These days it would seem that nothing can surprise us anymore in terms of
repression by state apparatuses, but what happened on the morning of April 25 inTrieste went beyond the most imaginative dystopias. ---- Let's start from thebeginning: two weeks ago the Burjana collective launched an anti-fascistprocession which from Campo San Giacomo was supposed to arrive in front of theRisiera di San Sabba, a place where anti-fascists of all tendencies have alwaysmet, even those who - like us and many * others * - desert the sad and ritualinstitutional ceremony. A few days ago, the police station forbade thedemonstration in its entirety. The reason is that the procession would havearrived in front of the Risiera and therefore to "safeguard" the officialceremony it had to be forbidden. Not diverted, moved or delayed... banned intoto, in spite of the freedom to demonstrate. For fear of who knows what -"safety and security" reasons read the official papers - it is decreed that agroup of anti-fascists* cannot access one of the symbolic places of theNazi-fascist tragedy on Liberation Day. Pure avant-garde.Despite the absurd deployment of the forces of disorder present in Campo SanGiacomo from the early morning, about a hundred people still decide to leave toreach the Risiera as planned, walking on the sidewalks so as not to give theDigos a pretext to start other complaints and fines. Here the first surrealcurtain takes place: anti-fascists walking on the sidewalk and police andcarabinieri closing the streets in anti-riot gear, causing a big traffic jam.Arriving near the Risiera, anti-fascists and anti-fascists are confined* to aside street, with the police not only closing off all of Via Valmaura, butblocking access in front of the Risiera with vans, limiting access also to theofficial ceremony and diverting people arriving on the back entrances until theyare completely blocked due to "capacity reached". An entire neighborhood wasparalyzed to prevent an anti-fascist march from demonstrating on April 25th. Thisstalemate went on for over an hour, with an ever-increasing number of supportersstopping in front of the police lines: chants, songs, slogans and teasing for anincreasingly grotesque and ridiculous management of the square.At a certain point, the secret weapon of militant anti-fascism appears: a yellowball!Thus began the first anti-fascist volleyball tournament in our city. On bothsides of the police cordon, competitive spirit is at its peak. In the end thescore is merciless and decrees the overwhelming victory of the comrades andcompanions over the police team. This searing defeat is not taken sportingly bythe police, carabinieri and financial police, who first seize the ball and thengive a few random beatings. In the end, the situation unblocked and a Digos onthe verge of a nervous breakdown finally had the cordons removed and it waspossible to arrive in front of the Risiera.This hallucinatory day, which fortunately saw coolness and irony prevail over theprovocations of the police, marks a further increase in the restrictions ondemonstrating in our city. It is an increasingly urgent collective problem, whichmust be tackled by all components of the movement, both by those like us who arefighting for a radical social transformation, and by those who still believe inthe rule of law and democracy. The arrogance of the Police Headquarters inlimiting, if not prohibiting, with increasingly absurd excuses, the freedom todemonstrate in Trieste must be strongly denounced, finding ways to face it,ridicule it and reject it. What happened today must never happen again.It will be a balloon that will bury you!Germinal Anarchist Group - I N F O S N E W S S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing
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