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maandag 31 juli 2023

WORLD WORLDWIDE EUROPE SPAIN News Journal Update - (en) Spaine, FAI: Before the elections of July 23, 2023:[For a working class with transformative political capacity] (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 The birth of the 15M presented an unprecedented crisis both in the

traditional bipartisanship present since the 2nd legislature in 1982,and in the PSOE government of Zapatero. The assemblies and constantmobilization gave a fresh air to the social movements, butrepresentative democracy was never fully questioned. Thus, there was noshortage of climbers, demagogues and opportunists who dissolved the 15Mto renew social democracy and found Podemos, and who ran for the firsttime in the European elections of May 2014. ---- Thus, first in the EU,then in the town halls, and later in the government, they carried outthat "institutional assault" lukewarm and not very uncomfortable for theeconomic powers. A lukewarmness that has kept them in power, but thathas served to disappoint, and that has demobilized and emptied ofcontent the struggles that once propelled them. Their way of dealingwith certain social issues has led them to put up patches that are moremarketing than real solutions to the needs of workers.Between labor reform and business margins. Legislating against workersOn July 4, 2023, the Bank of Spain published a study in which itdetailed that business profits and profitability are higher than ever(electric, oil, tourism, hospitality). According to the CC.OO'sinterpretation of these data, business margins are higher than ever andthe companies with the greatest market power have shot up their margins,aggravating the rise in prices, and all this to the detriment ofworkers' wages. and of society as a whole. It is not surprising that theemployers' organizations have praised the management of Yolanda Díaz inthe Ministry of Labor and Social Economy.The PSOE, in its electoral program for the 2019 General Elections,promised to repeal the "most harmful aspects" of the PP's labor reform,while UP sought the repeal of this reform. However, in 2021, thecoalition government has supported the labor reform: it has made uptemporary employment, maintains contracts in practice, does not restoreseverance pay, reinforces subcontracting, facilitates dismissal, etc.To shore up the discourse distributed by different media that workers'salaries were going to increase thanks to the work of the government, an"income pact" was signed between representatives of employers'organizations and unions. This agreement, which looks very good in themedia and for political use, is not binding in the negotiations ofcollective agreements, which is what obliges companies when it comes topaying salaries and making increases.AdvertisementsREPORT ABOUT THIS ANNOUNCEMENTIf business margins have grown thanks to inflation and the increase inthe cost of basic products, goods and services, it has been byparasitizing production and sustaining the economy by the working class.Despite the increase in the SMI in 2023 to EUR1,080 (spearhead ofgovernment defenders), the purchasing power of the working class has notincreased, as reflected in the Bank of Spain study.The exponential rise in energy prices already began in January 2021,where the electricity oligopoly began with the rise just before theclimatic phenomenon known as "Filomena". The then PSOE-UP governmentannounced a rise in the price of electricity of up to 25%. Already thenfrom the FAI we denounced that the government showed a passive attitudeand of convenience with the electric oligopoly and that those who weremost affected were the workers and the most vulnerable population.The war in Ukraine that began on February 24, 2022, the cut off of gasfrom Russia, and the search for new routes and sources for supply havedirectly affected the rise in prices of basic goods and services. , inthe impoverishment of workers and in the exponential increase in profitsand business margins. The government's response has been a series of"light" and lax measures that do not respond to the needs of the workingclass, but have directly helped to increase business margins.Health crisis, privatization and gag lawOn March 14, 2020, the PSOE-UP government declared a state of alarm forthe international health crisis caused by SARS-COV-2, colloquially knownas "coronavirus". A month later, from the FAI, through a statement, wecriticized the government's response and the authoritarian drift that itwas taking against the working class. A drift that has its roots both inthe very essence of the State and its coercive machinery, and in theprogressive dismantling of public health. This lack of resources has ledto the State being incapable of meeting the needs of the majority of thepopulation, favoring the first diagnoses and treatments for the rich andhigh officials over the workers.The PSOE-UP government has not repealed "Law 15/97 of April 25 on theauthorization of new forms of management of the health care system."Neither has it attempted to reverse the dismantling and outsourcing ofthe public health system in the slightest. The consequences of this lawas a gateway for private interests above public ones and the neoliberalmanagement of the autonomous communities that seek to implement healthmodels similar to the Anglo-Saxon ones have been the closure ofoutpatient clinics, reduction of hospital beds, outsourcing consultationservices, or legislate in favor of private health lobbies.AdvertisementsREPORT ABOUT THIS ANNOUNCEMENTThe use of health and the lack of access to its resources for theworking class and the most vulnerable population have consequences suchas increased inequality, precariousness, impoverishment, socialexclusion and increased mortality.During the state of alarm, in addition to the drastic reduction inrights and freedoms, he highlighted the politics of fear, and policeabuse and brutality. And police violence and impunity worsened even moreas a result of the segregation of Madrid neighborhoods promoted by boththe City Council and the Community of Madrid. This violence was directedespecially against migrants and the most vulnerable people. Segregationespecially affected humble and working-class neighborhoods, which have astructural context where living in small apartments predominates,difficult to ventilate, with overcrowded families, poorly conditionedand many without elevators (an obstacle that further limits access tomobility and services for the elderly and people with reduced mobility).And while the repression was raging in the humble neighborhoods, inMadrid districts such as Salamanca, wealthy people formed their own 15Mon Núñez de Balboa street with the approval of the State and the police.We do not understand, when talking about "regression of freedoms" as avote argument, what exactly they mean, when the PSOE-UP government hasnot repealed law 4/2015 of March 30 for the protection of citizensecurity (the " gag law"). The repeal of this law was in their electoralprograms for the 2019 elections. And not only have they not repealed it,but they have tried to reform it and have been applying it during thepandemic and afterwards. And it is that the State needs a beautiful andadequate legislative framework in order to justify police actionsagainst everything that intends to criticize the State, denounce theexercise of violence by the police or simply demonstrate.NATO and militarism. the ukrainian warDespite the slight whispers within UP against sending arms and soldiersto Ukraine or supporting the Ukrainian army, the PSOE-UP government hascomplied with NATO's demands and has supported the war.The main beneficiary of the war is undoubtedly the military industry.Businessmen, executives, etc., who directly or indirectly depend on thearmed conflict are earning millions of profits supplying war materialwith direct and indirect financing from the State. The increase indefense spending to 2% of GDP has triggered growth projections at thecost of hundreds of thousands of Russian and Ukrainian military andworkers who have been sent to die for the economic and geostrategicbenefit of Russia, Ukraine, NATO and the EU.AdvertisementsREPORT ABOUT THIS ANNOUNCEMENTSpain is a great power in the field of the arms industry and in theexport of arms and other types of war materiel, which each year fuelsvarious armed conflicts in the world such as that of Saudi Arabiaagainst Yemen or that of Israel against Palestine.Anarchists are against war and the economic interests of those whobenefit from it, and we work to promote international struggles tooverthrow the imperialist factions.Delegitimization and active abstentionThose who have benefited from the government have been the religioussects. The government, instead of advancing towards a secular position(which could be expected from a "left and progressive" government) hasapplied tax benefits to sects such as Jehovah's Witnesses, Mormons,etc., which are now exempt from paying the IBI, like the Catholic Church.Nor has the housing law met the expectations of social organizationsthat work with tenants or try to prevent evictions. Every year 30,000evictions are carried out in Spain at the hands of the police, due tothe lack of policies and State guarantees towards the most vulnerablepeople. Legislation continues to benefit "vulture funds" and largeproperty owners. Thus, there are still millions of empty flats andthousands of people on the street or at risk of exclusion while housingis considered one more market good with which to speculate.It is possible that we leave more issues unanswered: the borders, themassacre at the Melilla fence, collaboration with fascist organizations,the constant rhetoric of fear, the systematic repression againstorganized workers, the privatization and worsening of public healthservices. RENFE-Cercanías, the police infiltrated the social movements, etc.Representative democracy revolves around the concept of legitimacy. Theelections and the ballot box legitimize the exercise of the powers ofthe State, and the monopoly of coercion and violence. And it is therecognition of the legitimacy to govern where the battle begins in thepolitical arena. A party with a majority of seats over the others doesnot really represent a real majority of people. If the participation insome elections is 70%, subtracting blank votes, null votes and votes forminority parties, the big parties that are the backbone of the game ofrepresentative democracy will each have around 25-30% support from theelectorate as a whole . The ruling party always does so in a minority.For this reason we see that abstention is important, because itdelegitimizes them to exercise power. And that is why abstention is sodemonized, and attempts are made to make the electoral discourse ashegemonic as possible.AdvertisementsREPORT ABOUT THIS ANNOUNCEMENTWe anarchists advocate active abstention so as not to delegate ourresponsibility, and we advocate for an independent working class withits own political capacity outside of political parties, the State andeconomic powers. Given that social problems such as inequalities andstructures of power and authority are structural and intrinsic to thecapitalist economic system and the State, we do not believe thatnarcissistic, self-centered, ambitious politicians with delusions ofgrandeur are going to solve the real problems of the class. worker.We anarchists advocate organizing ourselves through solidarity andmutual support, characteristic and intrinsic values of the human beingthat have made us evolve and adapt as a species. And it is throughstruggle, solidarity and mutual support that improvements in the workingand living conditions of the workers have been achieved. It is necessaryto organize ourselves, build organizations that have an impact on whataffects us, that excite us, that serve us to stop the abuses ofemployers and job insecurity, as well as stop evictions, repression andany attack by political and economic powers towards our interests andthe struggle of the working class.for lawlessnessEarth Grouphttps://federacionanarquistaiberica.wordpress.com/2023/07/20/ante-las-elecciones-del-23-de-julio-de-2023/#more-1354_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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