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zondag 2 april 2023

WORLD WORLDWIDE ITALY News Journal Update - (en) Italy, Galatea: The bankruptcy of Credit Suisse as yet another demonstration of capitalist bankruptcy (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 Last week, the Saudi National Bank announced it could not provide financial

assistance to Credit Suisse - in which they hold 10% shares. This situation hastriggered fear among various customers, especially after the events in the UnitedStates with the Silicon Valley Bank; in a few days the Swiss bank had losses of10 billion francs a day. The Swiss National Bank, to plug these losses, initiallyprovided 54 billion francs, and then increased to about 100 billion francs. ----Over the weekend, precisely on March 19, a press release from the Swiss NationalBank is published:"UBS today announced the acquisition of Credit Suisse. The acquisition was madepossible with support from the Swiss federal government, the Swiss FinancialMarket Supervisory Authority FINMA and the Swiss National Bank (SNB). With theacquisition of Credit Suisse by UBS, a solution has been found to ensurefinancial stability and protect the Swiss economy in this exceptional situation.Both banks have unrestricted access to the SNB's existing facilities, throughwhich they can obtain liquidity from the SNB in accordance with the "Guidelineson Monetary Policy Instruments". Furthermore, on the basis of the FederalCouncil's emergency ordinance, Credit Suisse and UBS can obtain a liquidity loanwith preferred creditor status in the event of bankruptcy for a total amount ofCHF 100 billion. Furthermore, on the basis of the Federal Council's emergencyordinance, the SNB can grant Credit Suisse a liquidity loan of up to 100 billionfrancs, covered by a federal insolvency guarantee.[...]By providing substantialliquidity assistance, the SNB is fulfilling its mandate to contribute to thestability of the financial system and is continuing to cooperate closely with theConfederation and FINMA to this end.[...]"1The decision taken, especially before the opening of the Asian markets withpossible even more disastrous consequences for the Swiss bank, was explained thusby the president of the Swiss confederation Alain Berset: "On Friday (March 17,ndt), the liquidity outflows and the market volatility demonstrated that it wasno longer possible to restore the necessary confidence and that a quick andstabilizing solution was badly needed. This solution was the acquisition ofCredit Suisse by UBS. The Federal Council supported it after several meetingswith the Swiss National Bank, our regulator FINMA, Credit Suisse and UBS. TheFederal Council is therefore confident that, in this difficult situation, theacquisition of Credit Suisse by UBS is the best solution to restore theconfidence that has recently been weakening on the financial markets and tobetter manage the risks for our country and its citizens." 2UBS's acquisition of Credit Suisse was worth CHF 3.25 billion. The "tradesolution," according to Karin Keller-Sutter, Swiss finance minister, avoided abailout that could harm Swiss taxpayers, they say: "We really wanted to avoid abailout for several reasons. But maybe I'm back to the question of the context of"too big to fail." I mean, the "too big to fail" context couldn't have appliedhere. Really, because it usually applies to a bank that is no longer able to meetits liabilities. And here we have a liquidity problem. So that's not typical atall. As I said in my introduction, the failure of Credit Suisse would also havehad collateral damage, massive collateral damage on the Swiss financial market aswell as a contagion risk to UBS and other banks and also internationally. I thengot in touch with my colleagues in the UK and the US. They were very, verythankful for this solution because they really feared that Credit Suisse might gobust with all the losses. And, you know, in this scenario the taxpayer has lessrisk. I mean, bankruptcy would have been the highest risk because the cost to theeconomy would have been huge.[...]"3The FINMA was of the same opinion which, in a press release, fears a crisis ofconfidence in Credit Suisse "which has manifested itself in significant outflowsof client funds. This situation was intensified by the US banking market turmoilin March 2023. The risk is that the bank will become illiquid, even if it remainssolvent, and the authorities need to intervene to avoid serious damage to theSwiss and international financial markets."4The purchase of Credit Suisse by UBS was one of the most significant in thebanking system since the 2008 crisis. But this does not change the fact that theacquisition has shadows that, sooner or later, will affect the Swiss economy and,more generally, worldwide. As demonstrated once again, banks privatize gains andsocialize losses; the institutions (in this case Swiss) got this purchaseaccepted not only by the shareholders (especially small ones) but also by themore than 50,000 employees of Credit Suisse - who, in a logic of cost containmenton the part of UBS, a large part of them they will be fired.In a March 19 Financial Times commentary on Credit Suisse, the transition thattook place was "a messy and unsightly one that no one really wants. It also seemsnecessary. But it is not known whether this operation could stop the runs ofEuropean banks. Reassurance is a dangerous game in a financial panic situation.It can confirm investors' fears as easily as they are allayed. Broader action bycentral banks may be needed."To avert further "fears" stemming from the Credit Suisse issue, the Fed, the Bankof Canada, the Bank of England, the Bank of Japan and the European Central Bankhave announced measures to increase the flow of money into the global financialsystem - guaranteeing, in theory, adequate liquidity and "easing tensions onglobal markets".The collapse of Credit Suisse is, therefore, an expression of the vast change inthe financial landscape over the past year, as central banks, led by the US Fed,rapidly raised interest rates after providing essentially free money for 15 yearswith various forms of "quantitative easing".In doing so, states rushed to mobilize money and provide credit in the trillionsto save the financial system - and thus the entire economy from collapse. Withoutthe circulation of money and credit - where the banks manage as long as they makea profit - there is nothing else to do in the capitalist system. For this reason,governments do everything possible to support the banks through the purchase oftheir toxic loans, give capital injections or grant a credit rating guaranteed bythe state. The point of all this assistance is for a reset of the crisis tohappen and start over.Those who will mainly pay for these bailouts or "commercial solutions" (to quoteKeller-Sutter) will be the working, unemployed and retired people with physicaland mental fatigue, low wages, perpetually insecure existence and declining pensions.The political class and the bourgeoisie, on the other hand, will not only paynothing (since they will recycle themselves in a thousand ways like newchameleons of Depretes' memory), but they will make the mass accept this state ofaffairs through the means of communication (traditional and new). .In this way, the alleged "errors" committed by some single company, especially inthe financial sector, will be presented as rare events that happen suddenly and,often, due to those who act in an unethical or "humane" way.Note1"Swiss National Bank provides substantial liquidity assistance to support UBStakeover of Credit Suisse". Link:https://www.snb.ch/en/mmr/reference/pre_20230319/source/pre_20230319.en.pdf2 "Berset: UBS Buying Credit Suisse Was 'Best Solution". Link:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zIQReTJpArI3"Swiss Finance Minister: UBS Buying Credit Suisse Is Not a Bailout". Link:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r1VZ5oPmPd84"FINMA approves merger of UBS and Credit Suisse". Link:https://www.finma.ch/en/news/2023/03/20230319-mm-cs-ubs/https://gruppoanarchicogalatea.noblogs.org/post/2023/03/20/il-fallimento-della-credit-suisse-come-ennesima-dimostrazione-del-fallimento-capitalista/_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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