On July 19, 2016, a group of compañeros and compañeras founded the
anarchist organization of Córdoba, within the framework of a publicpresentation in that city. The date chosen coincided with the beginningof the Spanish social revolution, a very important feat for anarchismand with which we felt identified due to its rich experience of struggleand organization, the challenge was great, there was no other proposalin Cordoba, at least since the 1970s, like that of the OAC, but the ideawas clear, to strengthen an organization framed within the line ofspecific organized anarchism with political and social militancy. Basedon the experience and thanks to the accompaniment of the RosarioAnarchist Federation, we were giving shape to the political tool, fromanalysis of the situation, to the dissemination of ideas and libertarianpropaganda. understanding anarchism as an emancipatory proposal for theoppressed of the world that we saw for many years that anarchism hadlost the social vector for what it had been created, and confined tosmall spaces for discussion, debates, no longer participated in unionsand the class struggle in general. Although we saw compañeros andcompañeras activating or militating in different social and culturalspaces, the proposal of an organization for the militancy of anarchismwas somewhat vague and had not been wanted or could not be consolidatedin the facts.Our idea and our will are aimed at building an organization for themilitancy of anarchism with a solid programmatic base, with clearobjectives, tactics and strategies in accordance with the reality inwhich we live, always and with the intention of militarizing in thesocial environment, to strengthen the struggles and organizations ofthose from below through direct action and grassroots democracy, we wereinserted over time in different fronts such as the student or the union.The history of the OAC is a history of collective construction, ofcompañeros and compañeras who, by force of will, commitment andperseverance, are growing day by day. Politically but fundamentallysocially, where the roots of anarchism are born, side by side with ourco-workers.LIKE YUYITO THAT GROWS IN EL PORLAN,87 YEARS OF POPULAR INSURRECTIONOn July 19 we commemorate popular uprisings that have marked a beforeand after in the history of our globe; Spain, in 1936, saying "Enough!"to the attempted Francoist coup that led to the twinned civil war in thepopular organization, in defense of the Republic. Rojava, 2012, when theKurdish fighters (mostly women) began the process that would lead to theautonomy of a confederate, polyethnic and multicultural territory thatto this day continues to be an example of self-management andbrotherhood, welcoming ethnic minorities that are expelled fromneighboring nations.We know that adversity generates, mobilizes and promotes organizationand joint work in pursuit of a more egalitarian and less unfair horizon.History teaches us that the most difficult conditions and harshestcontexts generate the struggle and organization of those below inmovements that interrupt the "normal" course of a territory, a regime ora legitimized form of oppression. The boiling point is about to happen,the memory continues to warm the working hands.Like the yuyito that grows in the porlan and realizes, with histestimony, that there is no stone that covers the memory. Here was land,says the green shoot tearing itself out of the crack, here was somethingelse, here was life multiplying. This is how we keep our memory andcelebrate the rupture, the interruption, the popular insurrection, thebrotherhood in the struggle. As organized anarchism it is our historicalduty to articulate and follow the fine work of sprouting in the cracks,in the fissures, in the rupture. Pollinating the accurate fight, growingwhere the porlan says you can't grow.For the construction of a strong peopleUp those who fight!https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=651409330350251&set=a.306492611508593_________________________________________A - I N F O S N E W S S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.caSPREAD THE INFORMATION
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