This March 24 marks the 47th anniversary of the last
civic-ecclesiastical-military coup, commanded by the interests of the sectors ofthe concentrated economy and the United States embassy as in most of the LatinAmerican countries. With the Condor plan as a framework, it was about thegenocidal policy that Yankee imperialism had to maintain the domain of the regionas its backyard. Through a systematic plan that included theft of babies,murders, disappearances, clandestine detention centers, rape, torture, and otheratrocities, and which had a strong impact on the social fabric, the neoliberalmodel began to be established in the country.However, State and parastatal terrorism did not begin in 1976, and several yearsearlier the political sectors of those at the top had understood that onlythrough a bloody genocide could they quench the tenacity and conviction of thesocial and political organizations that upheld revolutionary projects and ofsocial transformation since the 1960s. The milestones of the Cordobazo and theRosariazo in 1969, and the subsequent Viborazo in our City, among other popularinsurrections against the Onganía dictatorship, showed the strength andcombativeness of the union, student and neighborhoods to face the repression andthe attacks against the living conditions of the popular sectors. At the sametime, political tools were constituted that took great development, of differentcharacteristics of composition and ideological perspectives, such as the PRT ofMarxist matrix; Montoneros emerged from Christian and Peronist sectors; the FAR,the FAP, among others and of course the development of various expressions oforganized Anarchism, comrades to whom we pay this tribute today. In thisscenario, the people shook the institutional power structure of the bourgeoisie,it was an advanced situation for the struggles of the oppressed classes againstthe system of domination, even with the Peronist government of Cámpora in 1973and the subsequent return of Perón, who could not impose the class conciliationthat this movement historically advocated in the country. The unequivocalresponse from those above was repression to try to tame the political turmoil ofthe popular sectors. Since 1973 we have already found detained-disappearedcompañeras and compañeros. The action of the disastrous AAA in times of"democratic" Peronist governments was proof, outside the institutional frameworkbut in full view of the whole world, of what the military later formalized bytaking over the three powers of the State.Today, many sectors yearn with great nostalgia for the times of State terrorism,and even continue to speak of two demons, denying the crimes against humanity ofthe repressors and the civil responsibility of those who benefited from and werepart of the coup, such as the recently deceased Carlos Blaquier, owner of theLedesma mill that carried out in Jujuy the night of the blackout in which 400mill workers were arrested and disappeared. Or to give another example, thefamily of the repressive Bussi, with a great bloody, anti-worker and impunitytradition, with Ricardo Bussi and his party establishing an alliance with theultra-liberal Milei to face this election year. Other politicians from thehigher-ups, such as former President Macri, also from a business family that knewhow to benefit from the dictatorship, denialist and reactionary positionscontinue to be vociferated in the media, expressing that human rights are "ajob". This is just to cite a few examples. Behind these speeches is hidden thewill of the entire arc of the right to deepen a plan of attack on the livingconditions of those below that is already being carried out. Like in thedictatorship. The repercussion in the media and the attempt to channel socialdiscontent, especially among young people, with the political class of thefar-right and ultra-liberal sectors is worrying. For this reason, the exercise ofmemory is necessary so that the people do not allow those who caused us so muchdamage to take power again. Behind these speeches is hidden the will of theentire arc of the right to deepen a plan of attack on the living conditions ofthose below that is already being carried out. Like in the dictatorship. Therepercussion in the media and the attempt to channel social discontent,especially among young people, with the political class of the far-right andultra-liberal sectors is worrying. For this reason, the exercise of memory isnecessary so that the people do not allow those who caused us so much damage totake power again. Behind these speeches is hidden the will of the entire arc ofthe right to deepen a plan of attack on the living conditions of those below thatis already being carried out. Like in the dictatorship. The repercussion in themedia and the attempt to channel social discontent, especially among youngpeople, with the political class of the far-right and ultra-liberal sectors isworrying. For this reason, the exercise of memory is necessary so that the peopledo not allow those who caused us so much damage to take power again. especiallyyoung people, with the political class of the ultra-right and ultra-liberalsectors. For this reason, the exercise of memory is necessary so that the peopledo not allow those who caused us so much damage to take power again. especiallyyoung people, with the political class of the ultra-right and ultra-liberalsectors. For this reason, the exercise of memory is necessary so that the peopledo not allow those who caused us so much damage to take power again.In this sense, we cannot stop considering the catastrophic situation of our timeand place, with a social and economic crisis that does not give up. As a generalframework, we suffered consequences of the anti-popular pact with the IMF,approved by Alberto Fernández to keep the country tied to financial interestsafter borrowing the most important loan in the history of the IMF itself that theMacri government took. An inflation of more than 100% year-on-year, prices offood and basic services that increase without truce, salaries that, on thecontrary, are constantly devalued, an increase in poverty and misery, a largepart of the population without access to decent housing, to health and education,an increase in precarious work and formal work that does not even cover the basicneeds of the workers. We are living through a cycle of crisis and attack on thosebelow that has been going on for many years, an even more vertiginous worseningof the living and working conditions of the majority of the country's population.At the same time, the repressive advance of the governments to make theadjustment happen deepens, criminalizing those who fight and those below. Therepressive apparatus of the State continues to murder and disappear people even47 years after the dictatorship. Everything on the eve of new elections thisyear, while those at the top try to impose a smokescreen with their electoralthread agenda, the popular sectors suffer their constant attacks. At the sametime, the repressive advance of the governments to make the adjustment happendeepens, criminalizing those who fight and those below. The repressive apparatusof the State continues to murder and disappear people even 47 years after thedictatorship. Everything on the eve of new elections this year, while those atthe top try to impose a smokescreen with their electoral thread agenda, thepopular sectors suffer their constant attacks. At the same time, the repressiveadvance of the governments to make the adjustment happen deepens, criminalizingthose who fight and those below. The repressive apparatus of the State continuesto murder and disappear people even 47 years after the dictatorship. Everythingon the eve of new elections this year, while those at the top try to impose asmokescreen with their electoral thread agenda, the popular sectors suffer theirconstant attacks.This context further reinforces the need to organize ourselves in all socialspaces where resistance to the advance of those above is expressed, such as ourunions, places of study and neighborhoods. To overcome the smokescreen that thoseabove want to impose on us and to discuss our living conditions, it is necessarynot to leave the streets. Rather the opposite, deepen the struggle in the streetsand the organization from below, in defense of wages, against adjustment, againstrepression, against extractivist policies of death, against sexist violence. Ifwe must recover a lesson from the experience of struggle of our comrades of thattime, it is that in the face of such an offensive from those above, the militanttask must not fall into immobility, nor into paralyzing fear,State terrorism through its most dastardly methods tried to discipline theworking people, the students and those who bet on building a more egalitariansociety, however our comrades, social fighters who fell facing the dictatorshiptranscended into history, into the collective memory of those who do not give upand live within the daily popular struggles that those of us below wage againstthis oppressive, unjust and bloody system. Therefore, recovering the historicalmemory of that historical process, the fallen comrades, makes our task militant,not only for the vindication of our past, but for the disputes and struggles thatare taking place in the present. We cannot lose sight of the fact that the causeof the 30,400 is still unfinished, March 24 is not a reminder of a finishedfight, although certain sectors want to sell us that speech under the false coverof this democracy. Instead, it is a date in which we remember and draw on thestrength and commitment of our compañeros, whose fight was for a socialrevolution, to build a socialist society, without hunger and misery for thepeople, an objective that still remains for us today. motorizes and guides in ourdaily work. The experience of the anarchist militancy in the seventies, and ofthe general resistance to the reactionary advance should be lessons for thestruggles of the present. It is a date in which we remember and nourish ourselveswith the strength and commitment of our compañeros, whose fight was for a socialrevolution, to build a socialist society, without hunger and misery for thepeople, an objective that still motivates and guides us today. in our daily work.The experience of the anarchist militancy in the seventies, and of the generalresistance to the reactionary advance should be lessons for the struggles of thepresent. It is a date in which we remember and nourish ourselves with thestrength and commitment of our compañeros, whose fight was for a socialrevolution, to build a socialist society, without hunger and misery for thepeople, an objective that still motivates and guides us today. in our daily work.The experience of the anarchist militancy in the seventies, and of the generalresistance to the reactionary advance should be lessons for the struggles of thepresent.The history of our current is very rich in experiences of struggle andresistance, despite the attempts by those at the top and other sectors to makethe struggles of our comrades on the map invisible, because they areuncomfortable, because it is a proposal completely in the antipodes of thissystem of domination. Organized anarchism during the 1960s and 1970s, as always,rooted its political proposal in processes of mobilization and organizationpromoted from the heart of the people. The 1970s found anarchism in Córdobabuilding on different social fronts. On the one hand, the group of militantsbased in the Colonia Lola neighborhood, with a strong territorial militancy inthe neighborhood, which had among its milestones the recovery of the neighborhoodcenter in the hands of the Peronist bureaucracy, recovery of the health centerand the development of the little school Libertad. Among this group of militantsthere was also strong participation in the Total Workshop experience at the UNCFaculty of Architecture between 1970 and 1973. It was an important processbetween teachers and students of occupation and assembly that managed tooverthrow the management of the Faculty and convert it in an experience ofhorizontal organization, modifying their study plans to get fully involved in thesocial and territorial problems of those below, making the people participate inthe work of the Faculty and available to their needs. Undoubtedly, thisexperience marks an exemplary milestone for the development of student struggles,taking knowledge production into the hands of those below. Among this group ofmilitants there was also strong participation in the Total Workshop experience atthe UNC Faculty of Architecture between 1970 and 1973. It was an importantprocess between teachers and students of occupation and assembly that managed tooverthrow the management of the Faculty and convert it in an experience ofhorizontal organization, modifying their study plans to get fully involved in thesocial and territorial problems of those below, making the people participate inthe work of the Faculty and available to their needs. Undoubtedly, thisexperience marks an exemplary milestone for the development of student struggles,taking knowledge production into the hands of those below. Among this group ofmilitants there was also strong participation in the Total Workshop experience atthe UNC Faculty of Architecture between 1970 and 1973. It was an importantprocess between teachers and students of occupation and assembly that managed tooverthrow the management of the Faculty and convert it in an experience ofhorizontal organization, modifying their study plans to get fully involved in thesocial and territorial problems of those below, making the people participate inthe work of the Faculty and available to their needs. Undoubtedly, thisexperience marks an exemplary milestone for the development of student struggles,taking knowledge production into the hands of those below.Also in our province there was a strong presence of anarchist comrades in thelabor movement that was at that moment at the apex of massiveness andcombativeness. There were anarchist comrades who tenaciously participated in theUnión Obrera Metalúrgica, the Union of Educators of the Province of Córdoba, witha greater presence in the historic union of Luz y Fuerza, which in the late 1960sand early 1970s played a important role in the Coordination Table of Guilds inFight to put an end to the Onganía dictatorship and resist the attacks of thedifferent governments. In this same line there were anarchist militants withmilitancy in the Automotive Transport Mechanics Union.Our colleagues had a very important development in the experience of the creationof the Union of Rubber and Allied Workers, a body created as a tool for thestruggle of workers in the sector against the immobility and bureaucratization ofthe pro-employer federation FOCAYA. This union organized fights of greatintensity in participation and direct action against the bosses. There was also astrong anarchist presence among the FIAT workers grouped in the ConCord WorkersUnion (Sitrac) and the MaterFer Workers Union (Sitram). All these compañeros/asof course deeply involved with the most heroic deeds of the time that gave theglorious labor movement of Córdoba of the time, like the Cordobazo of 1969 thatgave a death blow to the Onganía dictatorship and the Viborazo of 1971 that threwout the inspector of the province who had arrived under Levingston's order to cutoff the head of "the communist viper." A sector of these union militants weregrouped in the so-called Anarchist Organization. It is noteworthy the contact andlink of the Cordoba militants with the political organization Resistencia Libertaria.Resistencia Libertaria was an experience of Anarchist political organization thathad its actions in the social sphere, mainly in the union field, but also in thestudent movement. Initially based in the cities of La Plata and Buenos Aires,with a strong presence in Astilleros Río Santiago and Ensenada, Judicial, Textileand Plumbers. The experience of Resistencia Libertaria is centered on theconception of the Anarchist Political Organization as a tool to participate inthe different social fronts with the oppressed classes, from within, breakingwith the avant-garde conception of other left currents, but rather functioning asan engine from within. of the social space. Reaching a high level of developmentwith a press apparatus, in the same way as the Anarchist Organization in Córdoba,and development of an armed structure as a means of self-defense and a way ofcarrying out expropriations to finance their actions. Compañeros/as deResistencia Libertaria later came to Córdoba, to support the development ofSITRACAAF and the coordination of Gremios en Lucha in direct link with theAnarchist Organization. It is worth mentioning here Esther Biscayart de Tello, aLibertarian Resistance militant who would later be one of the Mothers of Plaza deMayo, emblematic organization of the fight for human rights worldwide. After atireless struggle for the appearance of her children, also members of ResistenciaLibertaria and all the disappeared. Compañeros/as de Resistencia Libertaria latercame to Córdoba, to support the development of SITRACAAF and the coordination ofGremios en Lucha in direct link with the Anarchist Organization. It is worthmentioning here Esther Biscayart de Tello, a Libertarian Resistance militant whowould later be one of the Mothers of Plaza de Mayo, emblematic organization ofthe fight for human rights worldwide. After a tireless struggle for theappearance of her children, also members of Resistencia Libertaria and all thedisappeared. Compañeros/as de Resistencia Libertaria later came to Córdoba, tosupport the development of SITRACAAF and the coordination of Gremios en Lucha indirect link with the Anarchist Organization. It is worth mentioning here EstherBiscayart de Tello, a Libertarian Resistance militant who would later be one ofthe Mothers of Plaza de Mayo, emblematic organization of the fight for humanrights worldwide. After a tireless struggle for the appearance of her children,also members of Resistencia Libertaria and all the disappeared. emblematic bodyof the fight for human rights worldwide. After a tireless struggle for theappearance of her children, also members of Resistencia Libertaria and all thedisappeared. emblematic body of the fight for human rights worldwide. After atireless struggle for the appearance of her children, also members of ResistenciaLibertaria and all the disappeared.The rich history of the specific current also had its chapter in Argentinehistory and particularly in the fight against the dictatorship. The sisterorganization and founder of our current, the Uruguayan Anarchist Federation had atactical withdrawal from Montevideo to Buenos Aires in the 1970s to reorganizethe resistance to the dictatorship that had been installed since 1973 in theircountry. These comrades came from very important militancy in different tradeunion circles, such as the Graphics union, Canillitas, Refrigeration Industry(FOICA), Tires (FUNSA), a stick of combative unionism in Uruguay, among others.All of them promoters of the creation of the National Confederation of Workers ofUruguay. Among these FAU comrades were militants from the social organizationsResistencia Obrero Estudiantil (ROE) and the Cerro-Teja column that developedterritorial militancy in these working-class neighborhoods of Montevideo. The FAUat the time also developed its weaponized tool, the OPR-33. Already in Argentinathey act in close ties with Resistencia Libertaria, and they are going through anintense path of struggle due to the affinity in the political position, thehorizons set forth, the methodology, the strategy, the tenacious militancy insocial spaces with all the/ The brothers of the oppressed classes and the needfor anarchist political organization.All of our fellow anarchist militants were targeted by the persecution andrepression of the State, like the entire generation of our 30,400. Many weredetained, subjected to the worst torture and humiliation, and countless andinvaluable comrades are still missing due to State terrorism. The ruling classwas afraid, very much terrified, of compañeros/as so convinced of turningeverything around, of carrying out a revolution for a world without oppressors,for this reason they sent the military, their watchdogs, to commit suchatrocities. But let no one be left without knowing that no matter how muchtorture, death and repression they have inoculated, they have not been able toerase the dreams and ideas of our colleagues, because here we are, standing,building little by little , taking in our hands the legacy and path of ourcolleagues. Despite the hostility of the context and the blows from those above,our comrades are more alive than ever in each struggle of the people. And it isurgent that we multiply these struggles and multiply the organization, it is ourhistorical responsibility to assume and we count on the strength of our peopleand our history.We remember the disappeared anarchist comrades, especially those union anarchistmilitants of the Anarchist Organization and militants of the group from ColoniaLola (Córdoba), those who belonged to RL (Libertarian Resistance) and fAu(Uruguayan Anarchist Federation), compañeros/os who gave everything to build ananarchism at the service of social struggles and the construction of LibertarianSocialism. From the specific anarchism of Argentina we know that the best tributeis to continue their fight.PRESENTS! NOW AND FOREVER30,400 COMPAÑERXS, PRESENT!FELLOW ANARCHISTS DETAINED DISAPPEARED PRESENT!WE DO NOT FORGET, WE DO NOT FORGIVE, WE DO NOT RECONCILE!FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A STRONG PEOPLE!UP THOSE WHO FIGHT!LIVE ANARCHY! - I N F O S N E W S S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.caSPREAD THE INFORMATION
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