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zondag 30 juli 2023

WORLD WORLDWIDE EUROPE FRANCE News Journal Update - (en) France, UCL AL #340 - NCF, SNCF, we are not tired! (ca, de, fr, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 The rail will have been one of the big sectors on renewable strike from

March 7th. But, vaccinated since 2019 against the " proxy strike ", therailway workers did not want to fight for the others. However, despitethe defeat, the climate is not one of resignation. ---- Even before thefirst day of mobilization against the announced reform, all the feedbackfrom the field on the railway side could be summed up as follows: "Wedon't want to be the locomotive of the movement. "We remember that,during the historic strikes of winter 2019 against retirement on points,the SNCF and the RATP remained far too isolated. The legitimate fear ofa new " proxy strike " has slowed down the mobilization this time.Renewable or not renewable?So how do you overcome leapfrog days when colleagues do not want to takethe lead and other sectors also stick to twenty-four-hour strikes? Somehave sold us the " alternative " calendar, supported among others by theCGT-Chimie : sequenced strikes supposed to go crescendo. A battle planthat will have pushed the railway inter-union to attempt a forty-eighthour strike on February 7 and 8, but without success. In reality, thistactic corresponded less to the real aspiration of the base than tointernal calculations in certain CGT federations, to show the muscles onthe eve of an overstretched confederal congress. We were right to trythe renewal from March 7th. But reading the SNCF strike rates for theentire movement shows very clearly that it was only carried by amilitant core. The majority of colleagues who signed up only did so oninterpro days. The strike of January 19 had gone well: 46% of strikers,including 77% of drivers. March 7 got off to a good start (40%), but therate quickly fell: 10% on March 10, before rising to 15% on March 15.Reflecting these difficulties, the railway GAs were weak, both in termsof participation and vitality in the discussions. This should raisequestions about how to keep the discussion alive between strikers. Wecan of course regret that the strike was not stronger in rail, but wouldthe commitment of rail on the front line have radically changed thesituation ? Is it not once again on the private side, sectors wherestruggle unionism is little or not present, that we must turn if we donot want to continually relive the same scenario of strikes which arestruggling to become generalized?No victory... but no demoralizationUltimately, we cannot say that the railway workers are exhausted fromthis movement, including on the pay slip side! The strike funds helped,even if we know that the donation is also a way of striking by proxy.The most encouraging thing is that the defeat does not seem to havedemoralized the colleagues. In the discussions, it is the governmentthat emerges weakened from the fight: its recourse to 49-3, its failureto convince, its use of repression, its stagnation have made it losemore feathers than us, even though even we didn't win. Clearly, therailway workers could well be again, in the short term, at therendezvous of the class struggle!Ben (UCL Nantes)https://www.unioncommunistelibertaire.org/?SNCF-on-n-est-pas-fatigue-es_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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