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zaterdag 29 april 2023

WORLD WORLDWIDE BRAZIL News Journal Update - (en) Brazil, Attack Schools: Fight Hate Speech and Strengthen the School Community! (ca, de, fr, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 In the last two decades, Brazilian schools have been the target of 24 attacks -

at least ten of these attacks took place between 2022 and now. These practicesare encouraged and organized by the extreme right that has, more recently, gainedstrength in Brazilian society. The most recent actions were the attacks on publicschools and a private nursery. ---- The attacks also generate psychologicalterror, driven by constant threats of massacres in various school units and thespread of fake news. In virtually all cases, Nazi/neo-Nazi material can be seenwith the perpetrators of the attacks, or apology for the extreme right in virtualpublications. The advance of Bolsonarism since 2016 is no coincidence in thiscontext.The authorities' response to confronting these barbarities has been to invest inthe repression of youth itself, emergencyly directing public investment to putpolice and municipal guards to watch and frame students as potential terrorists,in addition to "innovative" solutions such as the "panic button". ", and morecameras monitoring the school environment. Once again, investments aimed at"taking care of" the problem are reversed in the intensification of policies thathave proven to be ineffective in combating this violence, which have a profoundimpact on school and psychosocial development and on the critical formation ofthe adolescence that is being formed.These public policies ignore what motivates and how attacks like these occur bydepoliticizing and individualizing the issue without addressing its structuralissues. There is a deep social, economic and cultural crisis, which stronglyaffects children and adolescents, and basic education itself. A structural crisisof capitalism, which increasingly destroys social and community ties, isolatesindividuals, and is therefore ripe for the spread of reactionary and hate speech.Co-option by extreme right-wing groups takes place through behavioral and socialpatterns: young people inserted in strongly masculinist/male chauvinist socialmedia spheres; history of insecurity caused by bullying and/or context of familyviolence; isolation and loneliness; feeling of social injustice; defense ofweapons and a "militarized identity"... just as, in the event of attacks/murders,it is the victims who are placed as "guilty" for what happened to them. Thiswhole process of co-option, manipulation and construction of a thought filledwith hate and frustration is directed towards social minorities, such as: cis andtrans women; LGBTQIAP+ people; disabled and/or neurodiverse people; as well asnon-white/racialized people.Mostly young people with cisgender, heterosexual and white profiles, who feelunrewarded by the social system... in other words, these are not acts committedby wealthy men, but by adolescents and young people who seek to justify theirviolence by not reaping the powers believe to "deserve", such as the sexualpossession of women, as an object destined for pleasure and reproduction, as wellas having the idea that (cis)heterosexuality is natural and any other form ofsexual orientation/gender identity is pathological; racial superiority(intellectual and appearance), where the exaltation of "theories" similar tothose defended and disseminated by the Nazi-fascist supporters appears - having,close to this logic of co-option, the propagation of redpill, alpha male, etc. ideas.They are young people who, through internet groups, share extreme right-wingideologies, believing that there are natural hierarchies in society and thatsocial policies for the poorest and other social minorities would createinjustices to these hierarchies, destroying the "natural logic of life".While the school environment coexists with contempt for students, lack ofresources, the precariousness of teaching and the devaluation of professionals,political strategies are strengthened that promote fear, perpetuate terror,increase the value of these acts for these hate groups, deepen the socialdisaster and end up justifying police violence against youth. If we know who thepolice have identified as "suspects" and "terrorists" on the street - in schools,a space of so much social value, should we expect any different?At this very sensitive time, we point out the need to strengthen the schoolcommunity itself as the only possible way to make the school a healthyenvironment. It is the active mobilization among students, families and educationworkers that can transform social relations. We also emphasize the urgency ofconfronting hate speech and the extreme right, in the construction of anegalitarian society free of any kind of oppression. It is in the dailyconstruction of new social relationships in the workplace, study and home that wewill be able to overcome this type of social tragedy!Coletivo Mineiro Popular Anarchista (COMPA)Anarchist Federation of Rio de Janeiro (FARJ)Libertarian Socialist Anarchist Organization (OASL)Libertarian Swoop (RL)https://anarquismosp.wordpress.com/2023/04/21/ataque-a-escolas-combater-o-discurso-de-odio-e-fortalecer-a-comunidade-escolar/_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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