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donderdag 2 maart 2023

#WORLD #WORLDWIDE #ITALY #ANARCHISM #LIBRARY #News #Journal #Update - (en) Italy, FDCA, IL Cantiere #14: Political and union reflections of the snowy month*. The new advancing: piecework, salary cages and private healthcare by CristianoValente (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 Carlo Bonomi, President of Confindustria, in the interview given to the newspaper

"Il Messaggero" last December 31st, without any visible trace of embarrassment,but with the arrogance that has always characterized the bosses, indicates andhopes, for the confrontation with trade union organizations, the old and abhorredsolution of piecework, and even more the old logic of wage cages. ---- These,born from an agreement signed on December 6, 1945 between industrialists andworkers' organizations for the parametrization of wages on the basis of the costof living in the various places, and which entered into force in 1946, wereinitially foreseen only at north, and only later extended to the whole country.Originally, the division was into four zones, each with a different wage bill. In1954 the whole country was divided into 14 zones in which different wages wereapplied according to the cost of living.Between the area where the salary was higher and the one where the salary waslower, the gap could be as much as 29%.In 1961 the number of zones was halved, from 14 to 7, and the gap between wagesdecreased from 29% to 20%. The system of wage cages met progressively andincreasingly strong opposition from unions and workers.It is no coincidence that the system was abolished in 1969, driven by strongworker mobilizations and following the general strike of 12 February 1969, withas many as five million workers taking to the streets, following which aninter-confederation agreement was signed on 18 March , which eliminated the"cages", albeit with a certain graduality which led to its total and completeabolition from 1 July 1972.These are Bonomi's words today: "Work is no longer the old Fordist exchangebetween time and wages. It is an activity that must be measured on the result,regardless of the place where it is performed and the time of day.The national labor contract remains a virtuous safeguard for minimum wages andworker rights.But the new technical job profiles today are not found in the old nationalclassification tables of each sector, they change from company to company.For this we need a leap forward in the diffusion of company supplementarycontracts: it is there that the optimal remuneration for qualifications, therewarded productivity metric, the company welfare are decided.As well as a salary also commensurate with the real territorial costs: the costof living in Milan is not that of other cities.In the company union this awareness exists, at a national political level andpart of the union still do not understand it". (1)Such a declaration should lead the trade union leaders, in particular those ofthe CGIL, to a battle, spearheading, for the total overcoming of Article 8 of Law148 of 2011, instead of a simple principled opposition, ritually formulated bycongress after congress, but without ever claiming its total suppression.This is the rule conceived by the then Labor Minister Maurizio Sacconi, whointervened drastically in the ongoing debate between CGIL, CISL, UIL andConfindustria regarding the reform of the collective bargaining model.The issue on the agenda was the promotion of second-level bargaining (company orterritorial) and the spaces within its competence.While previously the social partners agreed on the fact that these spaces wouldbe expressly indicated by the national bargaining agreement (CCNL), Sacconi withart. 8 expanded this faculty to a disproportionate extent by law, providing thatcorporate or territorial collective agreements (proximity is the technical term)provided they are signed by the majority of the most representative trade unionorganizations, or by their representatives in the company, may derogate fromcontractual or even legislative provisions , with the only exclusions of theConstitutional or Community ones.It is, as is evident, a concrete twist of the real power relations at thenational level, not casually transferred to the single productive realities, tothe single factories, which in this way find themselves isolated in theterritories and in the same categories to which they belong.Furthermore, second-level bargaining is still present exclusively in large groupsand no more than 20% of production realities and there is increasingly anobjective diversity of economic and regulatory conditions depending on thereference markets, for example, between companies that work for 'export or forthe internal market, or for companies with a high technological prevalencecompared to the "labor intensive" one, i.e. with a high content of simple labour.Not putting the total suppression of article eight on the agenda, therefore,means facilitating and going in the direction that President Bonomi indicates,i.e. wage jungle, regulatory jungle, diversity of economic treatment for equalwork according to the areas territories in which you live, restoration of thepiecework; a substantial step back over fifty years.In addition, with the expansion and development of the so-called "corporatewelfare" that President Bonomi sponsors in his address, this supposedly advancinginnovation has in itself a further and dramatic prospect of a retreat, whichinstead finds the convinced adhesion of union leadership groups.Our public healthcare system, universal and not by chance obtained at the end ofthe 70s of the last century, precisely on December 23, 1978, with the law n.833which superseded the various "mutuals" linked to the various categories, alreadygreatly weakened with the The corporate and private drunkenness of the 90s,through the enabling law of 23 October 1992 n.412 with the transformation ofpublic structures from Local Health Units (USL) into Local Health Authorities(ASL) in competition with each other, is further weakened and circumvented withthe massive introduction of what is called "corporate welfare" which, in additionto signifying an advancement of private health care and a strong reduction ofpublic health,reproduces a diversity of health and prevention treatmentsaccording to the different categories to which they belong.A return therefore to the old mutuals with the right to health no longer auniversal right, but correlated to being a worker, thus excluding the unemployedand retired, with strong inequalities between the different categories, betweenthe assisted themselves, with a substantial lack of homogeneity of the services.In the face of this employers' vision, which Bonomi expresses with extremeclarity and crudeness, in the trade union debate, more and more often, there isstammering on the need for an alleged Work Plan, often recalling the figure of DiVittorio and his Work Plan over the years 50s of the last century.The explicitly declared objective of that plan was the increase in employment tobe pursued both through the immediate creation of jobs and the enlargement of theinternal market (which would also have stimulated the formation of new productivecapacity), and through the elimination of bottlenecks and the strengthening ofthe productive apparatus.That plan had no intention of breaking the system, it was not at all a projectfor the socialism of the future, but rather a neo-Keynesian project, a proposalaimed at solving the problems of high unemployment and too low wages which stillcharacterized post-reconstruction. war.There was also a wrong analytical postulate which assumed a sort of desertion ofbig capital with respect to the need for a reconstruction of the productiveapparatus which clearly did not correspond to reality and that low wages andunemployment depended on their excessive power.A mistaken belief that prevented the understanding of the ongoing restructuringand the monopolistic direction of this process.And as always happens from erroneous assumptions, such as that of the workers'willingness to make further sacrifices, not only did we not obtain greateremployment, but concretely prepared for the great defeat suffered by FIAT by FIOMin 1955, precisely for having underestimated and did not respond adequately tothe first political dismissals, which had already begun in '48 and reiteratedtogether with the first departments confined to FIAT as early as '52.The increase in employment came only many years later and following that economicmiracle of the 1960s, a period in which the nationalization of electricity alsotook place, vainly requested by the Plan, with the establishment of the nationalbody for the electricity, ENEL, with law n.1643 of 6 December 1962, by theFanfani government.The discussion on the Labor Plan opened at the second Congress in Genoa in 1949also and perhaps above all had a political value which culminated, at the IIICongress of the CGIL in Naples, in 1952, with Di Vittorio's proposal for aStatute of workers which had the objective of realizing and implementing theConstitution in the workplace.But even for this it will be necessary to wait another 18 years and above all itwill be necessary for the balance of power to change at a national level and inthe individual productive realities in favor of the working class, relationswhich crystallized with Law 300 of 1970, the Workers' Statute.It is not for a simple historical or theoretical speculation that we start again,albeit briefly, from the 1950s Work Plan.In the union elaboration of the last 50 years, up to the contemporaryelaborations, more and more often, we can trace the same errors of analysis oringenuity that the Work Plan presupposed.According to these readings and these analyses, we would in fact find ourselvesfaced with a financial and unproductive capitalism dedicated exclusively tospeculation and instead a healthy entrepreneurial fabric, with which to relauncha pact, which periodically assumes different lexicons, but which in substance isthe ancient and the road of the producers' pact.In 1978, faced with inflation around 18% and double-digit unemployment, theconfederal trade union CGIL, CISL and UIL launched the EUR project in Italy,which had its roots in Di Vittorio's Work Plan, with in mind the objective offull employment and the revival of investments, indicating, also in this case, inwage moderation the choice of responsibility of the union to fight inflation andrestore the country.But even this choice was prodromal for the dramatic defeat of the 80s / 90s andalso this time, as further confirmation of how and where the fundamental eventstake place to define the balance of power between the classes which then radiateinto all the interstices and the fields of society in general, at FIAT in October1980 after 35 days of occupation of the factory.The need to relaunch a Work Plan, updating it, for the CGIL was then alsopresented at the 2010 National Congress, to face the economic and financialcrisis of 2008, which led to a loss of 9 points of GDP until 2011, bringing thespread at 540 basis points.This discussion then led to the definition and relaunch of a new CGIL Work Planin 2013, but which like Di Vittorio's Work Plan does not live in the dailyelaboration of the trade union and class struggle and is not a reference to any That.Like the historic Plan, it is a list of requests, some even more or lesssensible, but which have no possibility of concrete realization unlesssubstantiated by power relations which are instead increasingly favorable to thebosses and if there is no clear perspective of a real modification and overcomingof the capitalist economic and social model.It is enough to think that Italy in 2023 continues to be a country in whichsingle-income families still prevail, as a consequence above all of the lowfemale employment rate, hindered not only by an insufficient demand for work, butalso by the difficulties that women with family burdens in reconciling family andwork, especially if they have several children, in the absence of adequate services.Furthermore, households with two or more employees are still a minority; 44.6%, adecrease compared to 2004,when they had reached 45.6%. The poverty line defined by the national statisticsinstitute for a single-person household is 640 euros per month, but a family withone dependent child is considered relatively poor with an average monthly netincome of less than 1400 euros.In reality, 54.4% of employees, i.e. over 10 million male and female workers,earn well below 1400 euros a month, settling in income classes not exceeding20,000 euros a year and overall 73.2% of employees, i.e. over 14 million male andfemale workers do not exceed 1400 euros per month. (2)The need to clearly define certain achievable and acquirable objectives in termsof wages and employment is the only viable way to rebuild that fabric of classsolidarity now torn apart by the constant and increased social inequality.The reference social block is clearly identifiable in this high percentage ofmale and female workers who, together with the new generations and women,increasingly need real structures of representation, i.e. political and tradeunion organizations that take their point of view, without alchemy legislation,and whose total absence has meant that large sectors of these workers and youngergenerations have looked with sympathy at a post-fascist government structure.*Snowy was the name of the fourth month of the French revolutionary calendar andcorresponded, depending on the year, with the period between December 21/23 andJanuary 19/21 in the Gregorian calendar. After its abolition by Napoleon, it wasonly used during the Commune period and then abandoned.Note:(1) Il Messaggero 30 December 2022. Interview by Massimo Martinelli with CarloBonomi: "Work is changing, companies need contracts linked to results"(2) Cf. "More wages, less hours" the SITE n.11 October 2022 page 7https://www.veliber.org/archivio/IlCantiere/A3/cant_2023_14/files/cant_2023_14.pdf_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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