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vrijdag 4 november 2022

#WORLD #WORLDWIDE #ARGENTINA #ANARCHISM #News #Journal #Update - (en) #Argentina, FAR position October 2022 - Rich province, poor town (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 This 2022 shows us the province of Santa Fe as one more example of how the

capitalist system works and sustains itself, with strong contrasts andinequalities. This is evidenced by the fact of being a rich province with agrowing economy, while we are experiencing one of the worst crises in recenttimes. In the words of Governor Perotti, Santa Fe is a balanced province with asurplus, with a budget for 2023 that has already been approved by thelegislature, which also foresees a surplus of $2.12 billion for next year. Thiscontrasts sharply with the reality that those of us who live in this territorysuffer, which, as we have already pointed out in previous analyses, are hit dailyby the context of crisis and adjustment at the national level, with a constantloss of purchasing power of all popular sectors, in the face of extremely highinflation and significant unemployment rates, as well as underemployment and jobinsecurity. The province of Santa Fe, despite being one of the richest in thecountry, has a significant amount of population below the poverty line, around40%, and increasing in the areas of Greater Rosario and Greater Santa Fe.To this panorama we must add the concrete measures that the provincial governmenthas implemented throughout the year, which only worsen the situation of those atthe bottom and leave room for the enrichment of producers linked to extractivismand agro- business. It is, clearly, a model of economy dependent and servile toimperialism.In this sense, we workers suffer from the high price of public transport tickets-even much higher than in other provinces-, the increase in taxes and servicesand the recent installation of hundreds of radars in large cities whose solepurpose is collect. On the other hand, although the provincial governmentfulfilled its campaign promise of a free ticket for teachers and students -aclaim historically demanded and fought for by the people-, as well as thepermanence of the Santa Fe wallet, these measures are far from providing asolution. to the hardest hit sectors that are left out of access to these crumbs.The way in which Perotism was handled in the face of demands for the salaryrecomposition of state sectors and teachers is eloquent. It was not new for thoseof us who are aware of who Perotti is, beyond the facelifts that the Frente deTodos did for the electoral campaign. We know that he is part of the most staleof the Peronist right. This is proven from their support for Menemism, such astheir closeness to the Rural Society, their privatization drive (as was the caseof the Banco de Santa Fe), their opposition to legal abortion and their supportfor the payment of illegitimate foreign debt during the macrismo. Thus, in theface of a rich province, but with a government that defends the interests of theconcentrated sectors of the economy, state workers find ourselves withintransigence, definancing of health and education, and the refusal to grant wageincreases in accordance with the figures of inflation, and the loss of purchasingpower that has been dragging on the sector at least since the time of the pandemic.It was a year of historic struggle from both teachers, state and health workers.Large multisectoral mobilizations, active strike days were held throughout theprovince. Santafesina teaching carried out seventeen days of strike the secondhalf of the year, overflowing the agreements of the provincial leadership thataligned with the government of the day proclaimed that it was the teachers whoshould make the "effort". The provincial government's response to the justdemands was threats, intimidation and a campaign of fear. Getting to make salarydiscounts to the entire Santa Fe public teaching, thus seeking to demobilize.Undoubtedly, the experience gained and the balance of these great processes willallow us to deepen the organization and resist the advance on the rights of workers.Another aspect where important struggles have developed was undoubtedly theenvironment. Faced with a provincial state that cares for and promotesagribusiness and the interests of the rich and powerful, expressions ofresistance were articulated. Along the entire coast of Paraná in differentcities, mobilizations and different calls were promoted against the burning anddepredation of the environment. In this process, the unions and popularorganizations played an important role, taking the claim within their spaces topromote the participation of affiliates. This axis will undoubtedly continue tobe present in the fight agenda despite being inappropriate for the interests ofthe rulers of the different political signs.Finally, it is worth pointing out the particular situation of social violencethat is being experienced in the province, and especially in the city of Rosario.In a war of the poor against the poor, in the city of Rosario there have beenmore than two hundred deaths so far this year. The vast majority of them areyoung people from our popular neighborhoods. Where drug trafficking serves as anexcuse to criminalize poverty, when those behind are those above. Faced with thisdramatic situation, the response of the different governments is none other thanthe saturation of security forces. Operations in the neighborhoods, easy trigger,persecution of poverty. We know that there will be no solution with these toolsand within this system, with these measures we can only expect greater inequalityand violence.That is why from anarchism we call for the organization in the different spaceswhere the struggle is taking place, to resist this attack against our rights andliving and working conditions. Being part of our unions, guilds, student centersand neighborhood organizations will be the only way we can battle the comingstorm. In one of the richest provinces in Argentina, we cannot allow thesituation of those below to continue to worsen at this rate. It is time toprepare ourselves for the struggles of the coming months, where the crisis willimpact more and more directly on the living, working and study conditions ofthose below. Anarchism has much to contribute in this panorama. Far from seekingmagical solutions in a change of government (as we will soon hear when nextyear's electoral campaign begins) we must aim at building a strong people, withsolidarity and autonomy, to gradually achieve the much-needed gains for those below.Up those who fight!Facing the ruling class, militant anarchism!Anarchist Federation of Rosariohttps://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=554435590018013&set=a.132988962162680_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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