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woensdag 3 mei 2023

WORLD WORLDWIDE ITALY SICILIA News Journal Update - (en) Sicilia Libertaria 4/2023: sent review: BOOKS. ANARCHY AND COOPERATION (ca, de, it, pt, tr) [machine translation]

 Often the historiography of libertarian movements is forced to move on the

expansion - or more often on the deconstruction - of the official one,highlighting aspects considered marginal by most scholars. ---- A capillaryresearch work follows between written sources and testimonies that are not easyto find, with the awareness of how basic it is, to start exhaustive analyses, therecomposition of even partial tiles: a concept highlighted by Tito Menzani,editor of the preface of the book by Antonio Senta, Anarchy and cooperation - Atthe origins of a relationship (1861-1914), ed. Malamente, Urbino, 2023, when heunderlines: "The hope is that the volume is not a point of arrival, but astarting point for further insights into these topics".Abstraction, in my opinion, extendable to any non-fiction work but in realitySenta makes us participate in a well-documented study, focused on the Romagnaarea and then radiating onto other experiences, highlighting different ways ofexperimenting with collective work.The author does not deny the role that Marxist, Mazzinian and those linked toChristian social thought had in the evolution of cooperative realities in Italy,but clarifies how much the anarchist movement has acted to make them concrete andhow much all this has contributed to raising awareness among workers, peasantsand, above all, labourers.If the origins are to be placed in the ideals of utopian socialism whichunderstood cooperation as an integral part of the emancipation of the workingclass and of society as a whole, over the years it was precisely the libertariancomponents that put into practice the requests for overcoming labor relations andto set up mutual aid societies which, in addition to providing economic supportto those who could not work (e.g. in the event of illness, disability,postpartum), implemented literacy and training courses, as well as dealing withthe management of free time through the music, the acting and more. Mutual aidsocieties, albeit minimized by official historiography, were very significant: asthe author points out, in 1904 there were 6535 of them; and from these theexperience of cooperation took off, where solidarity among those who lend theworkforce was experienced as a priority, but also declined on different politicalapproaches with regard to the criticism that was established against the topmanagement of some cooperatives, the positions undertaken by Andrea Costa andsolutions to the recurring problem of lack of work and unhealthy places.At the same time other experiments were born, such as those of the communitycolonies. Senta writes: "Trying, trying ways and paths that can lead to happinessfirst and in the best possible way: this is, in my opinion, what theexperimentation of socialist colonies has in common with the cooperative practiceof laborers and it is in this area of overlapping and contamination that movesseveral agricultural workers from Romagna, some of anarchist ideas, who decide togo to the Roman countryside. The point is to work without tyranny, with as littleexploitation as possible and as much as possible in a communist way, living alife without authority. The discussion on these issues, as you will haveunderstood, is heated.   Although daily practice had to deal with divisions and contradictions, therewere those who nurtured revolutionary aspirations precisely on the basis ofcollective work experiences, through the reversal of the balance of power betweensocial classes, and those who criticized these positions for their illusory . Andit is precisely on this that the debate within the anarchist movement isexpressed in very warm tones, as well as dictated by the inevitable staterepression, well described and contextualized in the text that can be requestedfrom the editionimalamente.it website or from bookstores.clear gazzolahttps://www.sicilialibertaria.it/_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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