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vrijdag 28 juli 2023

WORLD WORLDWIDE EUROPE SPAIN CATALUNIA News Journal Update - (en) Catalunia, EMBAT: There are no halftones (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 We are immersed in, and once again suffering, a new electoral campaign,

after which the new Government of the Spanish State will be voted on.The particularity of this electoral process is that there is a goodchance of seeing a PP-VOX Government, which scares people of left-wingconvictions. Despite the formation of SUMAR as a set of political forceslocated to the left of the PSOE, the key figure is Pedro Sánchez. ----His choice of the election date displaced the political space of theparliamentary left, having to quickly find an alliance that, due to theenormous toxic personalisms, gives the external feeling of being fineand everything against nature and doomed to internal strife.Anyway, the reason for this article is the rise to power of fascism.Anyone who follows social networks and the communiqués of libertarianorganizations will not see too much concern. After all, the policiesthat fascism then carries out when it comes to power are even put intopractice by PSOE governments. It's not that we don't worry about whoevercomes to power threatening our own existence, we do. What happens isthat we have no reason to side with their opponents: our proposal is toempower the population to self-organize, and the parliamentary left is abrake on this necessary popular self-organization.And more on these dates, we must remember who stopped fascism when itwas really at the door on July 18 and 19, 1936: the popularorganizations with the anarchists at the front. This 'wolf' that theywant to use to close ranks in front of their traditional socio-liberalpolicies will not let us fall into the trap.The 28M elections were a shock in Catalonia. Government of PP and VOX inthe Valencian Country, 150,000 votes for VOX, appearance of the FNC insome town halls and the mayorship of Sílvia Orriols in Ripoll.It is understood that this new rise in far-right politics is part of aglobal process or, rather, of the West. It is not lost on anyone thatpart of the economic elites and those who own certain branches of thestate apparatus (for example, the judiciary or the police) were notinterested in democracy. They were democrats as long as theirs won.But the crisis of 2008 broke the consensus between the parliamentaryright and left. For this part of the capitalist elite, democracy nolonger made sense. Therefore, they opted for other routes. Here thepopulist right made its appearance through the big door, a kind of moremodern extreme right, since it applies aspects that were not typical ofthe old ultra-right.This is why the extreme right in our country is more populist right(ultraconservative, with Catholic roots, neoliberal, anti-feminist,traditionalist, nationalist, etc.) than fascist. Fascism has aconnotation of militarism that this extreme right does not show so much,despite being a strong base within its loyal structures. Maybe becausehe doesn't need it now, since he aspires to control the State throughlegal means.This does not mean that there are no real fascists. As the news shows,every so often a terrorist cell with a considerable arsenal of weaponsis arrested somewhere in Europe or the Americas. In their own way theyprepare their revolution, the most impatient branches.Right-wing populism shares with fascism the need to have a mobilizedsocial base. They do this with hate campaigns, with nationalistcampaigns or directly with conspiratorial speeches. Hate campaigns focuson attacking different people: immigrants, LGBTI people, ethnic andnational minorities and against the political and social movements thatoppose them: feminists, independenceists, anarchists, communists,anti-fascists and even social democrats. The demagogic promotion offeelings of fear and hatred serve to build this collective enemy of thehomeland, which is like a multi-headed hydra. The enemy, we, are ascapegoat who disciplines the entire population.Understanding this, it will become clearer to us why the parliamentaryultra-right sends out messages that seem to have come out of a cavern.They repeal laws that guarantee rights to sow discouragement and destroythe will to resist. They want to show us the door: there is nothing todo in Spain, anyone who wants to live in another way should take a plane.This will be a way of governing that we can see in the coming years insome states (and we have seen examples of this in countries like Polandor Brazil), based on the exclusion of rights from the working class andthe protection of privileges of the elite and their supporters. It isthese people who will pilot the eco-social transition of the comingdecades and will face scarcity and the climate crisis. Honestly, itdoesn't look good.But we don't want to leave the feeling that there is nothing to do. Stepon the contrary. We already know that capitalism will leave us with aworld in ruins and that it will threaten even the survival of theplanet. We understand that the alternative is social revolution and theconstruction of a society that has eliminated the structures ofdomination, that has built a collectivized economy, that lives inconfederalism and free association, that is able to defend itself andthat have a cultural hegemony in tune with our libertarian communism.Utopia is believing that capitalism will not destroy the world. But tobuild libertarian communism requires a commitment to life and thefuture. There are no halftones.This commitment to the construction of a libertarian socialist utopianecessarily involves the underpinning of all the popular structures thatserve to centrifuge a political culture of commitment and autonomy tothis project. And that these are the fundamental barrier, not only tostop fascism, but to destroy capitalism, before it leaves us without aworld to inhabit. To articulate it, we believe it is necessary tostrengthen the organizations that point, with their strategies, tactics,and program, to this libertarian socialist utopia, which is morenecessary than ever.Up those who fight!Let's fight to win!Long live Poble Fort!Long live libertarian communism!Embat, Libertarian Organization of Catalonia. July 2023https://embat.info/no-hi-ha-mitges-tintes/_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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