We spread the poster and the #1deMaig2023 manifesto signed by libertarian
organizations and groups in Catalonia. ---- This May Day, various anarchistorganizations and the Libertarian Table take a step forward towards the cohesionof the Libertarian Movement, meeting to try to work together and signing a jointstatement. We believe it is necessary to analyze the current context from ourperspective and establish ourselves as an alternative to jointly build a newworld. ---- As always, from the libertarian movement, we are clear that theworking class has only us to liberate ourselves. Direct action, mutual supportand solidarity are the main political tools with which to face the attacks ofcapital. Faced with the umpteenth capitalist crisis we are facing, it becomesclear, once again, the impossibility of reversing the process of dispossessionfrom public administrations. We know that no State will make us free and that wecannot change any structure with its laws.The libertarians are committed to generating structures specific to the workingclass in order to manage life in common, overcoming the State and capital withour organization. The current state of impoverishment of women workers as aclass, the generalization of psychological suffering, the high cost of living,the colonialism on which international capital depends and the socio-ecologicaldestruction at a global level, are not errors of the capitalist system. On thecontrary, we understand that they are the healthiest example of their correctfunctioning, the predation of their own workforce and natural environment. Thisprocess that has been going on for centuries is due to the accumulation ofwealth, which by definition tramples our lives and plunges us into globaldisaster. We prioritize the reproduction of life and community management of workand our environment; we want to abolish private property and take the productionsystem to put it at the service of life and the common.In the current context, the process of rearming the State is not surprising.Although it has never stopped repressing, now it appears hitting us at home withvery serious cases such as infiltrations, and the trickle of arrests. Thelibertarian movement, like other political spaces, has been affected. Our answeris unity and solidarity, building strong communities of struggle, which is whatconsolidates our projects. Against their prisons, CIES, their economic repressionand police persecution, we will continue standing. We know that they arerepressing us because we are radically against the established order.Syndicalism, a genuine tool of the working class, is today discredited by yellowunions, pactists and linked to the institutions of power.We bet on strengthening combative and libertarian trade unionism as a way to gainpositions in the class struggle. We can already see this trend in the workplaceand in the increase in labor conflict. At the same time, elements such as theTrade Union Table or the pact of unity of action between the threeanarcho-syndicates at the state level mark the way forward for the understandingbetween the different libertarian projects and to increase the climate ofconfrontation in the face of impoverishment widespread of our class and thissuffocating social peace.We continue to work, today more than ever, for the expansion of libertarianorganizations and practices in the face of their gray and miserable world.For a combative May DaySome Poblenou LibertariansBatzac - Libertarian YouthCGT - General Confederation of Labor of CataloniaEgida - Anarchist Collective DefenseEmbat - Libertarian Organization of CataloniaFEL - Libertarian Student FederationHeura Negra - Libertarian Assembly of VallcarcaThe GapLibertarians North Zonehttps://www.facebook.com/proces.embat/posts/pfbid02hL6AHKTrAreebdF2sQKpbcq2pxzkatU5vxUko4JCcGa6KM2zCQVj62pwcNUuwFLYl_________________________________________A - I N F O S N E W S S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca
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