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zaterdag 29 april 2023

WORLD WORLDWIDE SPAIN News Journal Update - (en) Spain, CNT Extremadura warns of the precarious situation of Health (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 The union affirms that the two main problems are cuts and privatization and will

attend the demonstration in Mérida this Saturday. ---- The CNT Extremadura unionwill demonstrate this coming Saturday, April 22 in Mérida, at 12 in the morning,together with other associations and groups within the Extremadura socialmovement for public health, to demand a model of public health and of quality, inthe face of the deterioration and intentional abandonment suffered by our healthsystem. ---- The demonstration will leave the central services of the ExtremaduraHealth Service and will tour the streets of Mérida. ---- This deterioration ismainly due to the attempt to privatize public health within the neoliberalpolicies applied by the different political parties in power and regardless oftheir ideology. Betting on health as a lucrative business, where privatecompanies take public funds, and at the same time the administration cuts fundsin health.As a consequence of all this, health spending in Extremadura does not reach theEuropean average, the inefficient management of health spending with managersdependent on political parties, cuts in primary care, lack of beds in hospitalswithout reaching the European average, lack of resources in mental health, lackof control of pharmaceutical spending benefiting the pharmaceutical industry,lack of health personnel, waiting lists of up to 156 days on average. All this isbeing solved through privatizations and outsourcing many services.    From the CNT union we ask for the repeal of law 15/97 that opened the door toprivate healthcare and for the repeal of articles 67 and 90 of the generalhealthcare law. Health is not a business and needs public funds.For all these reasons, we encourage all citizens to participate in thisdemonstration and to participate and organize so as not to lose our public health.https://www.cnt.es/noticias/22-de-abril-cnt-advierte-de-la-precaria-situacion-de-la-sanidad-extremena/_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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