1. Responses to comments ---- Since we have copyright trends and today I make
them, I would like to give feedback on some comments that relate specifically tomy entries. Firstly, thank you for your support, I'm glad that my rather huskyvoice is liked by those who call it inspiring, or compare it with the voice ofAlexandra Kollontai, although of course there is a difference. But I'm trying.---- Criticism about the microphone, well.... Well, no, comrade major, Iunderstand that you are supposed to listen or even watch at work, but you canalso read. We also publish texts. Maybe you will even think about the content,repent and start a new life? No, well, really, well, is it really a little girl,or a boy, when she watched or watched a movie about the war as a child, shereally dreamed, dreamed of becoming a fascist policeman? And How? Pride takes forits work - to read denunciations, to look for underground workers to send them totorture? Or did you think when you went to the police that you would catchcriminals? If you thought so, then I will even tell you the name of the leader ofthe largest criminal group, on whose conscience many of the dead, includingchildren. Maybe you yourself know Vovan Pitersky? Well, why then do you dragpeople into jail, sometimes they wear flowers to monuments, sometimes they writethat war is a crime? In general, isn't it time to think?Coming back to the comments: to the perplexity that the Bible is quoted in theanarchist text, I will answer that when I prepare the issue of "Trends", I quoteit quite often. Why? Well, first of all, I know very well. Secondly, I think thatin addition to any harmful, you can find useful things there. I have always beeninterested in the story of how a certain pacifist preacher managed to gain somany supporters that even the local clergy were so excited that they had to turnto the occupation authorities for help in a demonstration execution. Actually,Pontius Pilate was the representative of these same authorities. And now, itwould seem, after the crucifixion - this is the end of the fairy tale, andwhoever listened - well done, but after all, the disciples of this very pacifistsuffered to preach further and, despite all the persecution, quite successfully.Therefore, I consider some of the tips for spreading agitation given in the NewTestament to be quite successful and not lost their relevance. Well, for example,from the Gospel of Matthew: "Do not give anything holy to dogs and do not throwyour pearls before swine, so that they do not trample it under their feet and,turning, do not tear you to pieces." (Matt. 7:6) In other words - "Don't feed thetroll!" (With)So don't worry, as an anarchist and feminist, I'm not going to campaign forChristianity. I have already been there and I confirm that it is an authoritarianand patriarchal cult.At the same time, I confirm that the organization called the ROC and claiming amonopoly on Christianity, in fact, has nothing to do with it. You can read theNew Testament and look for yourself where Jesus calls for war and murder. And ifthe Russian Orthodox Church lives according to the Old Testament, then they arePharisees, and what does the teaching of a certain Jesus called Christ have to dowith it?I also want to remind everyone who listens to us that "Trends" are written bydifferent people and these are reflections of the author's view. And it isprecisely this opportunity that is important and interesting to us. When somelike-minded people think and act in exactly the same way, it already smacks of asect or hmm ... a Bolshevik party, for example. And we are anarchists. And we areunited by a common goal. And we never tire of repeating it.2. About criticismThis week, as in the previous ones, there have been quite a few scandals withinthe liberal opposition, who owes what to whom and who does not owe what. Amongthe anarchists, too, there is no unity, and there never was. And some are justlooking for an excuse to throw another accusation against other anarchists. Well,maybe enough to find out whose anarchism is more anarchist?We remind you again that there is a war going on. And our friends and comradesare dying in this war. With the same Dmitry Petrov, I personally discussed thisproblem more than once. It was not in vain that Dima took the idea of "takmil" -a time for weekly criticism and self-criticism from the Kurdish Apostles (andthey took it from the Maoists). Criticism is important, but self-criticism isalso important, and this is what some of the "most important anarchists" forgetabout. Moreover, in the post-Soviet space, the culture of dispute and criticismis completely absent, as an instrument of comradely relations. When it is a wayto help see and change something, and not to humiliate, insult and destroy.Some anarchists manage to go even further in non-constructiveness, accusing otheranarchists only on the grounds that they are from Russia, and some kind of slavenation lives there. You know, anarcho-Nazism is the same anarchism asanarcho-etatism, for example.So those who divide people into nations, and among these nations there are somenations of slaves, then either you are not anarchists, or set aside the skull andruler for measurements.I write about this so much because, unfortunately, such accusations are alsotrends. How much effort could be saved in order to do business. And there are alot of things. And when the war is over, there will be no less of them. Andpersonally, while observing the split in Russian society, I foresee a civil war.And anarchists in it are still in the vast minority. If you do not learn to lookfor allies among other anarchists and oppositionists who also oppose Putin'sfascism, then everything will be bad both in the Resistance and in the furtherstruggle, since social justice will not come by itself. So let's remember who isour main enemy for this historical period, not forgetting what makes usanarchists, and continuing to remain so.3. Don't despairHere, a left-wing Finn I know writes to me: "Nina, this is fucked up! Forgive mefor swearing, but I have no other words! Nina, my wife is Russian, and we havechildren. Where is the Russia that I loved? What will our children think? ThisFinn with his eldest son signed up for local defense a year ago. He helpsUkrainian refugees and Russian political emigrants. But it already seems to himthat the war is forever. And I convinced him that it wasn't. For a long time, butnot forever. And that Ukraine will win. He is already winning. And I told himwhat people in Russia are doing, who may not be able to kill Putin, but areresisting. And even after leaving Russia due to political persecution, theycontinue to act to hasten the end of the Putin regime.However, the regime itself is also doing a good job, hastening its death, but,unfortunately, involving an increasing number of victims in it.4. Locked riot policeThis week, the trial of Vitaly Koltsov continued, who threw a Molotov cocktailinto a paddy wagon on Revolution Square on March 2, 2022. A man of liberal views,a father of three children, whom all his friends knew as kind, responsible andnot prone to violence, made a rather symbolic gesture from the impossibility offinding a way to express his protest in any other way. From the press releasesthat you can see on the page created by Vitaly's friends, you can find out thatone bottle flew off the wall of the paddy wagon and set fire to only a piece ofasphalt, and the other broke the glass, but the riot police quickly extinguishedthe fire, it took less than a minute. At the time of the throw, the paddy wagonswere empty, and the riot police themselves were on the street.That's what they said at first. At the next hearing, however, the two suddenlyremembered that they were inside and resting on the bus, locked in the detentionunit. It is clear that Vitaly is going to be convicted not for a symbolic act,but for an attempt on the riot police.And in such cases, I always wonder if the prosecutors who demand terms forrobbery and murder for a symbolic act or for an anti-war post understand thatthey provoke people to think, what, and what is the actual difference? A liveriot policeman, a dead riot policeman, one dead riot policeman or twelve deadriot policemen, the term is the same in any case. But I suspect that the Russiansecurity forces are generally incapable of calculating the logical chain andthinking about the consequences. Otherwise, they would not have gotten involvedin a war against Ukraine.Before taking a desperate step, Vitaly published this poem.5. Krasnoyarsk anti-fascistsDespite the oddities of so-called justice, there is some good news. According tothe channel of the Anarchist Black Cross - Irkutsk, on May 18, in the OktyabrskyDistrict Court of Krasnoyarsk, a verdict was passed in the case of Krasnoyarskanti-fascists. Krasnoyarsk residents Danil Ivanov and Ilya Vinogradov were given5 years of probation each, 4 of which were probationary. The court sentencedDenis Kozyrev to 3 years and 6 months probation.According to lawyer Daniil, the case against the guys was initiated afterlistening to and reading correspondence on the VKontakte social network.What I want to say about this: firstly, donate to the ABC, help politicalprisoners. And once again we warn everyone: Get out of contact! Drop some!6. Moscow, SavelovskayaOn May 19, news came that in Moscow, near the Savelovskaya metro station,agitators were attacked for serving in the Russian army under a contract. Theattacker smashed their point and scattered the agitation. Unfortunately, the guywas detained by the police. I must say that I have already heard the story of howmuch earlier such a campaign center disappeared and did not appear again near themetro, where it was out of sight of the security cameras.7. "Erdogan is a mustachioed cockroach" From foreign news - the participation of the current Turkish President Erdoganin the elections. Traditionally, it has no support in big cities and relies onthe rural majority. But now there is a chance that he will lose his throne. Letme remind you that Erdogan sent troops to the Kurdish canton of Afrin, which islocated on the territory of Syria, and also sent troops to the territory ofRojava, allegedly to fight terrorism.There is now a second round of elections. Since Erdogan relies on all sorts of"spiritual bonds" and conservatism, in his election campaign he decided to accusehis opponents of being LGBT. "We know that Mr. Kemal Kiliçdaroglu is from LGBT.The entire IYI (Good Party) party is also LGBT, the HDP (Peoples' DemocraticParty, created by the Kurds) is LGBT, they are all LGBT. And all those who sat atthat table and prophesied greatness are also from these," Erdogan said. Well,just like Putin, who also likes to scare that if Russia loses the war, then notjust NATO will come, but with lesbians. And also Erdogan is afraid that theopposition will impose sanctions against the Russian so-called Federation.And now, some pseudo-leftists, licking the president's ass (by the way, thisphrase of Yuri Shevchuk is a year old) and supporting Russian fascism with alltheir might, write that Erdogan needs to be supported. Here, Oleg Yasinsky, forexample, who wrote a lot about Latin America and knows well about which dictatorit was said "he, of course, is a son of a bitch, but he is our son of a bitch,"writes:"Erdogan's electoral victory would give noticeable stability to the currentinstability. He is definitely a scoundrel, but the victory of the bright-facedoppositionist, on whom the US and NATO staked, would be a disaster and the priceof this in human lives would be incomparably higher....blah blah blahSurvival instinct suggests that the current salvation is in uniting against themain monster. Everything else (sincere, just, untimely) should be postponed forthe time being. Otherwise, there is no chance at all."In fact, the same thing: "son of a bitch", but for people like Yasinsky "ours".Moreover, I suspect that Yasinsky's claims to Erdogan are not for the left andthe Kurds, but for the "bayraktars" delivered to Ukraine.And I remind you that you should never expect something good from thecommunists-sovkodrocherov. They will always support the most disgusting reaction.They will lick the most vile dictatorship. It is thanks to them that at the word"communism" people shudder, imagining not a society of social justice, in whichthere will be neither wars nor oppression, but Stalinist camps and mockery ofhuman dignity.8. Therefore, by their fruits you will know them.What can we say about the relationship between communists and anarchists. It'sMay, so let's remember the "May events" in Barcelona. On May 3, 1937, EusebioRodríguez Salas, head of the Barcelona police (a branch of the "Communist Partyof Spain"), ordered the Civil and Assault Guards to occupy the central telephoneexchange in Plaza Catalunya in Barcelona, which had been controlled by theanarchists since the beginning of the civil war. This marked the beginning ofstreet fighting, which only ended when the anarchist leaders persuaded the peopleof Barcelona to cease fire in the name of anti-fascist unity. Then therepressions organized by the communists began.The current communists do not like to remember this, or they lie just asselflessly, as they always used to do. "Where is Andreas Nin? He left forBerlin!" they joked about the leader of the Marxist anti-Stalinist party POUM,which supported the anarchists. In fact, he was kidnapped and tortured in orderto get a "confession" that the POUM was allegedly in cahoots with the Nazis.Unable to break, Andreas Nin was secretly killed.Now the Spanish communists are demanding not to give Ukraine weapons, theirrepresentatives willingly pose for photographs with Russian ambassadors,expressing their support for the war and Putin. They also spread lies thatallegedly the Russian language was banned on the territory of Ukraine, thatZelensky burned people in the House of Trade Unions, and similar nonsense. Theyhaven't changed. And if suddenly some communist statesman finds himself on thesame side of the barricades with you, always expect a stab in the back from him,no matter what ideals he talks about. As you can see, he can put ideals aside.Not everyone who calls himself a communist or anti-fascist is actually one. Andnot even every anarchist. And how to distinguish? Well, I can't resist anotherquotation, it's painfully true that it is said: "Beware of false prophets whocome to you in sheep's clothing, but inside they are ravenous wolves. You willknow them by their fruits. Do they gather grapes from thorns, or figs fromthistles? So every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. Agood tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a bad tree bear good fruit. Every treethat does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. So by theirfruits you will know them." Matthew 7:15-20The fruits of Putinism are clearly visible. Anyone who supports him supportsfascism, no matter what he hides behind.Well, that's all for today! We remind you that in "Trends of Order and Chaos" theparticipants of "Autonomous Action" and other authors give anarchist assessmentsof current events. Listen to us on YouTube, SoundCloud and other platforms, visitour website avtonom.org, subscribe to our e-mail newsletter!Issue prepared by Nina.Thttps://avtonom.org/news/po-plodam-ih-uznaete-ih-trendy-poryadka-i-haosa-epizod-106_________________________________________A - I N F O S N E W S S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.caSPREAD THE INFORMATION
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