Second post-pandemic march, the Uruguayan people take to the streets to demand
the truth, concrete actions with all the repressors who participated in thesavage human rights violations, and point to an institution -the Armed Forces- asresponsible for State terrorism. Also point out the civilians who participated inthe dictatorship and those who sheltered impunity throughout this period. Pointout the parties that claim what was done in the dictatorship and the repressors.Cabildo Abierto, the centers of ex-officers of the Armed Forces, the Sanguinetti,those who kept silent all this time, those who helped the rise of the Tenientesde Artigas and Manini Lodge in not so distant dates.... All of them havesafeguarded impunity. Everyone, for one reason or another, defended oblivion,defended atrocious repressive methods. They defend the rapists, kidnappers ofchildren, those who murdered our compañeros and compañeras. They defend those whomurdered the best sons of the town.It is also a time to vindicate our colleagues and their militancy. Union,neighborhood, and student militants participated in direct action at all levels,participated in hundreds of conflicts and solidarity actions of various kinds.They risked their lives for a better world, for Socialism and Freedom. All ofthem, beyond their ideological conceptions and the political organizations theywere part of, are an example of unyielding struggle, resistance and life.The coup leaders and their accomplices continue to disappear them, hiding thefacts and information. They elude and block any attempt to make judicialprogress, no matter how tepid it may be. The pact of silence that they maintainis still impenetrable. That is what that hateful institution that is the ArmedForces produces: murderers with impunity and concealers for their "comrades inarms." Those armed forces can only make war on the people, that's what they arefor. They are the reinsurance of bourgeois power. And the bourgeoisie used thosearmed forces when the people took the leading role in the fight for a differentsociety. They disappeared, tortured, imprisoned, kidnapped children, raped,forced thousands into exile.The consequences of the civic-military dictatorshipWhat happened during the dictatorship is in force as long as there is impunityand the armed forces remain in this country. Armed Forces that are not necessaryor serve to defend the territory, only to take large resources from the people.Between its budget and the Military Fund, they take well over 1000 milliondollars a year (the equivalent of approximately 20,000 homes and would allowsolving the water problem, for example).Impunity is State policy and it is not touched. Except for some investigatedcases, some remains that have appeared - all of which is important in many ways -hardly any progress has been made and some of the most notorious repressors havebeen persecuted more vigorously by the judiciary of foreign countries than by theUruguayan state.Pact of the Naval Club, Sanguinetti's first government, impunity law and fromthen on silence, broken only by the persistent struggle of human rights andpopular organizations in general. As of today, there are hundreds ofdemonstrations to rescue life and the struggle of compañeras and compañeros indifferent spheres and hundreds of tributes travel the country, rescuing fromoblivion the struggle of those who were taken away by the class enemy and hisdevices."The theory of the two demons" returns to the table, in the voice of Manini Ríos,but also of Sanguinetti, a true builder of impunity and the model of the countrywe live in today. There was no war here, in any case, the war of the armed forceswas against the people, as our Organization denounced before the coup d'état of 1973.But the consequences not only refer to the field of human rights and impunity, toState terrorism. Also to the "white glove thieves" who became rich during thedictatorship with fat businesses. It includes all the fascists who continuedtheir activities in "democracy", as well as many torturers. But we also see theconsequences and we live today in conceptions that are gaining strength again:anti-left or "anti-communist" speeches, clearly fascist speeches and calling fororder, a heavy hand and accusing the "left" of destabilizing...The dictatorship also disciplined a good part of the left. He convinced her tofollow the legal, parliamentary paths, move "the fight" there, graduallyabandoning the streets and popular organizations. This has a very high costtoday, with the growth of the right and of more extreme groups and all theirdiscourse, which begins to populate public debates and generate a certaindangerous "common sense", since these ideas are circulating at a social level ina more espacious.The system has worked for that. It has installed a strong "anti-poor" discoursebased on police chronicles. A long job that takes close to 30 years of patientwork on a daily basis, generating a climate of constant insecurity, creating a"monstrous enemy": the poor who steal or violate the same illegalities as thebourgeoisie on a daily basis, but in a very small proportion compared to theruling classes.At the same time, prisons are overcrowded with people who are not going to be"rehabilitated", since prisons are not centers for rehabilitation but for thegeneration of higher levels of illegality. 15 thousand prisoners saturate theprisons and there are no real solutions to this problem.Without a doubt, one of the main consequences of the dictatorship is theimplementation of this economic model, which generates misery and hunger. Thewage loss that has not been recovered to this day -since before thedictatorship-, the growth in extension and in the number of cantegriles andsettlements, of children below the poverty line, the reduction of the educationbudget, the dismantling of the industrial apparatus and the consequent loss ofjobs. We are experiencing all these effects today.salt waterThis May 20 is framed in another set of issues, of a whole policy that isadvancing at a steady pace, some of them are long-term, and of which we arealready experiencing their effects. At the beginning of May the water situationbroke out in Montevideo and the metropolitan area. The OSE board of directorsapproved by majority that the water from the Santa Lucía River would be takenfrom a place closer to the Río de la Plata, thus doubling the amount of sodium inthe water and of chloride. This is harmful to the human organism. It is notdrinking water that is coming out of the Montevidean taps. This situation is theproduct of the productive model that has been deployed for more than 35 years.Since the approval of the Forest Law in 1987, more than 1 million hectares havebeen forested in the country, with the consequent consumption of water by thetrees, absorption of rainwater and even groundwater. Trees that are raw materialfor the cellulose industry, which has recently inaugurated its third mega plantin the country. The start-up of UPM 2 coincides in time with the lack of water inMontevideo.Something similar can be said of soybean crops (another million hectares) and theuse of pesticides, contaminating the soil and water. The implementation of theirrigation law has generated a large number of private reservoirs that are dryingup rivers or reducing their flow, added to all of the above.It is that the productive model has placed natural resources or goods at theservice of large producers and multinational companies. Big capital is plunderingresources -for free- but earning millions with exported products (soybeans, pulp,meat). Drinking water, a fundamental good for life, is being denied to thepopulation, since OSE supplies today it is water that is not in a condition to beconsumed by the population. "It is not potable, but it is drinkable andconsumable" as the Minister of the Environment said, it is nonsense or mockery.The constitutional reform approved in 2004, which places water as a fundamentalhuman resource and the protection of the environment, is not only being violated,but has never been implemented.The truth is that this policy contrary to the "natural country" that they sooften proclaimed can lead us to a catastrophe of unthinkable social andecological dimensions. Those from above are ecocidal, they endanger human lifeand they have no qualms about it, since they live in private neighborhoods, farfrom the town and with all the resources to have a good life.You have to think about the medium and long term, in addition to solving thedrinking water supply immediately. It is necessary to rethink the productivemodel - which also excludes workers since it uses little labor - and contaminatesthe entire territory. The debate on food sovereignty must be placed at thecenter; Today Uruguay produces soybeans to feed pigs in China, when here thereare more than 350,000 Uruguayans who do not have food insured on a daily basis. Amodel of total inequality. In three years (between 2019 and 2022), 1 billiondollars went from the popular sectors to the ruling classes, through a pandemic.It is the water and it is the land, it is the possibility or not of a decent lifethat is at stake. It is the deployment of the capitalist system at this stage inUruguay, it is not just a bad policy of OSE -which it is-, but the issue isdeeper. It is the development of big capital at the expense of people's lives.It is necessary to mobilize in an organized way, that all social organizationstake up the issue and call to go to the streets, to different types ofdemonstrations and activities in defense of water and life, against the system ofdeath and its looting.other watersThis government has stepped on the accelerator this year. He approved theEducation Reform and has already put it into practice, he approved the SocialSecurity Reform with the financial disaster that it will mean for the BPS, theenormous number of people who will never be able to retire, the cut in retirementcalculations and the expansion of the profit of the multinational capital withthe AFAP., maintenance of the privileges to the military (when the 50 years ofthe Coup d'état are fulfilled), among other situations.As if that were not enough, in the same week several acts of violence occur instudy centers -some of them at least in a somewhat strange way- and without sucha hot climate in their surroundings. The press, in turn, did not amplify theseevents as it does on other occasions, which is striking.The government coalition is leaking everywhere. In addition to the discomfortgenerated by the direct negotiation of the National Party with the CabildoAbierto on several of its proposals for the pension reform law, which hadgenerated a mini crisis because CA was not willing to vote on the law just likethat, was added the kick of the Colorado Party and also managed to place somepoints of his own in the law. Approved by Deputies, it passed expressly for thesecond time to the Senate and was approved. Everything goes into the bag as longas the Reform is approved and the coalition maintains it. The negotiating powerof the National Party has already been demonstrated with the LUC, where itincluded all the proposals, including those of the FA.But in the first week of May, the government coalition suffered a strong shock:the President asks the Cabildo Abierto for the resignation of Irene Moreira fromthe Ministry of Housing for the delivery of homes at discretion. Corruption, ofthe cheapest. CA held several meetings and two press conferences on the same day,one to ask the President to review his decision - something he did not do - andin the second to state that Moreira was going to Parliament. At no time did IreneMoreira indicate that she accepted her resignation, ignoring the authority of thePresident of the Republic within the bourgeois legal system, an authority towhich the ministers in this framework owe themselves. On the contrary, they madeit clear what lobbyists really are: coup plotters. Soul hitters.Among lobbying ranks, the discussion involves whether or not to leave thecoalition. He succeeded in staying, for the moment, but stomping. It is probablethat in a short time they will withdraw from it. CA is not going to fight on twofronts, it prioritizes attacking the FA and then it will see how it solves theproblems with its allies. But the coalition has been largely damaged. But thetruth is that CA now has a political centrality that it has struggled to achievethroughout the period; for better or for worse we talk about them. And that ispropaganda.If they remain within the coalition, they will do so with a more independentprofile. It is not surprising that this resignation request leaves resentment andaccounts receivable in the future. In any case, the coalition has already votedeverything it needed to in this period, practically. The law is missing to freethe "old men" murderers, a priority of CA.The model deepensEnvironmental looting is a deepening of the model, but also of the capitalistsystem. It is the expression of said system at this stage. But it -and theprevailing economic model- have been displaying a great economic adjustment,similar to the one experienced in the '90s. New factory closures, now Ricard(acquired a few years ago by the multinational Bimbo) and layoffs in the gassector, with the companies Acodike and Riogas, are added. There is also asignificant number of layoffs in private health. The policy of cuts is generalwith the consequent increase in poverty and misery of the people.As if that were not enough, Parliament approved the repeal of the ultraactivityof collective agreements, therefore, the gains made are lost. With this, in fact,it is the end of collective bargaining at this stage, except for some sectorssuch as construction and some others. Times of widespread misery are coming andof an immense loss of rights.This is perhaps the icing on the cake of a series of strong bosses' advances.They try to dismantle the conquered and the popular organizations, they attackthe interests of those below with a clear class bias. They exude hate to theworld below.In the face of so much quietism...The 50th anniversary of the coup d'état and the General Strike, with which thetrade union and popular movement responded to it, is being fulfilled. For fifteendays the entire country was paralyzed. Not without controversy with the reformistand conciliatory conceptions, but a long accumulation of experiences, knowledgeand struggles that had been in the country for more than a century was displayedthere. It was an extremely important event and it was the work of the peoplethemselves, woven for years, achieving massive participation. "If there is acoup, there is a strike", it was said since 1964, since the founding of the CNT.This decision of the unions, discussed and taken in thousands of assembliesthroughout the country, is one of the most emblematic processes of our class andwe must draw lessons from that period and from the firmness with which the coupwas faced. State,The Uruguayan people were not quiet before 1973. Strikes, conflicts,mobilizations, confrontations with repression, Prompt Security Measures invarious periods, murdered by that same repression, prisoners, generated animportant experience at the popular level. Each militant took his fightingposition, where he understood that he should be. Political militancy took on afundamental role because it was understood that a general strategy had to beprovided for the struggles of the moment. The fight was for a different societyand the Political Organization was central.A long experience and journey that is important to rescue, because it can provideus with clues for action at this time where despair and apathy reign, and thelack of drive to fight the most conciliatory conceptions of the trade union movement.Roll back the reforms that have been imposed, solve the problem of water and theenvironment -at least in the most urgent-, achieve a certain distribution ofwealth that reduces hunger and misery; Let's say medium-term objectives, but theycan only be achieved with struggle and organization from below. The organizedpeople, with their accumulated experience, are the only ones that can stop thisdispossession and can build a different life.It has been demonstrated that there is no possible shortcut, that throughinstitutional channels there is compromise and possibility, to govern for thoseabove. That is why it is necessary to get out of this moment of quietism and acertain stupor before the steamroller on the right. Strengthen the popularorganizations, strengthen ourselves ideologically, go out into the streets andtake the necessary measures to fight. You have to move the gears and start movingforward.The disappeared are not just memory, they are a thorough fight and fight againstthis system.Cheers Pocho Mechoso, Adalberto Soba, Gerardo Gatti, Elena Quinteros and in theirname to so many who live in the people's struggle!!PEOPLE IN THE STREET, GUARANTEE OF COMBAT AND ADVANCE!!TO DEFEAT THE REGRESSIVE POLITICS OF THOSE FROM ABOVE!!NEITHER FORGET NOR FORGIVENESS!!URUGUAYAN ANARCHIST FEDERATION - I N F O S N E W S S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.caSPREAD THE INFORMATION
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