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vrijdag 28 juli 2023

WORLD WORLDWIDE EUROPE GREECE News Journal Update - (en) Greece, APO, land & freedom: Protest rallies for the murdered trans refugee Ana Ivankova (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 On 11/7, Ana Ivankova, a transgender woman, refugee, originally from

Cuba, was brutally murdered in her apartment, in Agios Panteleimonas,Athens. In its announcement, ELAS chose to refer to the "murder of aman" while the media continued to reproduce the same news. ---- InAnna's face they hit a trans, a woman, a refugee, a life that for thestate capitalist and patriarchal system has absolutely no value. ----The lives of the oppressed continue to be sacrificed. Thestate-capitalist-patriarchal system itself wants to silently exterminatethose it "sees" as surplus populations by cultivating fear and promotingsocial fascism.Another murder has been added to the long list of the dead of thepandemic after the state murder in Tempi, the multi-death shipwreck ofimmigrants in Pylos, but also to the countless murders of refugees andimmigrants, the daily femicides and dozens of workplace accidents.   Let's not get used to death.Against state, capitalist and patriarchal brutality   We do not forget - We do not condone the murder of transgenderrefugee Anna IvankovaWe do not forget the murder of Zack / Zackie Oh and the death of Dimitrafrom Lesvos   Ivanka, Caroline, Dimitra, EleniNo other murderedAgainst State and Patriarchy - For Emancipation and Anarchy   Wednesday 12/7Thessaloniki: Kamara, 20.00Athens: Syntagma, 20.00Anti-Patriarchy Group - Anarchist Political Organizationhttps://landandfreedom.gr/el/agones/1320-anakoinosi-gia-tis-synexizomenes-epitheseis-stis-zapatistikes-koinotites_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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