Yes, we must popularize the idea of a general strike, of its necessity
to stop or even overthrow power. But not by pretending that we willachieve it better with a Trotskyist "trade union leadership"... ---- OnJanuary 29, 2023, the Sunday newspaper published an appeal from tradeunionists and intellectuals defending the prospect of a strike general.This was the point of a " Network for the General Strike " whichglobally relayed the vision of the Trotskyist organization PermanentRevolution (RP) : renewable strikes break out here and there, thesituation is potentially revolutionary, the inter-union is afraid , itisolates the strikes by spacing out the days of national action, it istreason, etc. At the GA of the Network, on March 22, Anasse Kazib,figurehead of RP, declared that it was necessary to form " actioncommittees[...]with a management that really wants to go all the way !As you will have understood, it is not the principle of a verticaldirection that poses a problem for these activists, but the fact that itis not their political current that is in charge.To renew a strike, you need a completed GALet's be fair. We can be grateful to RP for having managed, by launchingits Network, to give visibility to the idea of a general strike. Becauseyes, the general strike was indeed a necessity to make the governmentback down. The big problem is basing all of its propaganda on adeliberate exaggeration of real social conflict. No, the intersyndicaledid not have the opportunity to curb an imminent popular explosion. Torenew a strike at the end of the first 24 hours, it takes a massive AGof strikers determined to go further. But the GAs have always remainedskinny. So no extension possible. The most serious attempt at renewal,from March 7, was driven precisely by the " union leaderships " CGT andSolidaires... but the base did not follow; it didn't take. Then, beyondthe thunderous rhetoric, the concrete practices raise questions. At theSNCF, quite a few struggle unionists were surprised to see that, whilethey were on strike for twenty days, the SUD-Rail union section of LeBourget, notoriously "held" by RP and giving lessons on the pensiondefense strategy, was doing something quite different : it only calledfor 59 minute walkouts... to obtain a local bonus ! Difficult after thatto be fooled by the great radical speeches. Contrary to what theTrotskyists write, the crisis of trade unionism is not a crisis ofleadership, it is a crisis of its base. There is a lack of activists toset out again to reconquer the union deserts, to develop unionization inthe feminized sectors and to revitalize the interprofessionalstructures, particularly at the local level. The best " network for thegeneral strike " is a network of active, democratic unions, present inas many companies as possible and coordinated. This is the colossal (butexhilarating) task facing revolutionaries. Less incantations, moreorganization.Boivin (UCL Rennes), Guillaume (UCL Paris north-east) - I N F O S N E W S S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.caSPREAD THE INFORMATION
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