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zaterdag 29 april 2023

WORLD WORLDWIDE GREECE News Journal Update - (en) Greece, libertar salonica: Rally of solidarity for the comrades prosecuted for the intervention in the Diocese of Thessaloniki (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 Rally of solidarity for the 2 who are being prosecuted for the intervention in

the Diocese of Thessaloniki | Monday 24/4, 09:00 at the Courts of Thessaloniki---- In the early hours of Wednesday, February 19, 2020, we intervened in thebuilding of the metropolis of Thessaloniki, throwing colors on the building andthe busts of the former metropolitans, writing slogans and throwing trikes. Twocomrades were arrested shortly after the end of the intervention and were chargedwith damaging foreign property and insulting symbols of sacred importance, towhich was also added disobedience, due to the arrestees' refusal to participatein the marking process.This symbolic intervention was carried out in response to the obscurantist eventon the topics of the Prespa agreement, "illegal immigration", and the"demographic" organized by 22 Christian associations with the blessing of theMetropolis of Thessaloniki at the Vellideo Conference Center of Thessaloniki onFebruary 16, 2020. of this event were directly intertwined with the promotion ofracist and anti-immigrant hatred, nationalism and the undermining of women'sself-determination and dignity. The church, an organization of mass influence andmanipulation proceeded to organize a central event that condensed all the pointsthat make up the conservative and reactionary arch that acts as a brake againstany attempted social progress and liberating direction. Such an event obviouslyconstitutes an aggressive provocation against a huge section of society. Itundermines and undermines conquests and claims, it calls into question rightsthat should be counted, and have been counted for decades as self-evident andinalienable, such as that of free abortion. Our action took place amid a totalstorm of reactions triggered by this event and the related, insistent statementsof clergy at that time.We stand firmly on the side of the struggles of women, lgbtqia+ people,immigrants, the poor and the oppressed. Every attempted attempt by the mechanismsof power to attack the interests and needs of the oppressed will find us opposed.This is exactly what we wanted to say with the intervention we carried out. Thisis what we will continue to do.At a time when abuses and murders of women are increasing alarmingly, while atthe same time thousands of immigrants are piled up in concentration camps,drowned in the Aegean and repatriated illegally and inhumanely, the state and itsrepressive authorities sit on the bench fighters for symbolic interventions, forsimple participation in demonstrations, for undisguised actions, throughoutGreece. These are of course the mechanisms of a system that itself promotes andmethodically enforces division, alienation and cannibalism in the ranks of theoppressed, either in the form of racism/nationalism or in the form of patriarchy,in order to reproduce and perpetuate itself unwaveringly. These mechanisms thatsystematically maintain and widen social injustice, oppression and exploitation,they now seek the punishment of our comrades who struggle practically andselflessly against all authority for freedom, equality, solidarity and socialjustice. We stand in solidarity with each of them, whatever means of strugglethey choose, wherever they are in the world.On Monday 4/24, the day the two partners are on trial for the intervention inquestion, we are calling for a solidarity rally outside the ThessalonikiCourthouse. We will not leave our comrades alone. Solidarity is our weapon.UNDER THE HANDS FROM OUR BODIESAGAINST DARKNESS AND NATIONALISMGATHERING OF SOLIDARITY TO THE 2 COMRADES WHO ARE PROSECUTED FOR THE INTERVENTIONIN THE METROPOLIS OF THESSALONIKI:MONDAY 24/4, 09:00, COURTS OF THESSALONIKIFreedom Initiative of Thessalonikicontact email:  lib_thess@hotmail.comblog: libertasalonica.wordpress.comhttps://libertasalonica.wordpress.com/2023/04/20/_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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