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vrijdag 28 juli 2023

WORLD WORLDWIDE EUROPE FRANCE News Journal Update - (en) France, UCL AL #340 - Police violence, the savagery of Macronist repression (ca, de, fr, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 Arbitrary arrests, mutilations, prosecutions... The apparatus of

administrative, police and judicial repression mobilized means ofunprecedented violence, also used against environmental mobilizations,or in Mayotte during Operation Wuambushu. ---- The movement did notescape repression. Its unprecedented character surely lies in theunanimous condemnations of human rights defenders in the face ofilliberal practices. Thus the repressive arsenal has been characterizedby the use of authoritarian administrative techniques, brutal policetechniques and disproportionate sentences handed down by the courts.Authoritarianism is marked by reinforced administrative control. A firstphase consisted in preventing the course of demonstrations coming tooclose to places of power or city centers. A second phase began with theanti-casserolade decrees and the use of techniques dedicated to thecontrol of terrorism against demonstrations. The most amazing thing wasall the same to see the Minister of the Interior, Darmanin, threateningto dissolve the Uprisings of the Earth or an organization as untouchable- in a state of law - as the League for the Rights of Man! Therequisitions of strikers in the refineries complete this device ofadministrative repression of the social movement.80% of police custody classified without follow-upArbitrary arrests, without cause, have multiplied. According to a censusof the Comptroller General of places of deprivation of liberty on May 3,2023, 80% of police custody have been closed without further action. InParis on March 16, 292 people were arrested for no reason. In addition,police charges against processions punctuated demonstrations, as well asdrone control, such as on May 1. Serious injuries and mutilations havemultiplied, such as on March 23 in Paris where a railway worker wasblinded by a disencirclement grenade. The great ecological convergenceof Sainte-Soline, on March 25, suffered unprecedented violence: policein quads firing LBDs, 5,000 grenades fired, 200 injured. In addition,blocking actions and pickets have sometimes come under police attack,for example during the garbage collectors' strike in Paris. The liveammunition of Operation Wuambushu crowned this savagery. Arrests,immediate appearances and unjustified sentences multiply after thedemonstrations. The criminal courts conduct political trials againstacts of strike or blocking actions, as in the Loiret where 44 strikersare prosecuted for illegal exercise of the right to strike, or simpletags " Stop 64 " as in Amiens, or even towards activists who chased thefar right from the processions, like the comrades of UCL Ain (see page18), who will win their trial. In the face of repression, class (andfinancial!) solidarity is imperative, as is the anti-fascist struggle.Winning an amnesty for all the condemned would be a victory for thesocial movement. Oriane (UCL Grenoble)https://www.unioncommunistelibertaire.org/?l-ensauvagement-de-la-repression-macroniste_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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