We recently introduced the Spinkdistro publishing house, which presented
itself to the wider anti-authoritarian movement for the first time atthis year's Anarchist Book Festival. Now we will look at anothercollective that had its premiere at the festival. He calls himselfDeconstruction and describes himself as follows: ---- "We are acollective of young queer anarchists trying to participate in expandinga safe intersectional movement among other young people regardless oftheir background, education, identity or appearance. Every person,including young people, has the right to express themselves and theiropinions, but we are often not heard in the way we need. We founded thecollective because our membership has a lot of personal experience withit. Let's be loud enough together to be heard, even when society rejectsus, and let's listen to each other. Let's create art and safe spacestogether, let's educate and meet. Our goal is to create an activeplatform for organizing diverse events on the topic of feminism,queerness, anarchism, the climate of activism and much more. (...) Lastbut not least, we also want to be here for others on a personal level,we don't have to be just organizers of events, we can also be yourfriendship. We can be the people you turn to if you want to help with adifficult situation or just sit in the park and meet someone new..."At the book festival, the collective presented itself with the brochureQueer Anarchism, which it wrote, illustrated, published and reproduced.I had the misfortune of arriving at the Deconstruction stand when allthe prints had been hopelessly dismantled. Fortunately for all suchunfortunates, there was a message where they can download thepublication. So after returning from the book fair, I was not lazy, Imade my own copy and I definitely did not regret the effort.Queer anarchism is a publication that has been missing here for a longtime. A few years ago, there was a plan to publish a kind of manualwithin the Anarchist Federation Publishing House, which was supposed tointroduce the topic of queer activism primarily to the ignorant orfumbling rest of the anti-authoritarian movement. However, the queermembership that was addressed was somewhat closed at the time, so we hadto wait until now. Deconstruction deserves a big thank you for that.There is no need to walk around the hot mess for a long time - let'sadmit that for a significant part of anarchists, the queer dimension ofanarchism has been largely unreflected until now. In the movement, wecan still encounter economic reductionism today, which in a wayproclaims that the first place is the fight against capitalism andeverything else can only be solved after its successful defeat. But suchan approach is closer to followers of various branches of Marxism thanto anarchism. This is because, by its very nature, it beatssimultaneously into all forms of unnatural authority and the resultingvarious forms of discrimination and oppression.Since content and form should always go hand in hand, the publication iswritten in an inclusive language. "Language co-creates our thinking andcommunication." And Czech, with its fixed genders and the stale grammarthat develops from them, requires us to open the windows wide and let ithave a good draft. Anarchism has always been characterized byexperimentation, and it can be seen here as well.The publication describes queer anarchy as "a political philosophy andpractice closely related to feminist anarchism, which believes that theonly way to ensure full freedom for queer people is to abolishoppressive hierarchies such as queer/homo/lesbo/bi/trans*phobia,heteronormativity, patriarchy and gender binaries". Emphasis is placedon intersectionality and the common struggle of the oppressed forfreedom. An anarchist society then guarantees an environment "where itwill be difficult to educate people to believe that people have lessvalue based on difference. Anarchism in its full form transforms bothsociety and individuals towards greater care and solidarity."The text also discusses the roots of queer anarchism, which are stronglylinked to anarchist feminism, and does not hesitate to state that theanarchist movement has at times faced homophobia and sexism within itsranks. The Institut für Sexualwissenschaft, the organization MujeresLibres, Daniel Guérin and especially Stonewall - the uprising of queerpeople against police oppression - and the Pride events derived from itare mentioned. It is in connection with Pride that the "criticism ofrainbow capitalism" is developed. A separate chapter then consists of adiscussion on gender and social constructs supplemented by examples fromthe author's own experience. "Just because something is a socialconstruct doesn't mean it isn't real in its consequences. Socialconstructs fundamentally influence our lives, and the awareness of theirexistence destroys the illusion of freedom. A society built on equalitycannot function if people are divided into arbitrary categories andfixed social roles. The understanding that social constructs are notimmutable or innate is essential, because it offers the possibility oftheir demolition, i.e. deconstruction." In connection with this, theauthor's collective resists the separating labeling of identities.It may seem that the queer agenda is slowly being listened to, but "allreforms can be undone, everything we've fought for for decades can bedestroyed with the stroke of a pen." The warning about the influence ofklero-fascist and other reactionary forces is certainly not unfounded,as we saw in Poland and Hungary and we can observe in Slovakia, but alsoin our country. So what is the best solution? "A social revolution is acomplete change in society and its economy, culture, philosophy,technology, relationships and politics... it is not one big event. (...)The revolution is already queer and feminist." Definitely better than"going to elections once every few years, in which honestly no one evenrepresents us".Queer anarchism. Deconstruction 2023. 36 pages A5. Available fordownload in various formats at https://linktr.ee/dekonstrukce.https://www.afed.cz/text/7975/kvir-anarchismus_________________________________________A - I N F O S N E W S S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.caSPREAD THE INFORMATION
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