The movement, involved in its various components in almost all the
national and regional initiatives, from those of the NO TAV movement tothose of the No Base neither in Coltano nor elsewhere, from thoseagainst the bridge over the Strait to the various ones, against the megapolygon soldier for the Aosta Mechanized Brigade in the center of Sicily(without considering the numerous anti-racist, trade union and socialcommitments in which everyone is involved), has made an appointment forthe campsite on 4, 5 and 6 August at the NO MUOS Presidium in thecontrada Ulmo. ---- The campsite, whose preparatory work will begin onJuly 29, the date on which the first companions will already be waitingin the cool of the cork oaks, will try, with an essential program, torespond to the question of comparison coming from the world of socialand political activism, taking up some themes dear to this long battle,and activating some moments of collective confrontation.Friday 4 August, moment of welcome and departure of two working tables,in continuity with the 2022 campsite and with the action of the movementduring the year: table on women and war, with the definition ofintervention strategies in the territorial area; table on training andwar, to update the information on the interference of the military worldon that of education in its various stages and to identifycountermeasures. After the lunch break (self-managed by the NO MUOScommittees, with the recommendation to campers to bring their owncrockery and cutlery), Paola Imperatore will present her book "Territoriin lotta. Global capitalism and environmental justice in the era ofclimate crisis". A trek will follow, together with localenvironmentalist associates, in the places of the American militaryoccupation, to let those who participate in the camp for the first timeknow what has been done at the Niscemi cork oak forest, how impactfulthe large NRTF base is no. 8 which contains the MUOS, and how much it isworth committing to defend and free this portion of land, mockinglydefined as a Site of Community Interest.In the evening, meetings and spontaneous meetings will take place in thecoolness of the campsite; moments of sociality and exchange that givethis experience the touch of the unrepeatable.On the morning of Saturday 5 August, the general assembly will takeplace between all the realities present, invited by the NO MUOS movementor who have presented themselves spontaneously, and all the individualswho have come along. The Sicilian realities active in contrasting themilitarization of some places were invited, such as Punta Izzo inAugusta, Punta Bianca in the Agrigento area, the Egadi, the territoriesof the municipalities chosen for the military range of the AostaBrigade, and other organized realities engaged in the field of theenvironmental struggle in the devastated areas of Gela andAugusta-Priolo-Melilli and the Madonie, and the No Ponte movement, whichimmediately after this campsite has already launched importantdeadlines, including a demonstration for August 12th. The Sardiniancomrades of A Foras, the anti-militarist assembly, the Tuscan No Base,the No Tav were invited from outside Sicily.After lunch, and after the maximum heat phase, the procession will leave(around 4 pm) towards gate 1 of the military base. It will be a livelyand combative procession, aware of the thousand attentions it willreceive from the forces of disorder who, as usual, will intervene enmasse with armored vehicles and water cannons, cavalry, riot police,digosaurs, carabinieri, financiers, helicopters and spies of everycolor, without consider the marines stationed along the nets. Awelcoming committee that honors the NO MUOS movement and that every yeartries to leave its mark on the bodies of its comrades.The evening will be dedicated to moments of conviviality.On Sunday 6 August, only a final plenary was scheduled in the morning,during which to sum up the activities carried out, define commitments,evaluate strategies and strengthen connections and complicity for thenew deadlines that await us, the first of which is only 6 days, August12 in Messina, again against the bridge.After lunch, the companions are invited to stay to lend a hand indisassembling the camping structures, a job which, if done by many, willbe less onerous for everyone and faster. - I N F O S N E W S S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing
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