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vrijdag 4 november 2022

#WORLD #WORLDWIDE #ITALY #ANARCHISM #News #Journal #Update - (en) #Italy, Anarres: ANARRES OF OCTOBER 21. (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]


MILITARIZATION OF THE TERRITORIES. SOLIDARITY WITH RUSSIAN AND UKRAINIANDESERTORS ... ---- Our Friday trip to Anarres, the planet of concrete utopias.---- From 11 to 13 on 105,250 of the free Blackout frequencies. Also instreaming. Listen and broadcast the podcast: ---- Anarres of 21 October. Prices,wages, profits. From the "proletarians in uniform to the struggles against themilitarization of the territories. Solidarity with the Russian and Ukrainiandeserters... ---- Live, insights, ideas, proposals, appointments: ---- The fingerand the moon. Prices, wages and profits ---- Looking at the most up-to-date ISTATdata available, in the last year prices have increased by 8.4% and wages haveincreased by only 1%. Each worker lost 7.4% of their salary. It is the equivalentof a monthly salary per year. It is as if no worker had received the Septemberpaycheck.This alone could be enough to explain what is happening in the pockets of all ofus. Then if we look at the data in detail, we realize that the situation is evenworse ...We talked about it with Francesco FriccheDesert wars. From the "Proletarians in uniform" to the movements against themilitarization of the territories in ItalyContemporary wars are the final, tangible product of militarist, nationalist,imperial, dominant ideologies, and the result of "civic" elaborations inherent inthe advent of the modern state. In the same way, the current anti-war movements -with an intersectional composition - have their roots in the anti-authoritarianand opposition cultures to militarism which, in different ways, have historicallyinterposed.The speech takes its cue from a just published volume and an upcoming studyconference.We talked about it with Giorgio Sacchetti, formerly a "proletarian in uniform",author, together with Gressani and Sinigaglia, of a book on that movement, heteaches contemporary history at the University of Florence.Solidarity with Russian and Ukrainian deserters: banner at the Ukrainianconsulate in TurinA banner reading "Solidarity with Russian and Ukrainian deserters. Open allborders to those who refuse war "was hung at the entrance to the Ukrainianconsulate in Turin in via Roma 366.Similar banners appeared on the same day in numerous Italian cities.A concrete signal that we hope will be renewed in front of the embassies andconsulates of Russia and Ukraine everywhere.Against all homelands for a world without borders!https://www.anarresinfo.org/anarres-del-21-ottobre-prezzi-salari-profitti-dai-proletari-in-divisa-alle-lotte-contro-la-militarizzazione-dei-territori-solidali-con-i-disertori-russi-e-ucraini/_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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