Every day prices rise and inflation is felt. Soon the oil will become a
luxury product like caviar. The 15% inflation on food products hasalready eaten up a good part of the "Ségur" bonus, which itself wasalready only a catch-up for the 20 years of inflation during which ourindex point had been blocked. ---- While our salaries would have toincrease significantly to keep up with this galloping inflation, thegovernment has chosen to remove article 44 from the hospital publicservice, that is to say to remove the right to free care and to replaceit with a charity of EUR15 to pay for mutual insurance! ---- We workinsane hours, we work in inhuman conditions, we sometimes risk our livesas recently unfortunately in Reims... all this impacts our health!Today, hospital staff benefit from free care. It is not a privilege or alargesse that the state grants us out of generosity. Free care forhospital staff is recognition of our unfailing commitment - we havedemonstrated this again during the Covid, sometimes at the cost of ourhealth. Even if today often the care management leaves something to bedesired, even that they want to take it away from us!!! Supposedly thestate would be obliged, because there would be no more money in thecoffers. However, the government will generously devote 413 billionEuros for armaments and wars. There is no money for our health or ourpensions, but there is for the profiteers of war (industrialists ofarmaments, oil and gas or agro-industry).While we have to exhaust ourselves at work leaving our health there, thetruly privileged, the bourgeois, the general managers, the government -and all the political personnel, including the so-called opposition -gorge themselves and ask us to make efforts. Enough is enough. We nolonger want to let ourselves be trampled on without reacting.Let us know how to defend our dignity and our social conquests! Defendourselves! In defending ourselves, we defend our rights! We defend ourstatus!http://cntaittoulouse.lautre.net/spip.php?article1357_________________________________________A - I N F O S N E W S S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca
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