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vrijdag 4 november 2022

#WORLD #WORLDWIDE #SPAIN #ANARCHISM #News #Journal #Update - (en) #Spain, CGT adheres to the manifesto of the 'Alliance for Global Justice' that demands a law of extraterritorial obligations to large multinationals (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 The anarcho-syndicalists want the State to force large corporations to be

responsible for the actions of their subsidiaries, suppliers or subcontractors interms of Human Rights. ---- The General Confederation of Labor (CGT) has madepublic its support for the 'Alliance for Global Justice' initiative consisting ofdemanding from the State that large multinationals cannot continue to interact interritories with impunity, without responding to abuses and human rightsviolations. ---- This group, whose manifesto has been joined by theanarcho-syndicalists of the CGT, considers that in recent years there has beengrowing concern about the impact of the action of large multinationals onindigenous and peasant communities, and the consequences social, economic,political, etc. that are derived from these actions. For this reason, theyindicate from 'Alliance for Global Justice', it is urgent to establish mechanismsthat control and punish the abuses of large corporations, to prevent impunity andavoid its repetition. And in the case of the Spanish State, they explain thatdespite the development of support systems, through subsidies, for theinternationalization of companies, where "good practices" are recognized, thereis still no effective mechanism that makes possible the monitoring and evaluationto put an end to breaches in relation to respect for Human Rights.On the other hand, from this platform they assure that human rights violationshave increased in the last decade, which goes to show that international law inthis sense is very fragile. That is why this claim is more necessary and urgentthan ever, given the global context of wars, climate crisis, energy crisis,socio-ecological crisis and in the face of the advance of capitalism and theinequalities between human beings in contrast to the great facilities that are itdelivers them, through the States, to the large multinationals. From CGT they also believe that the draft law on "the protection of HumanRights, sustainability and due diligence in transnational business activities",launched by the Ministry of Social Rights and Agenda 2030 of the SpanishGovernment, is not enough . Hence, the red and black organization supports thisproposal, with the aim of increasing inspections and public controls so that therights of all human beings are guaranteed in all parts of the planet. From CGT they have also stressed that people's lives cannot go into thebackground or third plane for the benefit of large corporations, whichconcentrate power in a few hands and prevent wealth from being distributed inanother way that is more supportive among citizens. .https://cgt.org.es/cgt-se-adhiere-al-manifiesto-de-alianza-por-la-justicia-global-que-exige-una-ley-de-obligaciones-extraterritoriales-a-las-grandes-multinacionales/_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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