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vrijdag 3 februari 2023

#WORLD #WORLDWIDE #TURKEY #ANARCHISM #LIBRARY #News #Journal #Update - (en) #Turkey, yeryuzu postasi: Campaign from anarchists as we enter the election process: Our problems are not solved at the ballot box (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 While entering the election process, anarchists from different cities started a

campaign around the slogan "Can't be solved at the ballot box". In the textshared from its social media accounts, it was emphasized that while the AKP isdoing its best to prevent social reaction with its policies of repression andviolence, the so-called opposition is feeding a climate of fear with the fallacyof "beneficial to the government". In the text, in which it was stated that thecandidates who entered the elections would ask people to vote with threats, notwith promises, it was said, "Our problems will not be solved by voting for one ofthe candidates who are basically no different from each other." ---- "We, asthose who are getting poorer, unable to make a living, unable to shelter, and whofeel the consequences of the climate crisis, wars and other problems created bycapitalism, say that we do not even have a day to waste to formself-organizations in our workplaces, schools or neighborhoods and startstruggling. " The text called "We have to fight for a free and equal worldagainst this order and we have no time to lose. We must not allow those who offerus no choice as an option to feed our despair. Today is the time to stand up toorganize and fight our problems instead of procrastinating." ended with the call.As anarchists living in different cities, we say; Our problems cannot be solvedat the ballot box, let's create self-organizations wherever we are and increasethe struggle.Here is the entire text:Cannot be dissolved in the chest!Again, we have entered a period where everyone is waiting for the elections andall calculations are made according to the result of the ballot box. Negotiationsare over, alliances are formed... A river is flowing and everyone is immersed inthe current. While the AKP, like all previous governments, is doing its best toprevent social reaction with its policies of repression and violence, theso-called opposition is feeding a climate of fear with the nonsense that "itbenefits the government". With this discourse, which only hinders the struggle ofwomen, LGBTI+s, Kurds and workers, they tell us the tale that all our problemswill be solved at the ballot box. The vast majority are reluctantly draggedbehind this tale. However, we know that the solution to our problems will notcome out of the ballot box. That's why we invite you to row against the current.It's not a choice it's a threatAs in every election period, we will hear many promises these days. The words weknow will be heard on billboards, on television and on the radio every day.However, they will ask people to vote with threats, not with promises.While the AKP is trying to maintain its power with the climate of fear it hascreated, the opposition will tell millions of people who want to get rid of theAKP that they have no choice but to vote for the alliance made up of former powerveterans and registered fascists.On the other hand, although the sovereigns show every time that they will notallow internal opposition by appointing trustees to municipalities and arrestingpoliticians, some actors of the social opposition still point to parliamentarypolitics for the solution of problems, creating an illusion that people can solvetheir problems in this way, and reducing the direct organization of the societyand its direct participation in politics. It brings the chest, which is themechanism, to the fore more and more.Each of them will impose the lie that there is nothing they can do but to go tothe polls and vote for one of the options presented to them, who are driven todespair by the increasing pressure and violence.However, there is no choice. This is a threat. Our problems will not be solved byvoting for one of the candidates who are basically no different from each other,the problems of livelihood, housing problems, work murders, male violence,femicides, climate crisis, hatred against LGBTI+s, cruelty towards animals, wars,occupation policies, incited by hostility to immigrants. Racism and oppressivegovernment policies will not end no matter who wins the election.No Hope From This OrderWe know that these problems are inherent in this order and will continue to existas long as this order exists. Capitalism has always meant crisis for us. Thisorder, built on exploitation, has always meant for workers to die in work-relatedmurders, to barely make ends meet, and to live in fear of being unemployed andstarving. In the patriarchal order, which means the exploitation of women's laborand body, women have always been killed by men, subjected to violence, sexualassault and abuse. Discrimination, hatred and violence against LGBTI+s havealways been provoked by the state itself. The state's monist policies and attacksbased on denial towards oppressed peoples remained the same even though thegovernments changed. States have not stopped anywhere and at any time to shelvethe so-called democratic principles and increase violence and oppression in orderto maintain order.The increasing authoritarianism of the current government and the climate of fearit creates is not a deviation from this order, but a part of it.  Those who comeacross as an alternative to power today do not hesitate to serve this order evenwhen they are in opposition. What happens when those who support the government'swar policies, especially the attacks against Rojava, those who support theanti-refugee policies, those who compete with the government to undermine thestruggle of women and LGBTI+s, those who continue the rent projects they havetaken over in the municipalities they own, and those who try to break the strikesof the workers when they come to power? It's not hard to predict what they can do.So What Do We Recommend?We know that in these circumstances, people will feel helplessly compelled totake sides in the fight between the ruling cliques, each worse than the other. Onthe other hand, we know very well that nothing can change within the wheels ofthis order. In this completely rotten order, we do not trust any of the politicalparties that come up with various promises.parliamentarism; We see this system, which is based on the exploitation anddomination of us by the ruling classes, as a mask used to hide its true face andas a game that divides us according to the interests of the sovereigns.We know that both the simplest improvements and radical social transformations inour daily lives are possible with people's organization and struggle. If we aregoing to change something again today, it will be by organizing and struggling.As those who are getting poorer every day, unable to make a living, unable toshelter, and feel the consequences of the climate crisis, wars and other problemscreated by capitalism, we say that we do not even have a day to waste to formself-organizations in our workplaces, schools or neighborhoods and start struggling.This order will not disappear in an instant, but with our struggles for our dailyproblems and when we form social organizations based on mutual aid and directdemocracy in all areas of life.We have to fight for a free and equal world against this order and we have notime to lose. We must not allow those who offer us no choice as an option to feedour despair. Today is the time to stand up to organize and fight our problemsinstead of procrastinating.https://twitter.com/sandiktacohttps://www.yeryuzupostasi.org/2023/01/19/secim-surecine-girilirken-anarsistlerden-kampanya-sorunlarimiz-sandikta-cozulmez/_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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