In a crescendo of positions taken, conferences, meetings, even dinners, the world
elites really seem to want to plunge us into a perpetual state of war. Not a dayor occasion goes by in which some exponent of some government or some bureaucratof some international organization does not try to exasperate or exaggerate evenmarginal episodes to push more and more towards a climate of war which isgradually tightening us into a grip from which it seems impossible to escape.---- While the war in Ukraine continues with all its wickedness and atrocities inan inextricable stalemate that prolongs endless suffering, propaganda makes usbelieve that it is a war for the assertion of allegedly positive values inopposition to others presumed negative values: a matter of life and death, forwhich one can only go to the end for a saving victory. In the meantime, there issilence or gloss over the fact that this is a war for positioning in theever-unstable geopolitical balance between the US-NATO and Russia, in the firstinstance, and between the US-NATO and China in the background.These last few weeks have also seen a crowding of situations that have seen asurge in the "normalization" of the war and in the scleroticisation of positions.Three events stand out in the warmonger dripping newspaper: Zelensky's visit toBrussels, the Munich security conference and Biden's blitz in Kiev. On February9, the Ukrainian president was welcomed in the European capital by the topEuropean institutions, the presidents of the Commission and of the Council, Vonder Leyen and Michel, then he spoke at the European Parliament and subsequentlymet the 27 leaders of the EU countries . The grand parade served to reaffirm onceagain the unconditional political, economic and military support for Ukraine andto launch signals of openness to its forthcoming entry into the EU.More in detail, the Munich security conference entered, the annual meeting inwhich heads of state, governments, military leaders, industrialists and analystsdiscuss geopolitical arrangements. The pressing question of this year's editionwas how to quickly and effectively supply Ukraine with arms. The president of theEuropean Commission von der Leyen has suggested adopting the same method offighting the pandemic: entering into contracts with the arms industry to increaseproduction and allocate it to Ukraine. Even the high representative for foreignaffairs of the EU, Josep Borrel, was peremptory: "Zelensky and Ukraine do nothave enough ammunition, but they have a lot of determination. They need to bestocked better. This war takes place on European territory and has consequencesfor our security. We need to speed up our support to Ukraine, strengthen thedefense industry, produce more ammunition for all of us as well. The prioritymust remain Ukraine. We have to move from words to deeds".Finally, with a veritable coup de theatre, the US president went to Kiev on 20February, a surprise but carefully prepared visit which the Western worldexperienced with satisfaction and a good dose of exaltation, while Russia heinterpreted as an act of open hostility. "The American friend" and "Challenge toPutin" were the front page headlines of two important Italian newspapers, andcertainly this visit represents a further step towards an increasingly armed andopposed world.We have written several times in this newspaper that if the developments of theUkrainian crisis at the moment are unpredictable, it is possible that at somepoint a compromise will be found which avoids precipitating into a morefar-reaching war (although this could always happen), however permanent wastewill remain that already outlines a more unstable and dangerous future. Twoaspects above all seem evident. The first is that this war is functioning as theperfect alibi to legitimize the possibility of resorting to warfare as the onlyinstrument for regulating relations between states and powers. It is no longer aquestion, as happened in the recent past, of an accident whereby militaryintervention was justified by an emergency embodied by a mad and bloodthirstydictator who had to be eliminated, so much so that for example such operationswere and are named " peacekeeping missions". Now war is represented as structuraland permanent, consubstantiated with the new multipolar world of this end of the21st century. Hence the arms race that is spreading like a fever, without the warindustry and the leaders of the armies having to worry about fomenting it, andthe continuous emphasis on the insufficiency of defense devices.Because hypocritically it is always and in any case an enemy from which we mustdefend ourselves that justifies the use of arms.The other relevant aspect is that this war would be the symptom of theincreasingly widespread insecurity and precariousness. Therefore the priority forgovernments and states is to address this emergency, any other issue must be setaside. We have seen this with the so-called energy and grain crises. The mainvictim of this logic is what should instead be our fundamental concern, namelyclimate change and the destruction of the environment (which war exacerbates andaccentuates). In the last three years, the pandemic and the war, which shouldhave made us make a radical change, have instead served to erase any debate onthe dangerous slope taken and on the persistence of a self-destructive productionmodel. On the contrary, governments and multinationals are making a fakeecological transition that not only leaves the structures of power intact butmasks a fundamental immobility and the worsening of climate change.However, despite the deafening silence of the main media, the squares for peaceand against the war on February 24 and 25 demonstrated their clear opposition tothe warmongering drift. Leverage must be leveraged on these squares and, if it istrue that the majority of people are against sending arms to Ukraine, effortsmust be increased to spread the protest against the lords of death.Angelo Barberi - I N F O S N E W S S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.caSPREAD THE INFORMATION
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