In the style of Rambo ---- The rapid capture of Rostov-on-Don and the
throw of columns of military equipment to Moscow remain the main eventof the Russian summer. Three weeks have passed since the PMC rebellion,and some conclusions can be drawn. The events around Prigozhin aredeveloping as strangely as possible, significantly changing the verystructure of power in Russia. ---- In the liberal media, "Wagner" iscalled the "army of criminals", which is not true. This is a structurecreated by people from the official Russian army, the best combatpersonnel from there. Structure with medieval notions of good and evil,where the shogun's word is decisive.Those who fought with Wagner in Syria are referred to there as the"base" - a clear reference to the environment of football hooligans.Since the time of Syria, the conflict between the Wagnerites and theofficial military has also been developing: at least according toPrigogine's version, the main successes in the fight against ISIS weremade by the forces of PMCs, and army generals received orders for this.An interesting remark by Lukashenka, who negotiated with Prigozhinduring the rebellion. According to the Belarusian dictator, Prigozhin,when deciding on a riot, was under the great influence of PMC commanders.More than ten years ago, the author of this issue had a chance to studyin detail the so-called "Kvachkov rebellion". After the failedassassination attempt on Chubais, retired colonel Kvachkov metthroughout the country with elderly military men, also mostly retired,and urged them to seize power.The FSB tracked these meetings, a criminal case was opened againstKvachkov for preparing a rebellion, he has already served time. Whilethe investigation and trial were going on - in the early 2010s,political criminal cases could be counted on the fingers, and not, asnow, hundreds - the attention of journalists was riveted to the story ofKvachkov.The reasoning of military pensioners about the capture of the Kremlin -yes, there were. On the other hand, what kind of rebellion are thesegrandfathers? They would have had the strength to weed a garden bed withcucumbers, and in general to get from the train to the dacha in thesummer heat.But Kvachkov cannot be said to be a city madman. He went through half adozen wars. And in many ways it looks like Utkin, a special forcessoldier and veteran of many wars: the PMC is called "Wagner" after hiscall sign. Utkin is younger than Kvachkov, and if Kvachkov is ananti-Semite and a monarchist, Utkin is an open Nazi.The Prigozhin rebellion went surprisingly well according to the plansthat Kvachkov hatched in 2010: blocking military units, throwingmilitary columns to Moscow ... Utkin turned out to have quite enoughresources for this.Perhaps Prigozhin's rebellion is not a well-thought-out political game,but an act of people who see the world in the spirit of the epic filmabout Rambo, unexpected for the Kremlin.Power goes into shadowThese - perhaps accidental - events had a powerful impact on thestructure of the Russian government, destroyed the myth of Putin'svertical. Putin publicly declared the actions of PMCs a rebellion, butthe criminal case was closed with surprising wording. Nobody was chargeddamages for the destruction in Rostov-on-Don, Voronezh and other cities.Nobody was responsible for the destruction of six helicopters and oneplane of the Russian army, as well as the death of their crews.It seems that General Surovikin has been arrested, but this has not beenofficially confirmed. And if so, this is the most strange story.Surovikin was one of the first to release a video calling on the Wagnerfighters to stop the rebellion. Surovikin is a very popular general inthe army, who seems to know his stuff. The defensive positions of the RFArmed Forces, which the Ukrainian army is now trying to push throughwith great efforts, were prepared precisely by Surovikin.Military equipment and ammunition seemed to have been taken away fromthe Wagner. The well-known military commissar Kots claims that thousandsof tons of ammunition, that is, millions of grenades, mines, cartridgesand shells, were confiscated from Prigogine residents. How then tounderstand the statements of Prigozhin that the Ministry of Defense cutoff the supply of "Wagner" is unclear.The transfer of Wagner to Lukashenka is an amazing decision in itself,but it is not yet clear to what extent it has been implemented.Prigozhin appears to be in Russia.Another amazing story is the meeting of Wagner commanders in the Kremlinwith Putin. And then - Putin's discouraged comment to "Kommersant": theysay, I tried to talk with the commanders of "Wagner", and Prigozhincontradicted me. Also, in a commentary to Kommersant, Putin suddenlyremembered that the structure that almost seized power in the country,and with which he is forced to talk in the Kremlin, does not actuallyexist from the point of view of Russian legislation.Against this background, smaller plots are developing: State Dumadeputy, United Russia party Gurulev leaks to the network an audiorecording of the story of Major General Popov, who was removed fromcommand, in which the general bonfires the General Staff. After that,the secretary of the General Council of United Russia, Turchak, publiclyscolds Gurulev that he leaked a non-public record to the media ...That is, who is friends with whom and against whom, who makes decisionsin the Kremlin and around - it is not clear from the outside. Here Iwould like to write about the imminent collapse of the regime, but let'snot rejoice prematurely. The ruble has noticeably weakened, but theeconomy is quite alive. Rather, while a couple of ceilings flew off in arotten hut, but the hut itself survived.Some new configuration of the current system of power will soon emerge.What kind of configuration it will be - we'll see.For now, it's time to act. One can't help but rejoice that almost everyday people send information about their initiatives to the bot of theAutonomous Action telegram channel: someone in the relocation arrangespickets, someone sticks stickers in Russia, someone helps politicalprisoners, arranges events ... It turns out that even now it is possibleto organize a lecture on anti-militarist movements in the center of Moscow!And the more active the Russians and the relocators are, the more likelythe era of Putin's waning days will be arranged.War and nation statesThe Ukrainian offensive is underway, but so far with very modestresults. Both Russian and Ukrainian troops are suffering serious losses,but the front line is not moving much. The question to which the answeris not yet visible from the Russian information bubble is how tiredUkrainians are from the war? What sacrifices are they willing to make toregain the 1991 borders?On February 24, 2022, Russian anarchists - including under the influenceof our comrades who at that time were in exile in Ukraine - supportedthe Ukrainian side in this war. But for us it has always been the choiceof the lesser evil. We are disgusted by the Russian quasi-empire, butalso unsympathetic to the Ukrainian national state.In Crimea, Donetsk, Luhansk - whether they remain part of Russia orUkraine - one can expect partisanship and vendetta for decades to come.Because some people from Lugansk, Donetsk and Crimea support Russia,others support Ukraine. And those who will be in power will spread roton the losers.Taking these regions away from Russia is important to show that in themodern world it is not worthwhile to move borders with the help of thearmy. But perhaps it's a good idea not to give them, at leastimmediately, to Ukraine, but to introduce some kind of internationalcontrol over the situation there.We, as anarchists, are generally unsympathetic to states, and if peoplekill each other because of them, all the more so we need to ignore them,build life through communication between people and their communities,and not white-blue-red and yellow-blue flags.Well, that's all for today! We remind you that in "Trends of Order andChaos" the participants of Autonomous Action and other authors giveanarchist assessments of current events. Listen to us on YouTube,SoundCloud and other platforms, visit our website, subscribeto our weekly e-mail newsletter!Issue prepared by Leaves - I N F O S N E W S S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing
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