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vrijdag 3 februari 2023

#WORLD #WORLDWIDE #CANADA #ANARCHISM #LIBRARY #News #Journal #Update - (en) #Canada, Collectif Emma Goldman - 2022 review and outlook for 2023 (ca, de, it, fr, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 For the Emma Goldman Anarchist Collective (CEG), 2022 has been a busy year.

Indeed, the collective has carried out various initiatives that have had animpact both in Saguenay on the Nitassinan, in Quebec and even more widely in theFrancophonie. These projects took the form of a book, brochures, audio or videorecordings, solidarity actions related to various current issues. For example:war and imperialism, the crisis of the health system, the high cost of living,solidarity with evicted squatters and squatters in Chicoutimi, mutual aid withthe inhabitants of the neighborhood, environmental and decolonial struggles, etc   Saguenay on the Nitassinan, September 7In addition to articles, the declaration published on the blog and broadcast onthe various platforms, we held distro tables in various shows, whether in Alma orChicoutimi. The CEG also took part in the symposium organized by the Movement forPopular Education and Community Action (MEPACQ), "To put an end to inequalities,let's get out of capitalism".(link to the text) The members of the collectivealso contributed their support for environmental groups in the region and workedto regionalize the campaign around issues related to COP15 (see article ). Or,acts as an ally with comrades from the First Peoples of Nitassinan.Solidarity actions...Even symbolic, an action can contribute to empowering us as individuals and as agroup. It allows individuals and militant groups to get out of the feeling ofisolation and to initiate something like a collective movement that canultimately influence reality.We resumed our activities at the beginning of 2022, through an action ofsolidarity with workers in the public health system.Following the invasion of Ukraine by the armies of Vladimir Putin, we trieddespite the kilometers that separate us to demonstrate our solidarity with thevictims of imperialist wars by participating in particular in a vigil in place ofthe citizen in the borough of Chicoutimi (link to the text), by taking part in abenefit concert for anarchist comrades from kyiv and by organizing aself-training session on the ideological motivations of the Putin regime and thegeopolitical situation in this region of the world. (You can find a partialtranscription of the self-training here) The amazement and dread of the firstdays of the invasion seem to have been swept away by the concerns we had beforethe war, that is to say: the crisis in the health system, problems in education,the cost of living, etc. This situation is not unique to the war in Ukraine, timeand distance are of course very important. Today, the mainstream media hardlytalk about the war in Syria, the conflict in Yemen, the refugee crisis, or theapartheid regime imposed on the Palestinian people by the Israeli state, etc. Atbest, one can find a micro-report on the latest blunder / war crime of theRussian army or the next arms deliveries to Ukraine. It therefore seems essentialto us to continue to talk about these conflicts, to denounce the sellers of gunswho benefit from them and to oppose all the imperialists whether they areRussians, Atlanticists (NATO) or even Canadians (declaration on Haiti) .On Saturday, April 9, the Emma Goldman Anarchist Collective carried out asolidarity action with the thirty people who were evicted from the squat at theauto-station in downtown Chicoutimi. In addition to the free soup and bread,leaflets were distributed to passers-by to discuss the situation of the poorestin this sector of Chicoutimi. We have also installed a bed, blankets and a sofain the former squat, a symbolic action that aims to promote mutual aid andsolidarity rather than repression and stigmatization. (link to the article byradio-can)To this day, the city is still struggling to ensure that everyone has a roof andsanitary facilities available regardless of people's means or conditions. Worse,she looks away when confronted with the problem and insists on making it worse.Indeed, after the first offense in the spring of 2022, one would have thoughtthat the current municipal councilor and incidentally former PQ member could havemade amends and rectified the situation, but no... The cold weather has returnedand Mireille Jean continues the hunt to the poor in downtown Chicoutimi. Afterthe dismantling this summer of a makeshift camp at the Old Port of Chicoutimi,the city again expelled squatters and squatters at the bus station and addedinsult to injury by cutting off the heating.    No, Madam Councillor, theresources allocated to homeless people are not sufficient and the city must lookinto it in order to find a lasting solution so that no one is left behind.As we wrote last spring, "This could start with the opening of heat shelters inwinter and massive investment in the development of quality housing at low cost."On the provincial scene, the situation is not much better. We need only think ofthe management of the housing crisis by the CAQ. At the beginning of July, wetherefore carried out an action in front of the offices of Minister Laforest. Wewrote then: "Having still not found an apartment to live in, we decided to movein with Minister Laforest for lack of something better." (link to the article)This action wanted to highlight the housing crisis in Saguenay and was aimed atone of the people (and their party) who are making it worse by their inaction.Laforest lost the housing portfolio after the elections - we will not mourn her -but we suspect that regardless of the minister in office, the second Legautgovernment will always have it for entrepreneurs and private owners.We also held a new edition of the Marmite Autogérée on the theme of expensive living.Finally, we ended the year 2022, in front of Richard Martel's offices with aflash mob to denounce his profound ignorance and his xenophobia in the refugee file.New publication of the Collective...In August, we announced the publication of the Children's Anarchist Dictionary.This self-produced and self-distributed book has had a reception that farexceeded our expectations. The interest in the dictionary led us this fall totravel to the four corners of Quebec to present the book and hold workshops withchildren and their parents or chaperones. These seven launches have all beenopportunities for gathering, promoting networking and new ideas and initiatives.Moreover, we would like to once again thank our comrades in the anarchistmovement in Quebec who form an incredible network of solidarity.In November, the Anarchist Children's Dictionary took a new step with its releasein France thanks to Éditions Atelier de création libertaire based in the city ofLyon. The feedback we are getting from the other side of the Atlantic is alsovery positive.   Finally, a brand new publication project will be launched in 2023.Emma Goldman Collective, January 2023http://ucl-saguenay.blogspot.com/2023/01/bilan-2022-et-perspective-pour-2023.html_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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