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vrijdag 2 december 2022

#WORLD #WORLDWIDE #ITALY #ANARCHISM #LIBRARY #News #Journal #Update - (en) #Italy, anarres info: Anarres of 11 November. Landauer. Jail and truncheon. Nuclear War. Anthropology and the environment... (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 Direct, insights, ideas, proposals, appointments: ---- "The urgency of

self-management. Landauer's topicality in post-twentieth-century movements" isthe title of the meeting to be held in Turin on Friday 18 November. GianfrancoRagona, who teaches history at the University of Turin, and studied Landauer, towhom he has dedicated essays and articles, as well as having overseen thepublication of some writings, the last one "a road to the liberation of theworking class", published by the types of Milieux editions, will introduce theevening. ---- An opportunity to reflect on a legacy that is still little known tous but whose profound echo is found in many themes and postures of the movementsthat cross the dawn of the third millennium.We talked about it with Gianfranco RagonaAn overview of the anti-militarist squares of November 4thJail and truncheonLast week we dealt with the government decree on raves and life imprisonment withthe help of a lawyer today we will try to make a broader reflection on the firstmoves of the Meloni government, which has risen to international prominence alsofor the decision to prevent the disembarkation of refugees and migrants fishedout of the sea by NGO ships operating in the Mediterranean.A reflection on the environment, climate change, movements starting from thelatest book by Andrea Staid, "Being Nature" An anthropological look to change ourrelationship with the environment.This book wants to be a contribution not only to the understanding of a conceptwhich is that of ecosystemic or multi-naturalistic plurality, but above all itwould like to be a manifesto for the awareness that to change the world from anecological and social point of view , to save us from disaster we need adifferent way of looking at and thinking about "nature." Nature is not a placebut a living organism and we as a species are part of it, it seems like a smallthing to understand but it is essential to think about it in the here and now. Wemust think of it as the total system of living beings, animals and plants, and of"inanimate" things, a totality that obviously also includes our species. The timehas come to found an ecology where all living things, including humans, interactwithout species boundaries. Nature conceived and experienced not as separate fromman but as a set of relationships, the landscape is above all a place of "lives"to be respected and understood, not an object to be museumified, capitalized andcommodified. Nature is an intertwining of lives, not a slogan to revive theeconomy in crisis. In fact, from how we live and think about the environment,from how we will be able to narrate and build new ways of living, we can changethe world.We talked about it with Andrea StaidAppointments:Friday 18 November21 hours Palermo course 46The urgency of self-managementLandauer's topicality for post-twentieth-century movementsWe will talk about it with Gianfranco Ragona of the University of Turin, author,among others, of "Gustav Landauer. Anarchist, Jew, German", curator of theanthology "The anarchist community. Political Writings".No to nuclear war!Saturday 19 NovemberAntimilitarist demonstrationfrom 15 to 17at Collins Aerospace (formerly Microtecnica) in Piazza GrafAt the Sigonella base in Sicily, the antennas and equipment that ensure thetransmission of nuclear war orders to the Pentagon will be upgraded. InSeptember, the US Air Force Department signed a contract worth about 177 milliondollars with the Collins Aerospace company, controlled by the military industrialgiant Raytheon Technologies, to improve the efficiency and guarantee themaintenance of the strategic communications system at high frequency.Sigonella is the main European base for spy and combat drones.If nuclear war were to break out, our country would be in the front row. USatomic bombs are also in the bases of Ghedi and Aviano.Russia for its part has clearly stated that any attack on the occupied Ukrainianterritories and then annexed to Russia will be considered an act of war and,therefore, liable to a nuclear response.The possibility of a devastating war escalation is ever stronger.It is increasingly urgent to strengthen the opposition to war and militarism.Throwing sand into the engine of militarism is possible. The bases of war are astone's throw from our homesStarting from our home, from the Collins Aerospace plant.Closure and reconversion of the war industry!No to Leonardo's new war pole in Corso Marche! No to the aerospace city!No to NATO in Turin!No to military spending!Friday 2 December general strike against war and the war economy!Contacts:Turin Anarchist FederationCorso Palermo 46Meetings - open to interested parties - every Tuesday from 9pmContacts: fai_torino@autistici.org - @senzafrontiere.to/Subscribe to our newslethttps://www.anarresinfo.org/anarres-dell11-novembre-landauer-galera-e-manganello-guerra-nucleare-antropologia-e-ambiente/_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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