The modern history of Ukraine must be remembered. The revolution was anarchic,
led by the peasants and by Nestor Makhno, but it was betrayed and destroyed byTrotsky's Red Army, which had left it alone to fight against the troops of theEntente and then, since the Ukrainians had resisted, that revolution was struckin the rear in violation of agreements and alliances. The Soviet invasion wasexperienced as an annexation. During the years 1932/33, the central governmentled by Stalin imposed a disastrous and punitive agricultural policy on thecountry, producing millions of deaths of starvation. In 1941 the Nazi invasionwas mistaken by the pro-fascist right wing of Stepan Bandera for a sort of"liberation", but Hermann Goering (Göring), already from his first official visitto the occupied territories, immediately dashed all hope: the Ukrainians wereslaves of the Germans, those who worked, deported and without rights, if theymanaged to resist would have ensured (perhaps) mere survival, the others wouldhave died of hunger. ---- Then it's recent history: 25 million Soviets andUkrainians died to crush Nazism, even if for Western propaganda the war wouldhave been won by the Anglo-Americans alone.Unicobas is a libertarian trade union, we have never been fans of the SovietUnion, much less we are of Putin, a remnant of state capitalism that has ended upwith privatizations and neo-liberalism, where those who managed gas, for example,have become masters of Gazprom. Putin is an autocrat and the sub-culture of waras well as the invasion of Ukraine itself is unacceptable.But all this does not mean placing the left at the service of NATO, jointlyresponsible for US-led coups and aggressive wars around the world. NATO hasviolated all pacts. The Yalta agreements, with the shameful division of the worldinto blocks, were still a treaty. The Russia-Finland treaty (1948) establishedFinnish neutrality. In 1989 Reagan assured Gorbachev that no former Warsaw Pactcountry would join NATO.Since 2014, the massacre of civilians began in the Donbass and Lugansk regions.But even in Odessa 50 were burned alive in a house of the people, and whoeverthrew himself from the windows was finished with the bayonet by the Ukrainianneo-Nazis (and not only) then incorporated into the regular army complete withsymbols of the Third Reich on the uniforms. Shortly before, Russia had invadedthe Crimea.Then the Minsk protocol was signed: it provided for the autonomy of Donbass andLugansk, the withdrawal of all heavy weapons, but it has never been respected byUkraine, whose government has even eliminated the Russian language from schoolsand outlawed throughout the country the communist party and that of autonomy.Today we are witnessing other massacres, violence, torture. War is always likethis, it unloads on those who have not decided it and enriches those who unleashit and the armaments industry: a product of old and new nationalisms against thepeoples of the world. This is why the workers' movement, when it hasn't beencorrupted and deviated, has always been internationalist and hostile to all wars.Before February 2022, there were 8 years of clashes, with 15,000 dead, many amongold people, women and children, after Zelensky's takeover of power, remotelyguided by the US. Eight years of joint NATO-Ukraine maneuvers. A war on the typeof the current one. With the same "side effects": this is how the USA called themat the time of the "smart bombs" cheerfully dropped on Iraq, invaded without theslightest proof of the existence of weapons of mass destruction.Even the Pope reminded us of the provocations against Russia, speaking of a long,insistent, ardent barking of NATO at the borders. We do not subscribe to thecurrent Russophobia.Immediately, 11 other parties were outlawed by Zelensky at the start of theinvasion of Ukraine. Would he be the bulwark of democracy? If Putin is anoligarch, Zelensky is a cynical businessman and sorcerer's apprentice, with hisvillas in Forte dei Marmi and in California. Teleguided by Biden that he uses itto wage a war through an intermediary country, with the blood of the Ukrainians,in order to weaken Russia and undermine the European economy. Two birds with onestone.Biden thanks to 50 and more billion dollars lent will keep Ukraine and itsresources by the neck for the next 40 years. All this is just tragedy, even moreso in the face of the risk of nuclear war. Humanitarian aid is plausible, but notthe supply of instruments of death, rearmament and co-belligerency. For thisreason, 65% of Italians (more than a third of whom abstained in the generalelections) are against the boomerang sanctions and the interventionist policy ofthe Draghi government, which Meloni copies to reassure Washington. To beprecise, 55% are against sending arms, because one cannot work for peace if onedoes not have a third and independent position. This second republic isbeautiful! Neither Moro, who would have spoken of a "moment of responsibility",nor Craxi or Andreotti would have ever been such servants of the Americans. Andfor what then? Draghi, as an accountant of the bosses, would like to becomedeputy head of the world and head of NATO, but he lacks geopolitics. After all,his master, Biden, is only a dwarf in the hands of the masters of war, one whogoverns with not even 40% of the consensus, who has abandoned tons ofsophisticated weapons in the hands of the Taliban and betrayed every hope ofwomen and the people. Afghan.While they feed us nonsense about the level of air conditioners and radiators,the bankers in Amsterdam have been speculating on the price of gas since beforethe invasion of Ukraine, and Biden will make us pay three times as much as theRussians. Raising cash for Americans: this is the fate imposed on workers, onthat 40% of young people who are unemployed or precarious for life, on familieswho, if they didn't make ends meet before, now find it hard to get through thefirst week. Bills have already increased sixfold, but will double by the end ofthe year. The ceramic plants have closed, the crisis and the high cost of livingare galloping even on basic necessities, and in the world millions of humanbeings are at risk of dying from hunger.Where are the environmentalists? Because, if they haven't understood it, thesecond emergency (after the pandemic) is the excuse seized on the fly by theowners of fossil, non-renewable and polluting energies, such as nuclear power,whose main propagandist today is Macron.Where is NATO's democracy? Does Erdogan exercise it? Dictator and criminal, butwithin the alliance, he jumped into the war to restart bombing the Kurdish peoplewho were in the streets with us on May 20 to remind everyone that there is not asingle war. Did they stop Daesh? Well, this is the thanksgiving of the West.There are at least 36 dirty wars.Where are the greens? They govern in Germany together with the Social Democratsand have decided to squander 100 billion in 5 years to rearm themselves: a fatalblow to the highest welfare state in the EU. Via citizenship salary, absoluteregression of health and social expenses. Autonomous energy policy (another 200billion). What will Italy do with layoffs, salaries (the most regressive in theEU), social safety nets, services, education and health care? To stay in thesaddle, Meloni will soon go from 15 to 40 billion a year in military spending(according to an address law already voted with Draghi) and if 80% of schoolbuildings are not up to standard, those 800 million will go away too allocated,against the 13 billion that according to the civil protection were already needed10 years ago. On the other hand, there will be no lack of partitions, nor aid tobanks and speculators.Today it is grassroots unionism that represents the conscience of the country,because unlike the ready-to-sign party unions, it has no interests to guarantee,it does not enjoy secondments paid by the state, it is not inside the politicaltheater. It is an enormous responsibility that we will be able to honor togetherif we are able to concentrate on the general strike of 2 December, withoutpretense, games and reference parties, an effort capable of reopening the spaceof dissent with a large national demonstration and if we continue the workstarted with the Forum of alternative and libertarian European trade unionism, tothe point of "infecting" other EU countries with a common struggle.Stefano d'Errico (National Secretary of Unicobas) - I N F O S N E W S S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.caSPREAD THE INFORMATION
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