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donderdag 2 februari 2023

#WORLD #WORLDWIDE #SPAIN #ANARCHISM #LIBRARY #News #Journal #Update - (en) #Spain: The CNT-AIT of #Granada supports the demonstration against the power cuts in Granada. (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 The demonstration called for this Saturday, January 28 at 12 noon in the Triumph

for the Platform against the power outages of Granada. We encourage thedissemination and participation in this important event, which affects basic andessential aspects of the lives of thousands of neighbors. ---- We disseminate themanifesto that they have published: ---- MANIFESTO AGAINST POWER CUTS IN GRANADA2023 ---- In January 2023, the year in which Granada will host a EuropeanCouncil, in which culture, science, research and technology transfer are theirbanners, hundreds of their neighbors continue to suffer avoidable power outagesat their homes.While Endesa gets entangled in excuses and the administrations continue to lookthe other way, discussing competencies and without implementing effectivemeasures to put an end to this situation, the people who live in the NorthernDistrict continue to suffer from the cold due to not being able to light theirbraziers, they stop studying because without Light is impossible, they can'tbreathe because their electrical devices don't work with the cuts and theirinsulin spoils, which has to be kept refrigerated since the fridges don't workeither.The existence of residents of Granada suffering power outages that affect allaspects of their lives in a very important way, especially their health, andassuming a violation of essential rights cannot be consented to by publicadministrations. Their obligation is to guarantee that the people who live intheir territory have a dignified life, which requires having electricity in theirhomes.Endesa has, once and for all, to ensure that all the people who are paying theirbills have electricity on an equal footing with the rest of the citizens who arealso up to date with their payments.That is why we ask:- That, immediately, uninterrupted electricity supply be guaranteed to allelectrically dependent people who are suffering cuts.- That an independent mechanism be enabled that allows the dimension of poweroutages to be evaluated objectively.- That Endesa be forced to establish a specific customer service line for areasthat suffer power outages.- That an independent audit of the area be carried out.- That the neighbors participate in the decision-making regarding power outages.- That the administrations assume their responsibilities and guarantee the rightsof citizens, obliging Endesa to comply with its obligations to supply electricityto all families that are up to date with their payments.We have been fighting this fight for more than 10 years. With more and moreintensity and strength. And we will continue until there is not a single homeleft suffering from power outages. We do it in coordination and in solidaritywith the rest of the territories that suffer this violation of rights, such asIznalloz, Pinos Puente, Almería, Seville, Badalona, Girona and Cañada Real inMadrid, among many others. We know that the power outages we suffer are notspecific incidents, but rather structural problems that affect neighborhoodsthroughout the state.That is why we want 2023 to be the year in which Granada, like the rest of theneighborhoods in the Spanish State, stop suffering power outages. A 2023 whereinstitutions and administrations guarantee neighborhoods with light,neighborhoods with rights.https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=509277877973933&set=a.422581939976861_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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