Hi all! Today is Sunday, October 23rd and we continue our weekly podcast "Trends
of Order and Chaos". This is episode 77. So what have we seen and thought aboutthis week? ---- The country is in position ---- On Wednesday, Putin held ameeting of the Security Council, at which he introduced martial law in theannexed territories and, to varying degrees, paramilitary law in the central zoneand southern regions of the Russian Federation. This is a logical step. After theso-called referendums on Ukrainian lands, which were recognized only by NorthKorea (which is very symbolic), Ukraine was predictably not afraid and did not gointo negotiations. Thus, from the point of view of the legislation of the RussianFederation, hostilities are taking place in territories that are allegedly partof Russia. Not to mention the Belgorod region, which the Armed Forces of Ukraineare smashing into the trash with daily shelling.The situation draws on a full-fledged martial law throughout the RussianFederation, but the authorities naturally fear that in this case the country'seconomy will follow the cruiser Moskva, so they come up with threat levels andresponse modes.Russia has now entered a period when laws are more likely to consolidate thecurrent state of affairs than to regulate anything. Thousands of prisoners havebeen sent to war for many months, and only now they are trying to legalize thispractice. The authorities intend to toughen penalties for the so-called "gaypropaganda". And is this important, given that in some regions of the NorthCaucasus, homosexuality can be killed with complete impunity?Martial law is the restriction of human rights, increased control, thepossibility of seizure of property and forced labor for the needs of the military.Martial law has nothing to do with the fact that in the past week, libertarianactionist Pavel Krisevich was sentenced to five years in prison for a performanceon Red Square in the summer of 2021, for which five years ago he would not havereceived even five days.Fabricated criminal cases, torture of detainees, censorship, demands to unlockthe phone during detention - all this has long been there. Hedgehog with a bareass, sorry, do not scare. I remember the song "Foul Youth" by the good old YegorLetov. There, too, they sang about martial law, which was called to "shit and grind."The repressive machine in Russia is now working at almost maximum speed anyway.For something tougher, the regime corny has no cops. Interior MinisterKolokoltsev recently cited a "shortage" of 90,000 cops, but this is considered aconservative estimate. There are a lot of chiefs, chiefs of chiefs, and so on inthe staff of the security forces, and in the units that are supposed to calm thebrawlers and catch crooks, there may be half as many employees as it should beaccording to the staffing table.Most of all, "incomplete" is common in the Ministry of Internal Affairs and theFederal Penitentiary Service, but there are similar problems in the prosecutor'soffice, the Investigative Committee and the FSB. In 99% of cases, the securityforces are not our bro, but among them there are much more dissatisfied with thePutin regime than one might think.The state is trying to deal with this problem - next year we will see a seriousincrease in state budget spending on law enforcement officers. Will cashinjections help? It is not clear: before the invasion of Ukraine, there werelarge cash injections into the army, but in practice we see that there are noteven armor and camouflage for the mobilized. The costs of providing for themobilized fall on the regional budgets, which are often already in deficit. Idon't know of other historical examples so that the aggressor's army would not bedressed in a unified camouflage, but instead would resemble either the forestbrothers of 1812, or the heroes of the film "Peculiarities of National Fishing".Sobyanin's alternativeRecently, raids on mobilized people began on the streets of Moscow and St.Petersburg. With a phenomenal disrespect for people even for the present times.The cops were given a plan to catch a certain number of living creatures with onehead, two arms, two legs and a penis. The military - after a couple of days atthe assembly points - many were sent home. Because the military had a plus orminus such a plan that Putin spoke about - about the experience of participatingin hostilities, or at least the experience of serving in the army.Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin felt the whole level of lawlessness and realizedthat if the people now did not have enough strength to fight the cops, then thecollapse of public services would begin - men were afraid to go to the MFC inorder not to receive a summons there, whoever could, was transferred to a remotelocation, and Many employers are in solidarity with employees on this issue.Sobyanin, by his decision, stopped mobilization in Moscow, then the heads ofseveral more regions made similar decisions.Sobyanin did not have the authority to stop mobilization? Well, it is absolutelyillegal that the delivery of subpoenas not by military commissars, but by murkypeople in civilian clothes, mobilization through military commissariats not atthe place of registration, and all that. In Russia, the law is no longer writtenfor anyone.Since the beginning of the war, when it comes to who from the current elite canbe given power instead of Putin, many people remember Sobyanin. Because Sobyaninmade a career not because he once studied, worked, went to the gym or had a dachanext to Putin. Because, of course, Sobyanin is not about the war.The war actually destroys what Sobyanin spent ten years creating in Moscow.Barbershops, coffee houses, bars, beautiful shops, bike paths and city bikerentals, trendy playgrounds, small and medium enterprises, permanent housingconstruction and new metro lines - all this is clearly incompatible with theplans of the shit empire for wars of conquest against Ukraine and other neighbors.Sobyanin, of course, does not openly oppose Putin, but before the mobilization,Moscow tried to pretend that nothing seemed to be happening: for example, thereare still almost no z-banners on the streets of Moscow, as in most Russian cities.At the same time, Sobyanin, it seems to me, is the strangest politician of ourtime. I have been to Cairo, Tel Aviv, Madrid, Berlin, New York and other citiesin different countries. I am sure that Sobyanin's team are professionals of thehighest level in terms of organizing life in a city of many millions. In theelection of the mayor of any European capital, Sobyanin would have had a goodchance of winning.At the same time, Sobyanin is afraid of any civic activity. Moscow is the mostpoliticized city in the country, but Sobyanin has consistently tightened theregional rules for holding rallies and pickets for many years, they are among thetoughest in Russia. Moscow is almost the only region where pickets are still notallowed under the pretext of covid. Sobyanin built a system of numerous mediathat lick his ass from issue to issue.Sobyanin is a fan of techno-control in the spirit of Singapore and China. Many ofSobyanin's actions take place openly contrary to the opinion of the inhabitants.As was the case with the Trinity Forest: the residents wanted a new school, butnot at the expense of the forest - they didn't give a damn about their opinion.The mayor's office wants to swell 22 billion rubles in Bitsevsky Forest forextremely dubious landscaping. The disagreement of the residents of thesurrounding areas is also defiantly ignored. The "largest Ferris wheel inEurope", which Putin opened on the day when the Russian army was driven out ofthe Kharkov region, was also built despite years of protests from residents ofOstankino and VDNKh.Sobyanin's projects often destroy the way of life that has been taking shape inthe regions over the years. And the officials who come up with these projects, itseems that they receive bonuses for the most demonstrative disregard for theinterests of the townspeople.In order for life to be built in the interests of people, people must take thesituation into their own hands, free themselves from the regime of ghouls. No onewill save us - neither the Armed Forces of Ukraine, nor the passionate Dagestanmothers, and even more so Sobyanin. We can only take control of our own lives.Well, that's all for today! We remind you that in "Trends of Order and Chaos" theparticipants of "Autonomous Action" give anarchist assessments of current events.Listen to us on YouTube, SoundCloud and other platforms, visit our websiteavtonom.org, subscribe to our e-mail newsletter!Issue No. 77 prepared by Leaveshttps://avtonom.org/news/kto-nas-spaset-trendy-poryadka-i-haosa-epizod-77-22-oktyabrya_________________________________________A - I N F O S N E W S S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.caSPREAD THE INFORMATION
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