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zaterdag 29 april 2023

WORLD WORLDWIDE ITALY SICILIA News Journal Update - (en) Sicilia Libertaria 4/2023: The congress of the CUB (ca, de, it, pt, tr) [machine translation]

 As we had announced, the congress in Chianciano was difficult, at times

unmanageable, and yet lively and passionate as only a heartfelt belonging couldemerge. A congress that was born divided and ended up split on two crucialissues, the signing of the Consolidated Text of the Representation and theconstitution of the Social Federation, even if, and this is the case of thewriter, the fact that the final motions involved a no or a yes en bloc for both,it created difficulties and confusion, because not all those who were against theTUR also rejected the proposal to build a federation that organizes precariousworkers, the unemployed and those sectors that cannot be categorized, and vice versa.But let's proceed in order. The positive that emerged from the congressundoubtedly lies in the many narratives of struggles, of efforts to resist andbeat the bosses, of victories but also of defeats always head held high. From theairport area of Malpensa and Linate to that of Fiumicino, from the logistics ofthe Milanese area to the strong clash at Ikea, from the realities of adesertified South where the CUB welcomes and organizes precarious workers andimmigrants, to healthcare, where the greatest growth is recorded, especially inthe private sphere, and in particular also following the no green pass movements,what emerges is a union capable of giving answers to workers, directed by youthforces and capable of establishing itself as a real instrument in the hands ofthe class, which conquers recognition and representation with the conflict methodand not for having affixed a signature to the TUR.The negative found is once again the persistence of an old apparatus trying tosurvive; the signing of the TUR, which seems to have the majority of thedelegates thanks above all to FLAICA, the largest federation, nevertheless bringsout a bureaucratic conception of the union, accompanied by an analysis of theloss of consensus in big industry (due to the non-participation in the electionsof the RSU) simplistic and convenient. Especially since until a couple of yearsago, and for nine years, the non-signature was considered as the feather in thecap of the CUB compared to all those basic OSes that had sold themselves to thesystem, and which didn't even achieved appreciable results with their decision tosign. Here the clash was harsh: do we return to the factories with the compromiseshortcut but which brings us closer to the masses, or with a new ability to buildstruggles and organization? Or, conversely, are these possible if one is in theRSU and at the bargaining tables? Two visions, two experiences, even twoperspectives, which have pushed the national assembly to the brink of a nervousbreakdown that is often difficult to manage, within which the division has alsotaken place over the possible unification of the industry sectors in a singlefederation.But, hidden between the lines of the clash over the proposal to give life to anew social federation, what was consumed was the division between North andSouth. Seen by some as a ploy to renew old apparatuses equipped with difficult toquantify delegates and have more power in the confederation, transforming it intoa union of services, was, on the contrary, presented as a necessity by all thoserealities of the centre-south where the closure of factories, emigration,precariousness have created activities and situations that are difficult to fitinto the structure traditional trade union category as set in the early 1990s.The debate brought out a vision of the centrality of the worker and ofmanufacturing which excludes any "leakage" on spurious sectors, and on thecontrary, the need to combine traditional organizational work with a new abilityto affect the contradictions that have emerged in the social sphere and in thecomposition of class today. The lack of reference to the southern question, todifferentiated autonomy, to agriculture (largely absent and serious gap) servedas a negative frame for this debate.The vote on the final motions, apart from some statutory adjustments, had itsstadium epilogue in the clash between the different positions, prevailing with101 votes against 71 and 5 abstentions, the one that postpones the decision onthe signing of the consolidated text to an internal debate to the categories tobe carried out in a democratic way, in the presence of representatives of the twopositions, relaunching the fight in support of democracy in the workplace; in thesame it is invited to define the unification of the sectors by 2025 on the basisof the free decision of the categories; they say yes to the constitution of thesocial federation and a system of financing the national CUB is identified.A real pity for the nervous climate, fueled by elements of the two areas whowould have liked a congress with winners and losers, while, in reality, we haveexperienced a mirror situation of the existing one, difficult to modify withmajorities and minorities, which perhaps will find many of the answers inpractice and in the facts of the coming months and years, when some divisiveissues today will perhaps be overcome by the new situation that already liesahead in the world of work (and non-work). It is strange to witness struggles for"power" that should be banned by an organization of this type where often thedirector has only many duties and few honours. And yet, experience teaches usthat sometimes it is not a question of power and material privileges, but ofindulging the instinct to command and control. And how harmful this can be isthere for all to see, because it drags us into an abyss of clashes, waste ofenergy, and sometimes even stamped papers, accusations about unclearcertifications of members, the questionable use of economic resources , etc.,which can jeopardize the daily, voluntary, disinterested work of hundreds ofactivists.Many interventions underlined the urgency of returning to battle for therestoration of the escalator, for the abolition of the jobs act, for wageincreases; focus on the training of militants (requested by many participants);fight for the right to housing against evictions; also consider the social wage;set up resistance funds for strikes, on the French model; against outsourcing andcontracts in the P.I., for the recruitment of workers; against law 146 whichlimits strikes. There was also no lack of interventions (and a final motionapproved by acclamation) against the war, as well as various emphasis on thefemale question in the workplace but also in the organization, with the need torelaunch the path of CUB women.The final question is: will the newspaper be able to re-establish the concreteand conflictual unity of the CUB? The passion, fervor, anger, energy that emergedin Chianciano could lead to a yes. But nothing is taken for granted.P.G.https://www.sicilialibertaria.it/_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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