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zaterdag 1 april 2023

WORLD WORLDWIDE FRANCE News Journal Update - (en) France, CNT-AIT, femmes [BROCHURE]: WORKER, UNEMPLOYED, STUDENT (ca, de, fr, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 You are determined to fight to improve your conditions of life,

You want to organize yourself without being taken over by politicians,You stand in solidarity with those who, like you:* refuse to give up in front of the boss,* refuse to resign themselves to a cruel and absurd economic system,* refuse to be deceived by professional politicians, trade unions and associations,You hope to build a fairer world, where wealth is distributed according to need,in a world without war or borders.UNITE TO WINThe C.N.T. - A.I.T. brings together the women and men who fight at the grassrootslevel against exploitation, misery and the lies of politicians.The C.N.T. - A.I.T. federates (units) at the national level people groupedaccording to anarcho-syndicalist principles to fight in companies, neighborhoods,places of learning.The C.N.T. - A.I.T. does not stand for any election (neither political nor tradeunion), does not ask for subsidies. It is completely independent of the authorities.The C.N.T. - A.I.T. is a combat organization in the economic and social field.STRONG ENOUGH TO BE INDEPENDENT ENOUGH INDEPENDENT TO BE UNITEDAny individual, any group that aims to fight against capitalism and itsaccomplice the state must know that its strength lies first in itself. Faced withthe power of bosses and politicians, independence is nothing without union andsolidarity. That's why everyone has their say. Diversity, independence,solidarity, will, intercorporatism, are part of the basic values ofanarcho-syndicalism from which we fight for another future.OUR HOMELAND IS THE WORLD!The C.N.T is an anarcho-syndicalist organization. It therefore federates at thenational level local unions grouped into regional unions. But exploitationtranscends borders. This is why the C.N.T is itself a member of the A.I.T.(International Workers' Association) with the anarcho-syndicalist organizationswhich lead the same struggle in countries as different as Spain, Colombia, Chile,Bangladesh, Pakistan, the United States, Australia or Brazil...Locally, C.N.T.-A.I.T. who live in the same city come together in a Local Union.Those who work in the same company can organize themselves into union sections,in the public as well as in the private sector. The CNT favors intercorporatismbecause all employees, working or not (unemployed, retired) face the sameattacks. It is all together, employees and unemployed, retirees and students,public and private, precarious and tenured, that we must fight.CNT - AIT contact@cnt-ait.info http://cnt-ait.info Contact: contact@cnt-aithttp://cnt-ait.info/2022/10/25/travailleur-chomeur-etudiant/_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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