For anarchists, the electoral processes serve us to analyze the current
political culture, and what trends we can find within this cycle. ----The fact is that the elections of 23-J were preceded by the scare of themunicipal elections of 28-M. In that call there was a victory for theright due to the absence of the left. Pedro Sánchez knew how to read thesituation and called elections immediately to mobilize his electorateand see if he would remove United We Can from the middle. The move hasworked well enough for President Sánchez, and despite the fact that hehas not won the elections, it can be considered that he revalidates theGovernment and maintains the current investiture agreement.In this sense the vote of Junts becomes relevant. None of the two blocshave the numbers to form an absolute majority. Therefore, Puigdemont'sparty has the key to the government. All in all, on 23-J independencewas one of the losers. The disgust of the electorate with so muchimposture has been noticed. The map of Catalonia has becomered-socialist and ERC has lost half of its support. The CUP disappearsfrom the Spanish Congress. The disaffection of the left-wingpro-independence electorate, which does not expect anything from theSpanish Parliament or which could have voted for Add as a useful vote,is evident. As Rufián said "these are the most Spanish Spanishelections" in recent years.We said in May that one of the reasons for the election call was theEU's pressure for Spain to have a strong and legitimate government inthe fall. And the times of austerity are approaching. The EU wants toend political instability once and for all and for anti-social policiesto gain acceptance among the entire political class. But the result hasnot ended the instability.Everything indicated, according to the polls, that the PP and Vox wouldadd up enough. It is clear that the fear of the entry of the extremeright into a State government has frightened many people and made themvote for the left. You can clearly see two large blocks that add up tobetween 10.5-11 million votes. The involutionist right-wing bloc hasbeen harmed by the mobilization of the other bloc. Feijóo is alreadyconsidered a political corpse and within his own ranks the name of Ayusois chanted. Vox has right-winged all Spanish politics and fulfilled itsrole. Now the state's oligarchic elites would be fine with aright-leaning PP with Ayuso as leader. Anyway, as we said, there is atie between blocks.How can this technical tie situation be broken? The right is alreadymobilized to the maximum and does not add up. One option, which was aloser in yesterday's elections, was that of the parties in "emptied"Spain. None of them got representation. Therefore, it is necessary tolook for another disruptive factor.Well, it's clear that someone is working on it. The appearance of"reddish" options is a key to these elections. The 46,000 votes of theObrero Front and the 5,600 of Olona indicate that a small politicaloption is open that with a little more development and funding could winsome seats. Its function would be to take a seat on the left to agreewith the more reactionary right.It is evident that we live in reactionary times. The youth (especiallyyoung boys) are becoming reactionary thanks to the work done byalt-right think-tanks through tiktok, youtubers and other socialnetworks. The battlehorses of this new Reaction 2.0 are the rejection ofthe multi-nationality of the State, feminism, environmentalism andimmigration. It is a rejection of any idea that questions the way oflife they lead today. This discourse is shared by Vox, by the FrenteObrero or by the FNC, which differ only because they appeal to differentidentities: the former to a Spanish nationalism that reaches the mostvulgar parody, the others to a folkloric working class emptied ofcontent and the others to the "pure" and prosperous Catalan identity,all three have more and more influence, and each has its target, but allshare features of a common reactionary political culture.Let's be clear: this right-wing of society is a form of discipline andpreparation that is being given to the entire West. There is, in theinternational area, a realization of the loss of influence of the West,and someone must have come to the conclusion that more wars, orconflicts, are needed, so that the machinery of capitalist accumulationdoes not stop. The war between Russia and Ukraine has left us with anentangled conflict with a massive mobilization of the population.Fascist nationalism and militarism were necessary so that tens ofthousands of young people willingly agreed to go to the front.Be that as it may, the popular movements have a lot of work ahead ofthem. In the electoral field we mean absolutely nothing. We maintainthat the way is mobilization through direct action and popular power.The construction of a Strong Town is more necessary than ever. Thecreation of a socialist and libertarian counter-hegemony is a priority.This counter-hegemony happens to demonstrate that another world ispossible, desirable and necessary, which does not allow us to see theworldview of the parliamentary left.Idea, Struggle and OrganizationOnslaught, July 2023 - I N F O S N E W S S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.caSPREAD THE INFORMATION
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