In industry, and in particular the trades of worker, sooner or later, we
are confronted with a work accident, more or less serious, more or lessbenign, sometimes death, sometimes illnesses obviously related to ourprofessions, often in relation to a very high demand for production. Inmy workplace, we regularly raise awareness of work accidents, whichrange from simple injuries to much more serious accidents, always withthis feeling of being guilty for having deliberately caused ouraccidents. Everything is displayed on a table which lists all theaccidents of the industrial group here in France, but also abroad.Recently, a co-worker in maintenance nearly died in an accident on thejob, due to administrative negligence by management, and of course, thisincident was not reported in the big accident awareness chart thatcosts, it seems, so dear to the company. What is all the same tiring,and irritating, is this impression that our lives are only taken intoaccount according to the loss or entry of money, and these famoussensitizations are in reality only a means to put pressure on us, andwhatever the means, the important thing is that it doesn't affectproduction.Factory Committee n°1: Info bulletin for aeronautical and metallurgicalworkersAccording to the very serious institute that is INSEE, in 2018, workerswould be the main victims and represent approximately 40% of workaccidents, followed by farmers who represent 32%. Which is still a lot!These accidents are more frequent among men, who are generally exposedto an accumulation of painful conditions (noise, stress, etc.), and tothe types of profession exercised, young beginner workers and sometimesapprentices, are in the front line, and in three-quarters of cases, theaccident forces people to stop work for at least a day. One in fivecases, a work stoppage of more than three months is necessary. It wouldalso seem that the more advanced the career, the higher the risk ofhaving been injured in an accident at work, thus between the ages of 55and 59, one person in three reports an accident over their entirecareer, compared to only one in five young people under 30. You can findall sorts of graphs on the INSEE or L'ASSURANCE MALADIE sites withperfectly imbitable reports on work accidents, or the numbering of workvictims varies from one institute to another, all with figures andsources, but in the meantime it is our lives that are at stake on thehotel's profitability. Regularly, men and women die at work, havedisabling accidents, have various and varied illnesses, without itmaking the front page of the reference newspapers. Casualization andderegulated work, so cherished by these big newspapers, thesepoliticians, these big bosses who, by the way, are also for a certainnumber of them, great admirers of the Chinese capitalist system andnecessarily all that goes with it, this which is rather worrying for ourfuture.Let things be clear, when a worker (and all kinds of employees for thatmatter) enters a factory or a construction site, he must above all adaptto the working conditions offered to him. These conditions are notnecessarily optimal since for the employer, he makes an investment inthe person he hires, and like any investment, he will go to the lowestprice, and security is also an investment and he will have tendency tofollow the law of capital, i.e. cheapest for maximum profit.We sometimes hear the speech which says, that in our time, with thetechnological evolution, the jobs of workers are less painful than inthe time of our grandfathers. Admittedly, the work has evolved, but italso goes faster, and if the machine goes fast, the worker is obliged toadapt to the machine, and not the other way around, which supposes a lotof accidents, but who cares? for Renault or Peugeot, an automobileworker today is much more productive than an automobile worker 50/60years ago, and with a much smaller workforce. All good for theautomotive industry.The worker, the salaried worker or the workman, let us call him what wewant, sells nothing other than his labor power, and whether he likes itor not, at the factory or on a building site, this does not is only aworker, who must work, produce a return, spit out value, sweat capital.In the workplace, he is not on an equal footing with management,contrary to what TV would have us believe. The worker, the laborer, isfree from nothing and owns nothing, not even what he manipulates, and"democracy" he left at the factory gate. He is only there to give rawmaterials to machines that produce value, and which remain the propertyof the boss. And, the rest of our free time which is offered to us, weshare it in beer, football, TV, food, our bank loans, our holidays...And, we are in reality free of anything, or rather free to sell ourlabor force, or else free to starve. - I N F O S N E W S S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing
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