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vrijdag 3 februari 2023

#WORLD #WORLDWIDE #FRANCE #ANARCHISM #LIBRARY #News #Journal #Update - (en) #France, UCL AL #334 - Antifascism, Anti-Semitism: The RN, from collaborators to conspirators (ca, de, it, fr, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 For years, one of the Rassemblement National's main seemingly normalization

efforts has focused on covering up its anti-Semitism. However, it remains at theheart of the far-right worldview, in particular by fueling conspiracy. ----"De-demonization is only about anti-Semitism.[...]It is anti-Semitism thatprevents people from voting for us. There is only that... From the moment youbreak this ideological lock, you release the rest.»[1]---- In 2014, Louis Aliot,then vice-president of the FN, put at the heart of his de-demonization strategythe end of the far-right party's association with anti-Semitism. On October 13,the same, who became RN mayor of Perpignan, decorated his city's medal Beate andSerge Klarsfeld, Nazi hunters in the post-war period.On November 9, in the Assembly, the RN claimed the presidency of a working groupon anti-Semitism, which would be responsible for carrying out studies on thesubject, allowing for example to audition personalities, without granting fundsto the party. leading or participating in the group.A party created by former SSThe strategy of demonization carried out for years seems to have achieved itsobjective : to make people forget a crucial aspect in the history and thought ofthe National Front, such as, for example, the fact that the FN was founded in1972 by a former SS [2]and number of collaborators, anti-Semites to the last degree.This heritage is found in the unconditional defense of Pétain and in the more orless direct denial of the Shoah and the anti-Semitic crimes carried out by theVichy regime, but also in the resumption of this vocabulary addressed tocontemporary Jewish personalities. If it is Jean-Marie Le Pen who has mostregularly made himself the spokesperson for these atrocities, having himcondemned on several occasions for anti-Semitism (1986) and contestation ofcrimes against humanity (2018), he does not is not the only one [3].Two current RN deputies have particularly distinguished themselves by theiranti-Semitism : Frédéric Boccaletti (Var), founder of a bookstore sellingnumerous negationist works, and Bryan Masson (Alpes-Maritimes) who relays thetheses of the "great replacement" on his social networks .But in recent years, the RN has preferred to hide its visceral anti-Semitismbehind a so-called past of resistance fighters and republicans, refocusing itsown narrative on the defense of France against immigration, embodied according tothem by the OAS during of the Algerian war.The highlighting of their Islamophobia and their anti-Maghreb racism, yet equallyshameful, has also enabled them to divert attention from the other forms ofracism they embody, in particular anti-Semitism.Another diversion, the growing support for Israel, notably led by Louis Aliot(him again) from 2011, with the Islamophobic justification according to whichIsrael, especially governed by the extreme right, would protect itself againstthe so-called "war of civilizations" led by the Islam, in the Middle East as inFrance.The implicit idea is also that Israel would be the "true country" of the Jews,eternally foreign and foreign in France, and that it is therefore necessary tosupport its independence in order to be able to send them there ! Butanti-Semitism returns at a gallop, as when Marine Le Pen spoke in 2017 of Macronas an "investment banker[qui]would serve an ambition" foreign to the good ofFrance, as "globalist, oligarchic and ultra-Europeanist» [4]. A discourseimplicitly incorporating a number of traditional words and clichés of anti-Semitism.Jewesses and Jews, eternal strangersDespite the facelifts, the old rancid background therefore comes out again andagain. Anti-Semitic outings are not isolated "slippages": they are the expressionof the ideology that irrigates the RN. Moreover, if Le Pen's party has polishedits discourse, it is because other groups assume the most radical part of it:Zemmour and Reconquête, Yvan Benedetti and his French National Party, Soral, theRivarol newspaper, the Catholics de Civitas, the monarchists of Action Françaiseor the recently reformed GUD.Beyond their differences, all these currents are found in anti-Semitism, whichremains a fundamental matrix of far-right thought. Jews are thought of asforeigners by nature, who cannot belong to the "real country" theorized byCharles Maurras (an expression that is found in the idea of "French of stock"opposed to "French of paper") and who have no choice but to keep quiet or leaveFrance.When Macron plans to pay homage to the anti-Semites Maurras or Maurice Barrès, orwhen Darmanin promotes Napoleon's anti-Semitic policy in a book as an example ofintegration, it is because the right considers itself free to hold thesediscourses openly.JEANNE MENJOULETThis idea joins that of many conspiracy theories, which present "the Jews" as atight-knit community of enemies within who would pull all the strings, such asthose of the "great replacement" which they would orchestrate to destroyChristian Europe. and white.Without being so clear, these slogans are perfectly understood by the extremeright. Evidenced by the sign "Who? carried by Cassandre Fristot (former memberand candidate in 2012 for the legislative elections for the National Front, alsoformer chief of staff of Louis Aliot), or the denunciation of "bankers" and"global finance" against "the real economy" as well as that of enemies like theRothschilds, George Soros, Jacques Attali, to whom disproportionate powers ofinfluence are lent.This discourse which claims to be social is an artificial means of divertingclass opposition towards a conspiratorial and racist division of society whichmakes it possible to unite bosses and proletarians considered as French againstJews and Jews.Macron's tributes to Maurras and PétainThe anti-Semitism of the RN and of the entire extreme right is not an old fadassociated with the 1930s and 1940s and whose supporters would have left theparty with Le Pen senior: it is fundamental, always present, and this despite theefforts incessant facts to make people forget this sinister association with Nazism.If the RN is less criticized today on this theme, it is not that it is absent: itis that the rest of the political class has become more tolerant on these issues.When Macron plans to pay homage to the anti-Semites Maurras or Maurice Barrès, orwhen Darmanin promotes Napoleon's anti-Semitic policy in a book as an example ofintegration, it is because the right considers itself free to hold thesediscourses openly.This is why we must be vigilant: giving free rein to anti-Semitism and especiallyto its most hidden expressions, is to offer an avenue to the strategy ofdemonizing the far right. The anti-racist and anti-fascist fight obviouslyinvolves the fight against anti-Semitism, by bringing it to light and by constantdenunciation.UCL Antifascist Commission and Antiracist CommissionTo validate[1]Valérie Igounet, The National Front from 1972 to the present day, Seuil, 2014.[2]"50 years of F-Haine, a discreet anniversary", Alternative libertarian,October 2022[3]Marine Turchi, "Founded by a former Waffen-SS, the RN seeks the presidency ofa working group on anti-Semitism", Médiapart, November 9, 2022.[4]Renaud Dély, "The "insensitive investment banker", this old anti-Semiticcliché that Marine Le Pen recycles for Macron...", Marianne, April 28, 2017.https://www.unioncommunistelibertaire.org/?Antisemitisme-Le-RN-des-collabos-aux-complotistes_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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