With Silvio Berlusconi dead, there will be no other, and fortunately.
The Berlusconi era was incredible and, to paraphrase Leonardo Sciascia,you have to go to Sicily to see how incredible it was. Because it isfrom this region that the former Knight got everything: votes, consent,judicial troubles. But what did he leave us to us? And for us I intend,this time, to make it a generational question: the so-calledmillennials, those who were born between 1980 and 1996. Too young toremember exactly what existed before them, too old to be able to imaginea future without inheritance of him. Indeed, it would be better to usethe term waste: because you can hide them, bury them somewhere, but theyremain and when you least expect it they reappear, and perhaps they havealready contaminated you without you realizing it. We of the millennialgeneration have been in the middle: capable of hating Berlusconi, ofgathering joyfully around the cry "who doesn't jump is Berlusconi",often unable to oppose his power. Now that he's gone we're no lessalone, because there are always enemies of hating. But we have to dealwith his waste: because if we have not defeated Berlusconi we must atleast defeat his legacy, the one sanctified on live TV from 12 June onwards.So: what did he leave us to us? First, some prominent figures.Gianfranco Micciché, for example, a former collaborator of Publitaliaand the strong man of Forza Italia in Sicily for 30 years: even now thatMicciché is involved in a new alleged drug ring, the "Berlusconifavourite" remains in the saddle. For a time he even became the idol ofa certain pampering and humanitarian left, as he harshly criticizedMatteo Salvini and his management of migratory flows when he wasMinister of the Interior; now, however, he aspires to become a point ofreference for the guarantors and, if he emerges (as is possible) fromthe investigation by the Palermo prosecutor's office that concerns him,at 70 Micciché could carve out a new political youth.Another personal friend of Berlusconi was the current president of theSicilian Region, that Renato Schifani who, when a journalist from Liberoasked him to point out three of Berlusconi's defects, was unable topoint out a single one. The same one that gave its name to the law knownprecisely as the Schifani award, with which the trials for the fivehighest offices of the state were suspended. The man without qualitieswill probably end his electoral mandate at its "natural" expiry: withoutjolts, in the most absolute greyness, the saddest scenario for a landthat instead needs continuous revolutions.Far more influential, then, were the Sicilians with whom Berlusconisurrounded himself in Milan. Starting with Marcello Dell'Utri, the onlyone in his entourage who really went to prison and who, we can swear,will never betray him even now that Berlusconi is dead and tell abouthis real ties to the mafia. Speaking of judicial matters, the judicialinvestigations that most hurt the former Cavaliere arrived from Sicily,namely those of Caltanissetta and Palermo for the hidden instigators ofthe massacres of '92 and '93 and for external competition in mafiaassociation. The investigations, however, ended up shelved and, aboveall, they ended up absorbing too much attention from those who tried tooppose Berlusconi's hegemony. Are they state massacres? Yes, we know,let's go ahead, we are already at saturation level, there is nothingmore to say in this area.Instead, it was on the cultural field that we should have fought him.The Palermo director Franco Maresco had already understood this yearsago, who with his opera Belluscone, a profound and at the same timeamusing cross-section, investigated the reasons why the lower classesvoted for him en masse. It was not even conceivable that the workers ofTermini Imerese and Gela supported the former entrepreneur, and insteadit happened with an indecent frequency, which did not stop even when itwas by now understood what kind of villain he was. In this Berlusconi,well before Trump in the US, succeeded where the other bosses hadfailed, burying the class conflict between naked women, always fullrestaurants and the controversy over the life span of a butterfly.There is an episode, in my opinion, which is important to remember: the"regulatory jewel" (just one article) of decree law n. 22 of 7 March2002, with which pet-coke, one of the most toxic of oil, by law, itbecame fuel from waste, giving reason to Eni who used it to power thethermoelectric plant of Gela, and in this way opposing the court whichfor this reason had seized the plants of the former refinery. Itshouldn't have seemed true to Berlusconi: with a single provision he hadcollected the popular consensus, which had sided in favor of thereopening to the cry of "better to die of cancer than to starve", andhad cornered the judiciary. For the record, pet-coke continued to burnand pollute the air for other years, decisively delaying awareness ofthe effects of Eni's activities in the city.It comforts me to think that for the generation following themillennials, people born between 1997 and 2012, Berlusconi was and willalways be just a stoned old man who, who knows why, a lot of peoplelistened to. A little bit, I know, but for the rest it will be necessaryto eliminate the residues of Berlusconi's poison. It's up to mygeneration to do it.Andrea Turcohttps://www.sicilialibertaria.it/_________________________________________A - I N F O S N E W S S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca
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