For just over a month on strike, state education workers in Rio de Janeiro are
mobilizing in defense of their demands, through their union, the State Union ofEducation Professionals of Rio de Janeiro (SEPE-RJ) . In acts, marches, protestsand propaganda actions, the workers show their social strength in the face of theintransigence of the state government. At this time of confrontation, wereinforce our solidarity and support for the strike movement. ---- The maindemand of the category is the payment of the National Minimum Level and theCareer Plan. Bolsonarist governor Cláudio Castro continues to disrespect the lawand refuses to pay the minimum wage for a category that has not been readjustedfor 8 years. The category also calls for the repeal of the reform of SecondaryEducation in the state network, additional training for administrative employees,new call for teachers approved in the competition, reinstatement of culturalanimators who had their contracts terminated, etc.The national minimum salary for teachers is R$4,420, while a teacher at a stateschool in Rio de Janeiro receives R$1,588 as base salary (18 hours a week).The precariousness and destruction of state public education in Rio de Janeiro isa project of the dominant classes aligned with the neoliberal perspective, whichacts through the lobbies of its foundations and professional politicians. The TaxRecovery Regime acts as an anchor for civil service salaries and cuts resourcesthat would be needed for the social services that serve the Rio de Janeiroworking class.The Lula-Alckmin government signals for the maintenance of this fiscal regime inRio de Janeiro and in other states, maintaining the Spending Ceiling of theBolsonaro/Temer governments under another name ("Fiscal Framework"). At the sametime, it refuses to revoke the New Secondary School, serving the interests of bigbusinessmen in Education and maintaining the educational model that increaseseducational inequality between rich and poor.Direct action by the category advances the strike and breaks with thebureaucratic methods of governmentOn the last day 20, the judge Ricardo Rodrigues Cardozo, from TJ-RJ, determinedthe immediate return of the category to the classrooms and considered the strikeillegal. The criminalization of the strike by the bourgeois justice shows that wecannot rely on any judicial decision in our favor. And that the category mustrely on its own political forces, in direct action on the streets and at thegrassroots, without deluding itself with parliamentary intrigues.The category has been holding local and general assemblies, with great grassrootsparticipation. Governor Cláudio Castro and his accomplices are harassed at publicevents whenever possible. The organized base has managed, through its ownexperience and concrete analysis, to deconstruct the lies propagated by thegovernment and by the bourgeois media, which claim that there are no resources topay the minimum wage.AdvertsREPORT THIS ADThe massification of the strike also brings another precious lesson for the unionstruggle. Grassroots action, through involvement in strike commands and action onthe street, contradicts the hesitation and lack of confidence of government andbureaucratic leaderships, enshrined in the union. The governing sectors, as wellas their satellites, act to subordinate the grassroots struggle to parliamentaryagreements, the "big" bourgeois policy, cabinets and electoral agreements. From the open and united struggle on the street and at the bases, the Educationcategory has been demonstrating that its strength comes from its power ofmobilization and action, not from the practice of open conciliation withreactionary sectors. Rejecting the old practice of "having afternoon tea" withthe Secretary of Education or with parliamentarians without having an effectiveinstrument of pressure.In this sense, the historical strategy of revolutionary syndicalism bringsimportant lessons, pointing to the strengthening of base instances and the directaction of the category, as fundamental instruments for the conquest of their demands.All solidarity with the workers of RJ's state education!Coletivo Mineiro Popular Anarchista (COMPA)Anarchist Federation of Rio de Janeiro (FARJ)Libertarian Socialist Anarchist Organization (OASL)Libertarian Struggle Rusga Libertária - I N F O S N E W S S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing
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