Enough of colonial aggression ---- On 1 and 28 December 2022, with two
decree-laws of dubious constitutionality and uncertain compatibility withEuropean standards - but which the para-fascist-led Parliament will not fail toconvert - the Meloni government saved the ISAB of Priolo and the other factoriesof death in the Melilli-Priolo-Augusta area, saving them from the closure andseizure procedure that the Syracusan Judiciary had just initiated after more thana decade of complaints and delaying tactics. The solution found is the worst thatcould be imagined. ---- The first decree, which entered into force on 6 Decemberlast, following the application of the European embargo on Russian hydrocarbons,in fact provides for the commissioning of the plant by the State which, on behalfof the Russian "Lukoil", will have to guarantee for two years salaries toemployees and try to keep the systems running. In doing so, it will be able toavail itself of a "publicly controlled company operating in the same sector"(ENI). The second decree, not yet published, relieves the administrators ofcriminal liability, allows the continuation of the activity - making the "recognition of the national strategic interest " prevail over all" - and imposes(?!) on the judge not only to allow the use of the seized assets, without goinginto the merits of the seizure, but to himself find the balance through " thenecessary prescriptions" for a "balancing between the needs of continuity of theproduction activity and safeguarding employment and the protection of safety inthe workplace, health and the environment ".The legal monstrosity is joined by yet another environmental hoax, consideringthat the ISAB of Priolo is a killer factory, responsible for decades of thedevastation and heavy metal pollution of a large stretch of Sicilian coast andsea, with countless deaths at work and for lung diseases, tumours, malformationsamong the local population, without any steps - despite complaints, criminalsentences and hundreds of millions of euros allocated by the State and theEuropean Community - to the reclamation of the soils and the water purification.In this context, the pathetic attempt made by the Sicilian governor Schifani,ousted "due to incompetence" by the national government, to even claim the"solution" of the affair is not surprising!History seems to repeat itselfof the ENI plants in Gela and FIAT in TerminiImerese where the intervention of the State and the Region, under the pretext ofdefending employment, resulted in a failed attempt to reconvert the plants and inthe promise of reclamation that was never carried out, with billions of euroswasted on insolvent companies, "frozen" seizures, threats of further devastation(waste-to-energy plants, plants for the production and treatment of natural gasfrom North Africa, etc.), without employment and the quality of the environmenthave really benefited from it. Today's intervention by the Meloni governmenteffectively prevents the closure of the Priolo death plants, the purification ofthe waters of the Gulf of Augusta and the complete renaturalization of the sitesconcerned - which are of great landscape value -, leaving a precarious and"assisted" employment future for a few thousand workers (who, instead of waitingfor new improbable oil tankers, could more usefully be employed in reclamationworks already financed); he also delegates to the largest Italianenergy-intensive company, ENI, responsible among other things for the Geladisaster, the task of finding bogus alternatives to the storage of fossilhydrocarbons and setting up new speculations harmful to local development.The national government and the regional government, as we know, are in the handsof friends of ENI, supporters of regasification, waste-to-energy and latestgeneration nuclear power, and we cannot expect any sensitivity from them towardsthe issues environment in Sicily. In the face of such arrogance and theconnivance of the press and politicians subjected to the strong powers of thenational economy, the action explained by the few local groups which for yearshave been fighting against these death plants and whose strategy, up to nowalways losing , was based on the belief that the resolution of the vital problemsof the territory could be entrusted to the State and the judiciary.It's even more "out of place"today insist on a "soft" industrial reconversion ofthe area, with biofuel factories and less invasive energy plants (gas), whichhowever do not solve, as happened in Gela, the employment problem (indeed theyhave gangrenous preventing other outlets) nor that of pollutants, given that theyrestrict the prospect of a complete reclamation of soils and waters (in Gela, ineight years, with 800 million euros available, ENI has carried out only 1% of the"planned" reclamations!) In fact, it is precisely the appearance of degradedareas that makes these sites of "national interest" available spaces for furtherfuture devastation, connected to the new gas pipelines with Africa, to the LNGcarriers, to waste treatment plants, etc. Believing that the state and thecapitalists financed by it want to give up for their own needs, their markets,their geostrategic interests in the opportunities that an already poisonedterritory offers - replacing it with other intact sites that are increasinglydifficult to find and transform -, is pure illusion. As is the thinking thatcentralized mega-plants, which require large areas, huge capitals and landconsumption, can be traced back to the control and participation of the communities.We believeon the other hand, it has always been that an environmental struggle inSicily cannot disregard a frontal opposition to government and capital projectsfor the distortion of the natural peculiarities of the territories and theenslavement of local communities, and in particular those that involve dangersfor life and the health of the inhabitants. All the factories of death, thehighly polluting plants, the military bases, even the abandoned buildings alreadya symbol of death and war, which have usually devastated some of the mostbeautiful landscapes and environments on the island, which were and could go backto being the promise for a self-centred development of the populations,respectful of the environment, with economic alternatives linked to the land andthe sea, must become common property, open, accessible to all. The ultimate goalof the struggle can only be the OCCUPATION (popular and permanent) of the areas,their IMMEDIATE REMEDIATION, THE DESTRUCTION AND DISMANTLING of the plants, insome specific cases their reuse at the service of local communities, theRENATURALIZATION of places. A different attitude, one of political mediation,economic compromise, interested collusion, would delay or frustrate this processand would hand those same places back to capitalist speculation and militarism,cloaked in "green" (camouflage) and fake sustainability.It is necessary to take advantage of the opportunities that are offered in thisperiod of vaunted ecological and energy transition, of industrial divestments, ofstretch marks in the economic system to try to experiment with radical strugglesand alternative solutions to the age-old problems caused by the rapacity of thepolitical-business-mafia bloc that still dominates in Sicily.Musarra Christmashttps://www.sicilialibertaria.it/2023/01/10/smantellare-le-fabbriche-di-morte/_________________________________________A - I N F O S N E W S S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca
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