Certainly it is the date of the storming of the Bastille, symbol of the
unlimited despotism of royalty. ---- But where are we today? Ofauthoritarianism we are used for sure! Authoritarianism everywhere, atwork, in our daily life where we must not do this or that. Ingovernmental institutions and this does not date from today. Governmentafter government and many overhauls of the republic, we are already atthe 5th overhaul. ---- And still as much verticality. And especiallydecisions that are imposed on us, such as the recent reform of theretirement age.Details of the July 14 festivities. A military parade, which has nothingto do with civil society, this civil society which on July 14, 1789 tookthe Bastille. An official platform with official guests, this year anIndian ultra nationalist of sad reputation, but he wants to buy planes,weapons, red carpet of rigor.A July 14 speech, incantations, communication.Then go, go home. Don't make too much noise, don't shoot fireworks,because this is reserved for the mayors who organize the festivities, tohide our poor condition from us thanks to luminous glitter, booms,explosions, not tear gas smoke this one, at least for once.To reclaim this date, to reaffirm our desire for revolution, freedom,solidarity, disgust with militarism and nationalism. Organize to have aparty, but a real party decided, organized, by us without the slightestuntimely intervention from those who always want to tell us what to doand how, that is to say direct us.EleftheriaHTTPS://MONDE-LIBERTAIRE.NET/INDEX.PHP?ARTICLEN=7358_________________________________________A - I N F O S N E W S S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca
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