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vrijdag 3 februari 2023

#WORLD #WORLDWIDE #FRANCE #ANARCHISM #LIBRARY #News #Journal #Update - (en) #France, UCL - Pensions, The fight against pension reform is a feminist fight (ca, de, it, fr, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 Today in France, women receive a retirement pension that is 40% lower than that

of men. The cause? Women are often confined to less well-paid, more precarioussalaried work and choppy careers. The reform project will worsen theseinequalities, but all together, working women can win. ---- Double day -half-retirement ---- If women receive retirement pensions almost half those ofmen, this is primarily due to pay inequalities: in 2022 again, the average salaryof women is lower by 22%). But who says low wages, says low contributions, thenlow pensions. ---- In addition to being paid less, women are more forced intochoppy careers because they do most of the domestic work. It's a double workingday: at work and at home. This makes our careers more precarious: it is mostlymothers who adjust to births (reduction in working time, interruption ofactivity) and then experience difficulties in finding an equivalent position oreven a position at all. And the government would like to stop counting thequarters for maternity in the annuities!Exhaustion or miseryToday, twice as many women as men are forced to work until the age of 67 to leavewithout a discount! With the transition to 43 annuities from 2027, until what agewill our exhausted bodies have to enrich the bosses, so that we can leave with adecent retirement?This is all the more intolerable since precariousness prevents us, at any age,from fleeing violent spouses. Retired women are sadly no exception, theyrepresent 21% of feminicides. Increasingly miserable pensions will only make thesituation worse.Behind the ads, the scamThe government adorns its reform with supposedly progressive bluster measures forwomen: this is a lie. The taking into account of parental leave is limited to 4trimesters and only intervenes for long careers, (if one worked 5 trimestersbefore 20 years). Too bad for those who do not have a full career or who have hadlonger parental leaves.The minimum pension of Ero 1,200 gross, below the poverty line, has existed since2003 without being applied. It only concerns long careers fully paid at minimumwage, without interruption or part-time work. According to a 2018 report, thiswould concern... 48 people out of 2.5 million. An announcement that will notchange anything, especially not for women!Our strength: we are essentialThe health crisis has shown that women work overwhelmingly in sectors that areessential for society to simply function. This shows as much the absurdity andinjustice of wage and pension inequalities as the effectiveness of the balance ofpower that we can impose by building the strike.We want equality!Equal pay, which would fill the pension funds with 7 billion euros.Taking into account hardship, essential in feminized sectors (nurses have anaverage life expectancy of 7 years less)The taking into account of all parental leave and quarters for maternity in thecalculation of the pension, as recognition of the free work of women.Retirement at age 60, without annuity conditions.When women stand up, the people move forward!All on strike today for our pensions, March 8 for total equality!Libertarian Communist Union, January 26, 2023https://www.unioncommunistelibertaire.org/?La-lutte-contre-la-reforme-des-retraites-est-une-lutte-feministe_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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