" Mécano " : it is the abbreviation of mechanic, or female mechanic. And that'swhat people who drive trains are called. Because driving a train is above allmastering the technical operation of the locomotive of the day, and thereforethat of several models. ---- Mattia Filice, Franco-Italian, is a mechanic. Withthis book, he tells us about his professional life, from his formative years todaily life, including episodes - very interesting - of strikes. Written entirelyin verse, the text may be scary at first sight, but on the contrary it is mucheasier to read. Those who know will find a bit of the formidable A la ligne, bythe late Joseph Ponthus [1]. Technical terms, bits of Italian, unknownabbreviations, quotations but also typographical games and ironic neologisms :the language is poetic, often mischievous, without ever being lost. So divinginto the heart of " L'Entreprise ", and above all meeting with the people who runit; over the pages we become familiar with the colleagues and theirparticularities; Geoffroy the unlucky, Pablo the resourceful, Kamal the flirty,Gérard the Jedi master. The female characters are rare but highlighted: it isHidaya's combativeness that invigorates the demoralized strikers on an eveningwhen the strike will finally be renewed following her speech.Strike ! It is approached as an epic. First of all, there is the procrastinationof the very young employee, the importance of the experience of the old men andwomen, and above all the atmosphere of the discussions between colleagues outsidethe usual roles, where we see a wind rising audacity and freedom. Claims arenever revealed; what is important are the new links that are created, theimaginations that are unblocked.On the evening of a fruitless fight, Mattia Filice concludes : " The worst fightis the one that doesn't take place ", and we fully agree with him !Melanie (UCL Grand Paris Sud)Mattia Filice, Mécano, POL editions, January 2023, 368 pages, 22 euros.To validate[1]Joseph Ponthus, A la ligne. Factory Leaflets, Folio, August 2020.https://www.unioncommunistelibertaire.org/?Lire-Mattia-Filice-Mecano-Plongee-dans-la-vie-d-un-cheminot_________________________________________A - I N F O S N E W S S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca
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