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zaterdag 29 juli 2023

WORLD WORLDWIDE EUROPE FRANCE News Journal Update - (en) France, Anarchosyndicalisme #182: J. O. engage, re-engage. (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 Preparations for the 2024 Rugby World Cup and Olympic Games are in full

swing. On construction sites, there are countless accidents,unfortunately sometimes fatal. But, as most of the time, these aremigrant workers and often without papers, obviously that does not movemany people... ---- The Olympic Games will above all be the games ofcops and private militias. The organizers have estimated the need "forCerberus at 15,000 during the short months that the Olympics will last.As of April 17, 2023, only 25% of private security staffing needs forthe Games were covered by contracts with private companies. Thepresident of the cultural affairs and education committee of theNational Assembly, Isabelle Ruach (Horizon party) urged the governmentto find solutions to the lack of manpower in private security.Immediately, the agents of job centers have turned into a massrecruitment center for security guards. Testimonial from a friend:"Yesterday, I had an appointment at the employment center. I hadreceived a summons "the professions that recruit, we are here for you".Plan for the morning. Indeed, that is what was written on the letter.With "you agreed with your counselor and committed to attending" whenneither of those two statements were true... I didn't have a date andeven less committed to attending their number . Of course you canimagine that it was also a threatening letter, telling me that if I didnot come, I would be removed from the job center and reported to the CAFin order to cut off my RSA. So you have to go there, so it's not thediscovery of various jobs that recruit, but 30 minutes of blatheringon... the security guards!!!And yes, you have to fill the places that will be necessary for theOlympic Games and for the rugby cup... Those who do not want to playcollaborators are asked to reason with each other and are cornered andpoked. They talk to us badly, treat us like nothing and paternalize us.Despite my vigorous explanations of what I think of the job of securityguard, and my categorical refusal, the counselor trolls me and tells meto talk about these "job opportunities" around me. I look at her and say"well no, I just told you that I'm against it, I'm not going toencourage others to go there" and then she talks badly to me again andgives me a warning on my file because I don't want to spend hours intransport, because she wants me to go to work very far from home, when Idon't have a vehicle and that would mean spending more than 3 hours intransport... metro, work, sleep ...In short, I want to demonstrate for the RSA WITHOUT CONDITIONS!!!»http://cntaittoulouse.lautre.net/spip.php?article1355_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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