THE SUNDAY BURNT BY WARS ---- The first decade of the 20th century sees an
organizational political ferment in the cities and in the countryside thanks tothe leaders and activists hit hard by the repression, who, having returned totheir places, are rebuilding Chambers of Labor and agricultural cooperatives; inresponse, a chain of massacres falls on peasants, workers, commoners by soldiersand mafiosi. ---- The special laws and government provisions "for the South"(Sicilian Sulphiferous Consortium, Citrus Chamber for Sicily and Calabria), donot affect the increasingly accentuated imbalance; the GDP of the South between1891 and 1911 increased by 18.8%, while that of the Centre-North by 28.4%. (1)The mafia of the central western rural areas, on their own account or on behalfof the landowners, attacks the peasants, kills their leaders (Nicoletti,Panepinto, Barbato and Pecoraro, Verro), trying to curb their claims for land asan alternative to poverty and emigration. What is happening in Sicily is a toughand classy clash.In the congress of 29 September-1 October 1906 the social reformists set up theGeneral Confederation of Labour, on the model of the French CGT. Therevolutionary syndicalists, including many anarchists, represent a spur to thereformist directions, controlling entire categories and Chambers of Labour; in1907 they set up the National Committee of Resistance in Parma; two years later,increasingly at odds with a socialist leadership accused of betraying workers'struggles, they set up the National Direct Action Committee. Torn betweenremaining within the CGL in order not to weaken the unity of the workers, orsplitting up to have greater freedom of action, they broke the delay at theModena conference in November 1912, setting up the Italian Union of Trade Unions(USI), established strongly in the central-northern regions, with peaks among theApulian peasants, and scattered presences, including in Sicily. The unions ofrailway workers and sea workers reaffirm their independence from any centralunion, even though they are very close to USI in terms of methods and ideas.In Sicily, one of the protagonists of this process is the railwayman VitoMercadante (2); in disagreement with the Chamber of Labor he had founded a LaborExchange in 1906 in Palermo; promoter of several publications, he is among theorganizers of the regional Congress of the Sicilian Committee of the Resistance(Caltanissetta June 1911) in which the local Chamber of Labor participates whichorganizes 7000 miners, the CdL of Messina and about twenty leagues andagricultural cooperatives, on conflicting positions , abstentionists in theelectoral field and for the construction of cooperatives to take over production.He is the author of the essay Le Ferrovie ai Ferrovieri, published in Milan in1911, endorsed by the Sindacato Ferrovieri and its national leader Augusto Castrucci.The ascendancy of the anarchists, among which Paolo Schicchi stands out, amongthe working and peasant masses is remarkable, and, especially in theanti-militarist campaign against the Libyan war, it is essential in theorientation of the Sicilian proletariat, even in the face of the interventionistcrushes of the social reformists . The Libyan enterprise is motivated by the needto divert emigration to America, France and Switzerland "towards new territoriesto be populated, cultivated, civilized and annexed to the kingdom of Italy.Secular and Catholic intellectuals, linked both to the nationalist right and tothe left (above all to moderate socialism, even some exponents of the extreme"(3) contributed to the affirmation of this idea of colonialism or "social"imperialism. L. Capuana, M. Serao, A. Negri, G. Pascoli, we find characters likeDe Felice. "The paradigm of this propaganda, apparently in favor of Italianmigrants, was in fact that of transforming them from oppressed proletarians intoproletarian oppressors of peoples considered uncivilized, legitimizing thelooting of resources as a civilizing work" (4). The attack that Paolo Schicchilaunches against the interventionist circle and his constant invectives againstthe Arab "inferior race" is merciless: "I am well aware, unfortunately, that atpresent any truth to say to oneself is the same as preaching to the wind, indeedworse. One runs the risk of being treated, as usual, as enemies of the country,as traitors, as hired agents of the enemy, even when such filth is right on theside of the patriotic scoundrels. And meanwhile the neurotic rogue continues torun freely and dizzyingly along her slope, dragging behind him into theinevitable ruin that reckless donkey that calls itself the people" (5).On 30 October 2011, the anarchist soldier Augusto Masetti, while greeting thecompanies leaving for Libya, shot and wounded Colonel Stoppa in Bologna.Following his arrest, a campaign developed throughout Italy to wrest him from thedeath sentence and against the intervention. With the outbreak of the attemptedinsurrection of the "red week" (June 7-14, 1914), by anarchists, republicans andmaximalist socialists, which spread from the Marches into the neighboringregions, into the large industrial centers of the north and patchily throughoutItaly, anti-militarist action raises the bar: revolution is the immediateobjective. In Sicily protests and strikes take place in the major centers bysocialists, revolutionary syndicalists, anarchists, even if with less impact thanwhat happens elsewhere. The reaction was not long in coming, with the mafiasupporting the bourgeoisie and the government.The anti-war campaign continues to prevent Italy from entering the conflictbetween the European powers; neutralism, however, gives way to participationalongside the countries of the entente against the central powers; personalitiessuch as De Felice, Napoleone Colajanni, Lo Sardo, Sturzo, to stay in Sicily,pushed for the intervention. With the war, the island's economy sinks, the costof living rises and the mafia does great business while Florio and the "Sicilian"bosses, fearing for their contracts with Germany and Austria, raise the flag ofSicily oppressed by industry and unions of the North. From the first months of 1915, uprisings and protests against the high cost ofliving developed in cities and in rural towns, strongly hostile to a war thatsnatched the peasants from the land, leaving their families in poverty. 440,000are called to arms on the island; there will be almost 53,000 fallen. But tens ofthousands are renegades and deserters, who in the internal areas, numberingaround 30,000, give life to clandestine armed gangs. The exhausted population andthe women also violently rioted in the cities of Ragusa, Modica (6), Piana deiGreci, etc.Someone argued that the war contributed to the unification of Italy, thus making"the Italians", thanks to the patriotic afflatus, literacy, mixing in thetrenches. Surely those 650,000 dead soldiers failed to become Italian. There willbe 870,000 soldiers denounced for defeatism and indiscipline; 470,000 dodgers(many fled abroad or did not return to Italy). Despite the promise to distributethe lands to the peasants, made to acquire consent to a conflict that they didnot feel, southern society comes out battered by the war, the countryside insevere crisis, abandoned, the population impoverished, struck by mourning, andlater from the Spanish, which will give her a mortal blow."Wars have therefore been the main cause of the "southern question", to theextent that military expenditure, the huge resources destined for industrialmobilization and the overall guidelines of public intervention have radicallyaltered the relationship between agriculture and industry, between cities andcountryside, between North and South. Parallel to the enormous push towards theconcentration of enterprises and the growth of financial capital, the Great Waraccelerates the interpenetration between the State and big industry and a generaltransfer from the primary to the secondary tertiary sector, with a sharp declinein agriculture. For the South it was a very hard blow to its productivevocations, from wheat to export crops!" (7).Pippo Gurrieri - I N F O S N E W S S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.caSPREAD THE INFORMATION
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