to disavow everything he had beenteaching for almost half a century." (Trotsky 1967; p. 223) Unfortunately, it wasa fair criticism. (After the "October Revolution"-when the Bolsheviks tookpower-Kropotkin did write public appeals to the workers of Western Europe tooppose their governments' military attacks and quarantines of Russia.)The Anarchist ResponseOnly a handful of anarchists agreed with Kropotkin. Although no more than about ahundred signed the various pro-war anarchist statements, this did include some ofthe most well-known such as Jean Grave, Charles Malato, and Paul Reclus.(Woodcock & Avakumovic 1990) Besides the socialist-anarchists, the war wassupported by Benjamin Tucker, the leading U.S. individualist anarchist (thenresiding in France). Anarchist-syndicalists had played a major role in buildingthe main French union federation, although it came to be dominated by apoliticalunion bureaucrats. That union also endorsed the war while a group ofrevolutionary anarchist-syndicalists, including Pierre Monatte, organized against it.Most anarchists were not impressed with Kropotkin's view of the differencesbetween the two war camps. A number wrote responses. After a period of debate, heand those who agreed with him split from the British anarchist journal Freedomwhich he had once co-founded. Important essays were written by Errico Malatesta(1853-1932). (Price 2022) He had worked with Bakunin and been a friend ofKropotkin. He wrote, "Anarchists Have Forgotten their Principles," and"Pro-Government Anarchists." (Malatesta 2014)To Kropotkin's argument that the militarism of the Central Powers wasqualitatively different from the Allies, Malatesta wrote,"Personally, judging at their true value the ‘mad dog' of Berlin and the ‘oldhangman' of Vienna, I have no greater confidence in the bloody Tsar, nor in theEnglish diplomats who oppress India, who betrayed Persia, who crushed the BoerRepublics; nor in the French bourgeoisie, who massacred the natives of Morocco;nor in those of Belgium, who have allowed the Congo atrocities, and have largelyprofited by them...not to mention what all Governments and all capitalist classesdo against the workers and the rebels in their own countries."....The only hope is revolution...." (Malatesta 2014; p. 382)If the revolutionaries were too weak at that time to inspire a revolution, thatdid not mean that they should therefore rely on the states. The states causedthis terrible war and, however it was resolved, so long as capitalism and thestate continued, this war would be followed by another, "a new war more murderousthan the present." (same)If the anarchists were not able at this time to overthrow the states, at leastthey should not strengthen them. They should stick to their values, theirprogram, and their principles and continue to be anarchists, preparing for aneventual revolution. To Kropotkin this was a hopelessly unrealistic approach, butMalatesta saw it as supremely realistic. It was what made him an anarchist.(Turcato 2017)Was Kropotkin Right After All?In recent years some anarchists have come to re-evaluate Kropotkin's views on theFirst World War. Malatesta and other anarchists had accused Kropotkin ofbetraying anarchist principles. Kinna comments, "Whether or not Malatesta wasright to condemn Kropotkin's stance , his charge of treachery is difficult tomaintain: Kropotkin's position was consistent with his conception ofanarchism..." (2017)It is confusing to begin this topic by not saying "whether or not" you believerevolutionary anarchists should have condemned Kropotkin's pro-war opinions.Similarly, Riley writes, "Whether Kropotkin was right or not about WilhelminaGermany remains contentious." (2017; p. 65) They do not actually say thatKropotkin was correct to support the Allies but neither do they say he was wrong.Without taking a stance on the first inter-imperialist world war, the rest of thediscussion is incoherent.Kinna asserts, "Kropotkin's position was consistent with his...anarchism." But itwas his "conception of anarchism" which had been inconsistent. One strand of hisbeliefs advocated revolutionary anarchist-communism. He opposed all states, allcapitalism, and all imperialism, which he blamed for modern wars. Not long beforethe war, Kropotkin wrote that the real cause of war was "the competition formarkets and the right to exploit nations backward in industry." (in Miller 1976;p. 225)On another strand-another complex of ideas-he saw the Germany of his time as thegreatest threat to peace and freedom in Europe while romanticizing the French. Hedid not distinguish between the national self-defense of an oppressed andexploited people and an inter-imperialist war. He denied the class conflictwithin Germany and other imperialist nations, underestimating the possibility ofrevolution.These two strands of Kropotkin's "conception of anarchism" could co-exist for along time, so long as there was peace (more or less). His anarchist comradescould ignore the second strand. But once war broke out in a massive way,Kropotkin had to follow one or the other set of beliefs. He does not seem to havewavered in adopting his pro-imperialist-war complex of ideas. This was consistentwith some of what he had believed for a long time-but it was a betrayal of therevolutionary internationalist anarchist beliefs which he had taught generationsof revolutionaries.The Imperialist LieSimilarly, Ryley points out that almost no anarchists were absolute pacifists.They almost all accepted the use of mass violence in appropriate circumstances."...War could be a just and necessary instrument of self-defense and popularliberation. When Peter Kropotkin made his stand in support of the Entente powersit was from this tradition, a precedent wholly in keeping with his anarchism."(Ryle 2017; p. 62)Except that anarchists believe that the claim of "self-defense and popularliberation" is only true if raised by a revolution or a national liberationstruggle. Otherwise it is a lie raised by the imperialist powers. They are reallyfighting for "markets and the right to exploit backward nations," as Kropotkinhad written just before the world war. To uphold this lie was not "in keepingwith anarchism."Ryley buys into the imperialist lie when referring to World War II. He regardsthis war as justifying Kropotkin's stance in retrospect. "Kropotkin and Gravewere a war too early for general acceptance." (2017; p. 64) He refers tonice-sounding general principles such as "solidarity with oppressed peoples andthe victims of aggression...to support self-determination and democraticaspirations...." (Ryley 2019; p. 65) and quotes Kropotkin that the Western sideof his war was "striving to achieve progress through the steady growth of itsinner forces, economic and intellectual...." (p. 64) Ryley declares, "they are aprecise description of Allied war aims in the Second World War." (p. 54) Such astatement is preposterous, at least for an anarchist.During World War II, many anarchists argued that by this time the only way tostop the genocidal Nazis was to work with the Allies, at least in Europe. Thisdid not require denying that the Western "democracies" were imperialist nor thatStalinist Russia was brutally totalitarian. Their real "war aims" (rhetoricaside) was for the U.S. to replace Great Britain as the world's dominantimperialism, while the British ruling class hoped to hold on to as much of itsempire as it could, and, for the Stalinist empire, to expand into Eastern Europe.(For further discussion of anarchist views of the Second World War, see Price 2015.)Ryley's other major argument is that Kropotkin had the only realistic program forending the war (supporting the side of the Allies until it conquered the CentralPowers). Malatesta's program of revolution was unrealistic. Following it, Ryleycharges, meant being passive as the war raged on, and giving de facto support tothe Germans."Malatesta had gone up the blind alley of abstentionism....They argued for socialrevolution alone. It was not convincing....Denying the legitimacy of self-defenseby anything other than popular insurrection is to invite catastrophe...adoptingan impossible strategy...." (Ryley 2017; pp. 62-64)What is remarkable about this statement is World War I did end throughrevolution! First there was the Russian Revolution, which ended up taking Russiaout of the war. Then the German workers and soldiers overthrew the monarchiststate and ended Germany's participation in the war. Rebellions and insurrectionsspread throughout Europe and beyond. The Allies "won" the war, but this would nothave happened without the collapse of the Central Powers due to revolution.Malatesta's revolutionary program was far from unrealistic.Unfortunately, the revolutions did not go all the way (with the ambiguousexception of Russia). This was importantly due to the reformism of the Germansocial democrats and a lack of sufficient numbers of organized revolutionaryanarchists-who were following Malatesta's program. The failure of the revolutionsto go all the way to stateless, self-managed, cooperative community, led, asMalatesta had warned, to "a new war more murderous than" World War I.(The Second World War was also followed by a wave of revolutions andnear-revolutions in Eastern and Western Europe and Asia. These were almostentirely distorted, misled, or betrayed by the Communist Parties, in one way oranother.)Kinna does not compare Kropotkin's strategy for World War I with that of thestill-revolutionary anarchists. However, she makes it clear that she rejects theprogram of revolution by the workers and their allies, as held by Bakunin,Malatesta, Fabbri, Goldman, Makhno, Durruti, and so on. She describes this aspart of the "classical anarchist" tradition, which she regards as no longerviable, if it ever was. Kinna does not actually present arguments for thisopinion (at least in this volume) but seems to take it for granted.She knows that Kropotkin came out of this "classical" tradition and helped formit. (See Cahm 1989.) Yet she emphasizes aspects of Kropotkin's thinking which fitin with more gradualist, alternate-institutional, and non-revolutionary types ofanarchism ("new anarchism" and "post-anarchism"). For example, she points to hiswork on voluntary associations being formed even within capitalist society.Undoubtedly, the "classical" tradition of anarchism needs to be expanded, inareas such as gender or ecology (although Kropotkin had an ecological outlook andother anarchists of his time began to analyze sexual issues). However, I believethat the fundamental goal of working class revolution remains valid. Since Kinnadoes not agree, it is not surprising that she would not agree with therevolutionary opposition to both sides in the First Imperialist World War held byMalatesta and the majority of anarchists then and now.UkraineSome anarchists argue that Kropotkin's fatal error was his support of nationalself-determination and national liberation. This belief, they say, led him tosupport the French and the Entente. Therefore, they conclude, anarchists shouldnot support national self-determination. They should not support the Palestiniansagainst the Israeli state, nor the Uygars against the Chinese state They do nottake sides between the Ukrainian people and the invading Russian imperialistarmy. Whatever the arguments, this is an abandonment of anarchist solidarity withthe oppressed and exploited.However, Malatesta, like Bakunin before him, also supported nationalself-determination. Malatesta, who was so insistent on rejecting Kropotkin'ssupport of the Allies, had supported the Libyan Arabs fight against the Italianattempts to conquer them, and had supported the Cuban workers and others whenthey waged a war of independence against the Spanish. (See Price 2022) He couldtell the difference between an oppressed people which is waging war to preventdomination and exploitation by an imperialist power-and a war among imperialistpowers, all trying to defend or expand their ability to loot oppressed peoples.Kropotkin lost his way because he failed to make this distinction. Anarchiststoday must be clear about it.ReferencesCahm, Carolina (1989). Kropotkin and the Rise of Revolutionary Anarchism1872-1886. Cambridge UK: Cambridge University Press.Kinna, Ruth (2017). Kropotkin; Reviewing the Classical Anarchist Tradition.Edinburgh UK: Edinburgh University Press.Malatesta, Errico (2014). (D. Turcato, Ed.) (P. Sharkey, Trans.). The Method ofFreedom; An Errico Malatesta Reader. Oakland CA: AK Press.Miller, Martin (1976). Kropotkin. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.Price, Wayne (2022). "Malatesta on War and National Self-Determination"https://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/wayne-price-malatesta-on-war-and-national-self-determinationPrice, Wayne (2015). "The Meaning of World War II-An Anarchist View."https://anarkismo.net/article/28250?search_text=Wayne+PriceRyley, Peter (2017). "The Manifesto of the Sixteen: Kropotkin's rejection ofanti-war anarchism and his critique of the politics of peace." In Matthew S.Adams & Ruth Kinna (Eds). Anarchism 1914-18; Internationalism, Anti-Militarism,and War. Manchester UK: Manchester University Press. Pp. 49-68.Trotsky, Leon (1967). History of the Russian Revolution. Vol.1. (M. Eastman,trans.) London UK: Sphere Books.Turcato, Davide (2017). "Saving the future: The roots of Malatesta'santi-militarism." In Matthew S. Adams & Ruth Kinna (Eds). Anarchism 1914-18. Pp.29-48.Woodcock, George, and Avakumovic, Ivan (1990). Peter Kropotkin; From Prince toRebel. Montreal/NY: Black Rose Books.*written for Black Flag: Anarchist Review (UK)---------------------------------------Comments1) "Self determination" by itself do not worth killing and being killed by IlanShalif - ainfos.caIn war and in peace - like while driving a car, being wise is more important thanholding justice. In class war wage slaves seldom take fire arm in hand and startshooting on a vicious employer.When a dominant capitalist state rule and exploit population in another region itmight be worth the taking of arms in hand and start killing and being in dangerof being killed depending on the circumstances.For instance, no sane person will suggest starting a war of independence of theCatalans from the rule of Spain.Even in the case of Palestine when the Zionist colonialism of Israel is not justapplying a cultural suppression and exploitation but also a murderoustransferrist project, due to balance of powers, starting a war for selfdetermination will be a suicidal.The differentiation between the wars and struggles between imperialist powers andthe wars and struggle of national/ethnic groups for self determination is valid,but it is not enough.In the case of Ukraine the war started by Russia and resisted by the Ukrainiansstate was not for the exploiting of the Ukrainians people. It was part of theimperialist conflict between the expanding US imperialism against the resistingof shrink by the Russian one.By simply yielding to the humiliating demand of Russia not joining NATO theUkrainians ruling elite could prevent the war. It can even now stop it immediately.The protection of the Ukrainians state honer is not worth the endangering of oneslife and killing others and more so if you are anarchist.2) The Issue is Not NATO but Russian Imperialism vs. the Ukrainian People  byWayne PriceIlan Sharif makes the important point that when analyzing a war it is necessaryto look at the concrete situation, not just the abstract principles and generalbackground. Very true. While an uprising of the oppressed against their rulers isalways morally justifiable, it would be wrong in a situation where the oppressedwere likely to be quickly defeated by the rulers, with bloody reprisals.However, it is just such concrete realities which Ilan gets wrong. There was noreal possibility of Ukraine joining NATO. There had been some talk about it andthe Ukrainian state would have liked to (for the realistic reason that it feltunder threat by Russia!!)-but several NATO states rejected the idea outright.There was no chance of Ukraine becoming part of NATO, and this is *not* thereason why Putin attacked.The Russian rulers have wanted to expand Russia's domination at least to theextent of the previous empire of the Soviet Union. Of course this was in thecontext of world-wide great-power politics. But it was also an immediate conflictwith the Ukrainian people. Putin was quite specific about this. The Ukrainians,he said several times, were not a real people and did not deserve to have theirown republic. He wished to incorporate the Ukrainians into greater Russia, wipingout their language, their culture, their religion, and their self-determination.The Ukrainian people are not fighting for "the Ukrainian state's honor." They arefighting for their lives, their culture, and their right to determine their ownfuture (national self-determination). And virtually all the anarchists of theUkraine, Bylarusia, and Russia have supported them in this fight (withoutsupporting the Ukrainian ruling class, its state, or its NATO suppliers).3) Ukraine was part of the Russian empire till the western initiated coup authorby Ilan ShalifMy be "There was no chance of Ukraine becoming part of NATO" or joining the Euroblock, but the 2014 coup shrinked the Russian empire and made the export ofpetroleum/gas problematic.For sure the Russian rulers have wanted to restore Russia's domination and dettarother from splitting but the invasion was not supposed to significantly intensifythe exploitation and suppression of the Ukrainian wage slaves.The invasion was an immediate conflict with most of the Ukrainian people, butmany of the Russian speakers of the east of the country were pro Russia.Putin wished to incorporate the Ukrainians into greater Russia, promoting theposition of the Russian language and culture and restrict the self-determinationof the Ukrainians... (mainly of its elite). But, is that more life threateningand impoverite than the war to resist it?Millions of Ukrainians fled the country to evade the war. The will of the rest tojoin the army was not huge.The Ukrainian soldiers are conscripts - not volunteers. I wonder what would havebeen the result of a pole before the war about resisting Putin in a war.For sure Most the Ukrainians was and are against the invasion. For sure ALL theanarchists of the world are against the brutal invasion, but taking arms in anautonomous force or in the state army to kill or being killed in such a "selfdetermination war" my be "just" but is not wise.p.s.In my reading of the internet, most social war struggle anarchists (including inex soviet block) are on the side of "no war but the class war" and are againstparticipating in the war.p.p.sIn hard time in Israel people joked that it will be wise to declare war on US, tobe defeated and conquered, and make US manage the local problems in return of thelost "self determination".https://www.anarkismo.net/article/32683_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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