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woensdag 3 mei 2023

WORLD WORLDWIDE FRANCE JAPAN News Journal Update - (en) France, UCL AL #337 - Ecology, Anti-airport fight in Japan: The echo of a revolutionary era (ca, de, fr, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 On February 15, clashes between police and peasants and political activists took

place near Tokyo airport. This follows an expulsion decision that was intended toend a more than fifty-year-old struggle that has deeply marked the Japanesepolitical landscape. ---- After a first failed attempt, the Japanese governmentchose in 1966 to build a brand new international airport on the peasant lands ofSanrizuka, a good part of which belonged to the imperial family and the rest tosupposedly very poor peasants. are easier to get rid of. ---- On the contrary,the harshness of the local peasant condition and the strong community spirit ledto the creation of the Sanrizuka-Shibayama Unified Opposition League against theconstruction of Narita Airport with the support of the socialist parties andcommunists. The league fought from August 1966 against expulsions, whethercarried out by money or force.This struggle is taking place in a particularly tense national context. Japan wasthen in the throes of many social struggles in which the Zengakuren, powerfulstudent unions, played a key role. They are quick to join the fight and bringwith them many tactics that turn the future airport into a battlefield. Indeed,refusals to transfer properties will lead to escalations of violence on the onehand and then on the other. Occupied lands are fortified and official assembliesbecome battlegrounds.The 1970s saw the start of work on the airport and the first deaths on the sideof the police and the opposition. The airport will be painfully completed in 1977and early 1978, not without a powerful demonstration and a final ransacking ofthe airport before its opening.To understand this struggle, one must also understand the general context ofJapan. Since 1955, Japan has been in a system of dominant party democracy wherethe Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) forms a class of bureaucrats almostuntouchable in collusion with proven private interests. This party born out ofCold War anti-communism also served as an institutional machine to recyclefigures of fascism.The United States refusing to ban the Japanese Communist Party for diplomaticreasons, it gradually put in place an important repressive arsenal. The protest,in particular students, will have no other choice than in turn to increase itslevel of action to resist against an inflexible and brutal government.As such, the struggle of Sanrizuka is symbolic. It brought together vastintergenerational political forces during the second half of the period ofintense social protest and even beyond. The construction of the airport could notbe completed properly, its extensions were particularly difficult because of thepeasants who managed to keep their land and that is without counting the manyacts of sabotage that have enameled the following years.The expulsion of February is therefore to be understood in this continuity ofresistance. This step-by-step defense by activists and residents still has aneconomic character of blocking airport extensions but also a symbolic aspect.While the revolutionary fire that animated the country has died down, rare arethe possibilities of recalling that there still exists in the alliance betweenstudents, workers, peasants and peasants, another path than authoritarianism. ofthe PLD. We therefore salute the resistance of our comrades whose struggle hasinspired many others.Corentin (UCL Alsace)https://www.unioncommunistelibertaire.org/?Lutte-anti-aeroport-au-Japon-L-echo-d-une-epoque-revolutionnaire_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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