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zaterdag 29 juli 2023

WORLD WORLDWIDE EUROPE FRANCE News Journal Update - (en) France, UCL AL #340 - Syndicalism, To accumulate forces, the CGT must change from the base (ca, de, fr, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 This movement tested the strengths and practices of the CGT, and

revealed the weakness of its presence beyond the usual strongholds,hampering the generalization of the strike. The confederation emergesstronger from the conflict, at least numerically. But without reformingits structures, it will not be able to hold back the wave of new and newunion members for long. ---- At the end of these five months ofstruggle, the CGT logically benefits from the assertion that tradeunionism must first rhyme with a balance of power. The confederation didnot hide its satisfaction at being flanked by an inter-union united in alogic of collective struggle, usually quite foreign to the CFDT, theCFTC and the CGC. But if the co-managing trade union pole, around theCFDT, saw its image improve thanks to the conflict, it was the CGT whichwas the most present to, concretely, put people on strike.Daniel MaunouryIndeed, it is the sectors where the CGT is very well established, fromenergy to dockworkers, including garbage collectors in Paris orpetrochemicals, which have been the most mobilized. The multiple actionsin the energy sector confirm the need to organize and coordinate, andthe importance of union establishment to lead the struggle in a sector.We can cite as an example the blocking of incinerators in the Parisregion which brought together two branches, energy and garbagecollectors (territorial) without forgetting the interpro through thesupport of the local unions concerned on the picket lines. Due to itscentrality, the aura of the CGT has been strengthened within our class,including among young people who usually do not come across unionism,this has resulted in nearly 40,000 new memberships during the first halfof the year. 2023.A failure: to move in the industryHowever, this renewed membership highlights the shortcomings of the CGT,first and foremost its difficulty in organizing employees outside oflarge companies and the public service. However, conquering the uniondeserts is imperative to win : if most of the CGT strongholdsparticipated in the fight against the pension reform, the scale of theprotest cruelly demonstrates the extent to which the " proxy strike " ofa few emblematic sectors cannot win against an opponent ready to doanything to crush his opposition. To win, it is necessary to extend theunion's hold on other economic sectors, which involves several projectsfor the CGT. Let's start by talking about industry, where the CGT iswell established and where, however, only a few isolated bastions havemanaged to go on a renewable strike. GAs were extremely rare there andthe mobilized employees mainly went on strike individually, more toexpress their anger on a fixed date, during the big dates set by theinter-union, than to initiate, with their colleagues, a blockage of the'economy. This lack of collective dynamics is a lack of strike culturethat must absolutely be won back, for example through wage battles thatare set to multiply. Each local conflict is training for largerstruggles. These local experiences must be made known to strengthen theclass consciousness of strikers who sometimes struggle to see the linkbetween their employer and government policies.For local branch unionsBut another project is needed: that of the evolution of our structuresto adapt them to the reality of the contemporary proletariat. Thecurrent wave of unionization will not be able to be absorbed by companyunions, obsolete structures while subcontracting is generalized and workcollectives atomized. The right answer is to change our structures andform local branch unions. That in a locality or a department, instead ofhaving several skeletal unions in various companies, we have a singleunion of employees of the same branch. It would be the best place towelcome the many people who are currently joining the CGT, so that theycan take their place in the organization and become activists. It isalso necessary to fully measure the issue of the unionization offeminized sectors, these are just as strategic as the strongholds ofpredominantly male workers. They do not have the same aura in the socialmovement due to the lack of trade union presence, but the victory inVerbaudet shows us that this is not inevitable.Affirm and strengthen local unionsThe 53rd Confederal Congress could have been an opportunity to moveforward on these essential issues to strengthen the CGT and adapt it tothe needs of the period: branch unionism, feminized sectors,strengthening union training, articulation between environmental andsocial emergency ... Alas this congress was undermined by the internalconflicts linked to the succession of Philippe Martinez. The possibleadvances on the unification of struggle unionism and on social ecologyhave been sacrificed, while the debate on the relevance of our unionstructures has simply not taken place. Fortunately, the conflict did nottear the CGT apart in the midst of its struggle. 1 This congress wasalso an opportunity for the federations to assert their preponderancewithin the CGT, to the detriment of the departmental unions.Daniel MaunouryHowever, it is the interprofessional territorial structures that haveanimated this conflict, through actions and demonstrations. Becausebeyond the polls, the popularity of this struggle has resulted in ananchoring which, throughout the country, has awakened many local unions.The CGT is the organization with the largest territorial network, so wemust take advantage of this renewal when it exists. It will be afruitful task for revolutionaries, a crucial opportunity to strengthenclass consciousness on the ground, and a priority union investment forcomrades who think they cannot militate in their professional sector.Aimeric (UCL Grenoble)https://www.unioncommunistelibertaire.org/?Pour-accumuler-des-forces-la-CGT-doit-changer-par-la-base_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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