KILLING YOURSELF AT WORK IS SHIT ---- April 28, World Day for Safety and Health
at Work, is one of those days that, for many organizations and people, gounnoticed on the calendar. For CGT, this day is very important since, day by day,we work very hard on occupational health and safety in order to improve workingconditions and reduce the accident rate that worries us so much and thatseriously affects workers. ---- The post-pandemic situation has not improved inrelation to what existed in 2019. Thousands of workers still have problemsgetting work accidents or occupational diseases recognized and there arethousands of people who, out of fear to reprisals, they end up processing saidaccidents and illnesses as medical leave for common contingencies. Thesesituations not only represent an economic loss for the worker, but alsoconstitute a fraud to the Social Security since these withdrawal processes end upbeing paid with public money, that is, with everyone's money, while the mutualscontinue to do business before the non-recognition of accidents at work oroccupational diseases, so that companies are not forced to consider improvementsin preventive measures to minimize or eliminate risks.In this line, in the Region of Murcia we must highlight that hundreds of workershave suffered accidents at work and both the company and mutual have created thecircumstances, ignoring information and lying on some occasions, to create astate of defenselessness so that said contingencies have ended up unfairlyswelling the statistics of the concept of "common disease". Forcing those who arein this situation to request and fight for a change of contingencies so thataccidents at work and/or occupational diseases are recognized, so that these areassumed by companies and mutuals and their rights are not diminished by thedesire of benefit of some and the approval of those who must control and look theother way.We can also observe how, year after year, the accident rate in workers aged 55 orover is increasing alarmingly, also increasing the number of serious and fatalaccidents in that age group. From CGT we understand that both this situation andothers could have been avoided or at least reduced by carrying out forcefulmeasures by this government that calls itself progressive:On the one hand, a greater investment in resources is necessary for theprotection of the working class to be carried out through preventive measures bycompanies, with an expansion of existing resources and continuous, real andeffective surveillance of the AdministrationsOn the other hand, and given the exposed data, the immediate application of RoyalDecree 1698/2011, approved by the Government of Zapatero. The non-application ofthe Reduction Coefficients at retirement age, in some sectors, is raising themortality and accident rates in the highest age ranges, while the number ofoccupational diseases is increasing in those sectors.Focusing on the Murcian Region, we find an alarming panorama: throughout 2022, 51people lost their lives while working or going to work and 21,132 people,according to the Ministry of Labor and Social Economy, suffered accidents at workwith sick leave. The figures do not seem to improve. In the first two months of2023, 4 people have lost their lives while working and 3,267 have sufferedaccidents "declared" as work-related.To avoid more accidents at work, this April 28, from CGT we once again insist onthe need to apply both these and other types of measures urgently. We remind theAdministrations and the different Governments that we are talking about thehealth of working people, about accidents at work that end the lives of hundredsof people and seriously injure thousands, about fraud by companies in theprocesses of sick leave , etc. In short, of omissions that make it, once again,the working class who pays for it with their own health and even with their lives. From CGT Murcia we have unsuccessfully tried to get them to attend to us in theorganizations in charge of monitoring that all work accidents are recorded assuch, since the problem of fraud in relation to determining who should take aleave -social or mutual security- is at the order of the day. These are theconsequences of training a private entity, such as the mutual, to manage ouroccupational health.Telephone contact:Jose Antonio Caravaca 687014506Secretary of union action and occupational health of CGT Murciana Region_________________________________________A - I N F O S N E W S S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.caSPREAD THE INFORMATION
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